Prefect Application Process 2016
General Information
The role of prefect is a formal pupil leadership role within the school. As a prefect, you will have the opportunity to be a role model for younger pupils; support the running of the school; organise and support school events and represent the school in our community. By performing these tasks you will help other pupils within in the school and develop your leadership and team working skills.
Skills and Qualities
As a prefect, you will be expected to demonstrate a consistent and positive approach to the school and your learning. This includes:
- Reliability – excellent attendance and punctuality.
- Presentation – wearing school uniform including the school blazer.
- Commitment – ensuring all course work and homework are completed.
- Positivity – be a good ambassador for the school.
- Responsibility – ensuring you undertake prefect duties assigned to you.
Prefect Role
There are a number of key roles that prefects are expected to undertake to support the running of the school. These include:
- Duties during social times e.g. Monitoring the queues and pupil access at lunch and break time on a rota basis.
- Supporting younger pupils by providing a visible presence so that concerns can be reported to a pupil that they trust.
- Organising and supporting school events e.g. parents’ nights and social events.
- Presenting at assemblies.
- Supporting visits to the school e.g. meeting and greeting guests and providing tours.
Additionally, prefects will be expected to attend prefect assemblies and complete a prefect log book as required.
Senior Prefect
Some prefects may wish to be considered for a role as a Senior Prefect. These are prefects who have more formal leadership positions such as Head Boy / Girl or House Captains. Pupils selected for these roles will take on additional leadership duties which include:
- Regular meetings with SMT to discuss school improvement and pupil leadership opportunities.
- Organising prefect rotas and monitoring the prefect group as a whole.
- Leading assemblies.
- Supporting house ethos through meeting with PT Guidance / DHT and organising events and updating House Achievement boards.
- Representing the school in the community.
Selection Process
All pupils who wish to be considered as a prefect must complete the prefect application form by Friday 27th May 2016. These forms will be reviewed by the House Teams along with attendance and behaviour data. Pupils will be informed of the outcome of their application by letter by 10.6.16.
Senior Prefects
If pupils wish to be considered for a Senior Prefect role they should indicate this on the prefect application form which should be returned by Friday 27th May 2016. Selection will be based on the application form, attendance / behaviour data, pupil and staff nominations along with a short presentation and interview that will take place between 6.6.16 and 30.6.16. (NB there are a number of school excursions and activities which we will work around on an individual basis). Pupils will be informed of the outcome of this process before the start of the term in August.
Submitting the Application
Please e-mail completed application forms to including your name and TSG class in subject title – i.e. “Prefect Application Form – S Smith L3”
Prefect Application 2016
Name: ______
TSG: ______
Please answer the following questions. Each answer should be no more than 250 words:
- What personal qualities do you have that make you suitable for the prefect role?
- Give an example of how you have led other pupils to achieve a goal. This example may be school based or through involvement in a club or activity outside school.
- What evidence is there that you have already contributed to Kinross High School and our community?
- If selected, what would you hope to achieve as a member of the prefect team?
- Would you like to be considered for a role as a Senior Prefect?
Remember to submit your form to including your name and TSG class in subject title – i.e.” Prefect Application Form – S Smith L3” by Friday 27th May 2016