St Monica’s Primary School Newsletter
January 2016
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and have had a peaceful start to the New Year. On behalf of all the staff, I would like to thank you all for the lovely cards, presents and good wishes you gave at Christmas. It is much appreciated.
We start the New Year by saying congratulations to Mrs Jack who was successful in the interviews for Principal Teacher here in St Monica’s in December. However we have to say goodbye to Miss Lowrie who will become Principal Teacher in St Paul’s Primary. Miss Lowrie will be missed from St Monica’s as she is a dedicated and wonderful teacher. She has worked so well with our pupils over the years and has also enabled the school to obtain our second green flag. We wish her all the very best in the future.
Once again we have lots of events planned over this term starting with an invitation to all parents/carers to attend our Scottish Assembly for Burns Day when all of our classes and our School Band will perform for you. This will take place on Friday 29th January at 1.30pm in the School Hall. A letter will be sent out shortly with all of the details. There will be NO charge for this event.
Enrolment Week Monday 11th – Friday 15th January
If your child is due to begin school in August 2016 and you have not yet enrolled them please do so next week. Bring proof of address (e.g. utility bill), your child’s birth certificate and, if your child has been baptised, their baptismal certificate. We will enrol children every afternoon from 1.30 – 2.45pm.
Scottish Opera
We are delighted to welcome back Scottish Opera to St Monica’s. Our P6 and P7 pupils will be working very hard over the next few weeks to learn the songs from the opera’s current show titled ‘Fever’. They will then spend an afternoon and a whole day working with performers from Scottish Opera resulting in a performance in the afternoon. Parents are invited to come and watch the show on Monday 25th January at 2.15pm. Please try to come along as it is always a fabulous show. A letter will be sent to parents with more details shortly.
Recycling of Christmas Cards
Miss Lowrie and P7/6 are going to collect Christmas cards as part of the school’s recycling campaign. Please send your cards into the school and they will be taken to Marks and Spencer in Silverburn to be recycled.
Pupil Absence Reporting
The number you are required to call before 9.30am to report that your child will be absent from school or that they have a medical appointment is 0141 287 0039. Please ensure you provide a note when your child returns to school. If you do not contact the absence line or provide your child with a note on his/her return to school the absence will be recorded as unauthorised as we do not know why your child has been off.
We will be contacting you soon if your child’s attendance or late coming is a concern.
Contact Details
If you have changed your mobile number recently please inform the school office as soon as possible so we can update our records.
Keep in Touch
To keep up-to-date with what’s happening in St Monica’s you can access our school website or sign up to twitter Twitter@St_monicas_prim There is a lot to see including photos taken at the Christmas Show.
Personal Learning Plans
Your child will bring home their Personal Learning Plan on Tuesday 19th January. There is a part for you to discuss with them and complete. Please take time to talk with them and return the PLPs to school by Friday 22ndth January. This forms an important part of your child’s learning and helps keep you informed.
Reconciliation Meeting for Primary 3 Pupils
There will be a meeting for parents whose children will make the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Tuesday 19th January at 6.30pm
P7 Residential Trip to Barcaple
If you have not yet paid in full for this trip the balance is due by this Wednesday 13th January. There will be a meeting for parents/carers to find out more about the trip on Tuesday 19th January at 7.15pm.
Parent Council Meeting
Our next Parent Council Meeting is on Tuesday 2nd February at 6.30pm.
Healthy Tuck Cup
We always encourage our children to make healthy choices and at this time of the year it is good to highlight it again. Our Healthy Tuck Cup will take place Monday to Thursday each week so on these days please provide/encourage your child to choose a piece of healthy tuck for playtime e.g. fruit, yogurt, cheese. The class with the highest percentage of healthy tuck on these days wins the Healthy Tuck cup and an extra play.
This term some P5-7 pupils are taking on the challenge to run a half marathon over 7 weeks. They will run one mile in school and one mile at home and will be awarded with a certificate at the end of the challenge.
Hopscotch Theatre
On Wednesday 13th January Hopscotch Theatre Group will visit the school in the afternoon with their pantomime, Jack and the Beanstalk. Due to funding the company have received the performance is free of charge to the school – oh yes it is!
Dates for your Diary
Monday 11th -15th January – Enrolment Week
Monday 11th January - ChildLine Assembly for P6 & P7 pupils
Pink Ladies After School club for 5 weeks
Wednesday 13th January – Hopscotch Theatre visit with Jack and the Beanstalk
Thursday 14th January – Music starts back during the day and Band Practise after school.
Friday 15th January – 1st visit from Scottish Opera for P6 & P7 pupils
Friday 15th January – Determined to Dance Programme to work with P2a & P2b pupils for 11 sessions.
Monday 18th January – ChildLine Workshops for P6 & P7 pupils
Tuesday 19th January - PLPs home to parents
Tuesday 19th January – 6.30pm - Reconciliation Meeting
7.15pm - P7 Residential Meeting
Friday 22nd January – Celtic Connections Come & Try Workshops for P7a & P7b
Monday 25th January – Scottish Opera for P6 & P7pupils all day. Performance for parents at 2.15pm
Wednesday 27th January – P6 pupils to swimming lessons in Pollok Leisure centre. Parent helpers required. Please contact the school if you can help out
Wednesday 27th January – Term Report out today.
Friday 29th January – All parents invited to our Scottish Assembly at 1.30pm in school hall.
Thank you, D McGeever