American addiction treatment center
RELAPSE PREVENTION: As a relapse is a normal part of recovery, there are strategic ways that future relapses can be prevented: 1. Surround yourself with a positive circle of friends and family; 2. Take advantage of monthly groups with selected topics, 3. Fill the void of changing problematic behaviors with developing a healthy habit or project, 4. Always find ways to re-invent yourself with a purpose that is in your best interest, and 5. Continue to comply with the programmatic structure, rules, and regulations that coincide with your personal, tailored treatment goals. Last, 6. Read your handbook, thoroughly and consult with your assigned counselor, as needed. Remember, your treatment is unique, and AATC recognizes patient essential needs.
Remember, AATC appreciate our clients and we would like to know what suggestions you have to make your clinical experience most rewarding. Please utilize our suggestion forms, they are anonymous and enhances feedback that may relate to others as they make a positive step in recovery. Your Voice Matters……..
AATC has established a website at which contains a copy of the brochure, pertinent patient information, facts about treatment, costs, and treatment requirements.
“I have discovered in life that there are ways of getting almost anywhere you want to go, if you really want to go”------Langston Hughes
loitering policy & smoking
It has come to AATC’s attention that patients are socializing in the parking lot, being on the premise without any purpose to meet with their assigned counselors or attend group. Please be mindful that if a patient is not receiving any form of treatment, he or she cannot hang around outside of this building. This policy is in patient handbooks and violations may result in a non-compliance violation. If you should have any questions, please consult with your assigned counselor. Regarding the policy of smoking, patients are limited to the designated area, only. Patients cannot assemble under the awn of the building’s entrance. Last, please place all trash in the trash bins that are located outside the building in our attempt and goal to maintain a very clean environment for outpatient treatment
personal belongings
AATC nor its employees are responsible for your belongings. If you bring personal items into the clinic (purse, hats, toys, etc.), please keep these items with you at all times. AATC will not be held responsible for lost or stolen goods. AATC will make reasonable efforts to return lost items to any identified owners; however, we are unable to ensure that these items return to you.
resources to include food banks, shelter, clothing, and emergency Hotlines
HELP Free Dental Clinic- located at 1325 LaSalle Ave., Hampton, VA 23669; (757)727 2577
Western Tidewater Free Dental Clinic-located at 2019 Meade Parkway, Suffolk, VA 23434 (757)923-1060
Community Free Clinic of Newport News-located at 727 25th St., Newport News, VA 23607 (757)594-4060
Healthy Smiles Dental Mobile Van-located at 664 Lincoln St., Portsmouth, VA 23704 (757)399-4588
CAMG (Community Alternatives Management Group) for permanent and transitional housing for the homeless, substance abuse disorders, and women and children-located at 863 Glenrock Road, Norfolk, VA 23502 (757)352-2600
AA/NA Group, Wednesdays at 5:30 pm “Capacity to be Honest Group” Mary Immaculate Hospital-located at 800 Denbeigh Blvd., Newport News 23607 in Conference Room
AA/NA Group, Thursday at 8:00 pm “How It Works Big Book Meeting” at Denbigh Presbyterian Church located at 302 Denbigh Blvd, Newport News, VA 23608
Cornerstone’s Net Ministry Food Pantry/Clothing Closet & Employment Services (757)826-3127, 826-4322
Operations Break Through located at 9296 Warwick Blvd., Newport News, VA 23607; (757) 245-7376
Center for Child & Family Services located at 2021 Cunningham Drive, Hampton, VA 23666; (757)838-1960
Manna House Ministries Foodbank located at 1505 Kempsville Rd; Virginia Beach, VA (757)479-1010
Foodbank of the Virginia Peninsula located at 9912 Hosier St., Newport News, VA 23601; (757)596-7188
Gloucester Housing Partnership located at Gloucester Point, VA 23062; 1-804-642-5158