Friends of Cunningham Falls and Gambrill State Parks


Meeting of January 6, 2010

7:00 p.m.

Manor Area Visitor’s Center, Cunningham Falls SP

Present: Rick Canter, President; Dave Vogel, Vice President; Debbie Vogel, Treasurer; Catherine Kelleher, Secretary; Mary Miller, Matthew Jaffe, Gerald Harris, Dave Jordahl, John Kennedy; Jacob Doyle(DNR), Mark Maas (DNR)

1.  Rick led a round of introductions.

2.  For 2010 Officer positions, a motion was made to continue with the current slate of officers. The motion carried.

3.  Catherine Kelleher gave the Secretary’s Report. Catherine gave a brief summary of her attendance at the Maryland Parks Volunteer Leadership Summit on November 21, 2009, held at North Point Start Park. Well over 75 people attended, including representatives from a number of other Friends groups. Catherine reviewed a few points from Maryland Park Service Superintendent Nita Settina’s presentation, including highlights from 2009 operations, the 2010 budget and 2010 Park Priorities. The new alcohol policy is seen as positive overall, and through some strategic reductions, the 2010 budget does not appear to have an immediate impact on services. The statewide Park Quest program will be continued. There is a new initiative on Branding to establish consistency across Maryland State Parks.

4.  Debbie Vogel gave the Treasurer’s Report. The amount of money spent in 2009 was not as significant as in other years. An expenditure for chairs for the Gambrills Tea Room was approved, but not yet incurred. Available funds should be sufficient to cover costs of the Maple Syrup Festival. Debbie has been exploring alternatives for what do with funds in a Certificate of Deposit (CD). Would like to get a decent rate (above 1% from Savings.)

5.  Park Needs will be discussed in more detail in the April meeting, after the results from the Maple Syrup Festival are known. Potential items include supporting boat rescue operations with a new outboard motor or even a new boat, perhaps even an inflatable boat. A boat is kept on the pier for rescue, and a lighter boat might be useful.

6.  The Maple Syrup Festival is scheduled for March 13,14 and 20,21. Friends personnel will need to staff all stations collecting funds. A motion was made for spending up to $7,500 on the Festival. Motion approved.

7.  Participation in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) brought in over $1,400 in 2009. Rick walked through the steps involved in continuing to participate. He is working on the application (online and hard copy). Friends accountant Beth Helmick has been helping collect required figures for the past 5 years. There was a motion to pay Beth an amount not to exceed $800 for CPA services. Motion approved.

8.  Debbie Vogel will be sending out 1099’s but needs additional information for Slim Harrison (Maple Syrup Festival band entertainment) and the person assisting with firewood.

9.  Voicemail was temporarily not working. In this case, email is a good substitute.

10.  Tom Harbold will be coordinating volunteers at the Maple Syrup Festival. Tom is the new Volunteer Coordinator and also a seasonal naturalist. Jennifer Miller will oversee interpretive programs, beginning in about mid-February

11.  The next Friends Meeting will be Wednesday, April 21 at 7:00 pm, in the Gambrills Tearoom if it is available.

Respectfully submitted,

Catherine Kelleher
