October 9, 2012
7:00 P.M.
The Town of Pink Hill held its monthly board meeting on Tuesday, October 9, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the town hall board room. Present for the meeting were Mayor Carol Sykes, Commissioners Mike Hill, Donald King, and Marion Mitchell, Town Attorney George Jenkins, Public Works Director Timmy Kennedy, Police Chief Joey Thigpen, and Town Clerk Kimberly Mitchell.
There were no visitors present at the board meeting.
Mayor Sykes called the meeting to order. Mayor Sykes welcomed everyone to the meeting. Commissioner King then led everyone in the pledge of allegiance. Commissioner Hill made a motion to approve the regular board minutes from September 11, 2012. Commissioner Mitchell seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Commissioner Hill made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Commissioner King seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The first item on the agenda was an update on the speed bumps on Lynwood Avenue. Mayor Sykes addressed that there are two speed bumps in place. Commissioner King stated they are effective because he has sat and watched and it did slow a couple of people down.
The next item on the agenda was the removal of the dead tree on Clay Street. This item was skipped untilPublic Works Director Timmy Kennedy arrived.
The next item on the agenda was rehab old well. Commissioner Hill said at the last meeting they had talked about some problems with the tank on Broadway. He stated because of those problems, the town had to go back using the old working well until we got whatever was in our system cleaned out and we had to cut WASA completely off. Commissioner Hill said if we had had problems with that well, we would have been in a mess because he thinks the whole problem was we were getting bad water from WASA. He said it did not have high levels of ammonia or chlorine residuals in it, so we were getting bad water. Commissioner Hill said he would like to look at getting a price on rehabbing the old well and try to get it in the budget for next year. He said so if anything like this happens again, we will have two wells to rely on instead of one. Commissioner Hill stated this could happen anytime. He said there have been times when they have had bridges to wash out during floods where we were severed and that could happen from our transmission line from Deep Run. Commissioner Hill said that is one thing he would love for us to look at doing and getting that well back online. Mayor Sykes asked what the cost would be to get the well back up. Commissioner Hill said he thinks Timmy said the other day it would cost about $10,000 when they have talked about it before. Commissioner Hill asked to get Jerry Pearson to give us another price on it and work towards next years budget to get it in there. Mayor Sykes asked George if that could be put under general information and George stated yes.
The next item on the agenda was Certification of Participation or Non-Participation CDBG. Mayor Sykes stated that is where the county has gotten a scattered site grant and they are asking us if we want to participate. Kim stated the board got a copy of it last month. Commissioner Hill asked if anyone knew of anybody in Pink Hill that would qualify to get their house rehabbed. He said you cannot go into one of the houses that had already been done before. Mayor Sykes said it does not mean if we approve it that we will get it. Kim stated she has to get the form turned back in tomorrow. Commissioner Hill made a motion to do non-participation in the CDBG. Commissioner King seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The next item on the agenda was #7 Removal of dead tree on Clay Street. Timmy stated that he talked with a guy today that he thought may have the right insurance but he did not. He said he talked with the guy who did Commissioner King’s trees and he did not have the proper insurance either. Timmy stated this guy was doing the job at Commissioner King’s with somebody else’s insurance. Commissioner King said which was not kosher which he found out later. Mayor Sykes stated a decision needed to be made about the tree instead of continuing to table the item. Timmy stated that Dempsey Smith said he would charge $1,200 to remove the tree. Kim said at the last meeting they had already approved the amount it would cost. Timmy said he knows Dempsey’s work and he probably is not the cheapest but he has all the insurance needed and is local. Commissioner Hill made a motion to let Dempsey Smith remove the dead tree on Clay Street for $1200.00. Commissioner Mitchell seconded the motion. Mayor Sykes asked all for it to say Aye and there were two and all opposed to say Nay and there was one.
The next item on the agenda was the Fire Department Report. There was no report due to Fire Chief Kenny Hamilton not being present because he was at work.
The next item on the agenda was the Police Updates. Chief Thigpen said for the month of September they had a total of 51 calls reported through communications and 8 of the calls were outside of the county, 15 total incidents that they reported 22 total offenses, 2 arrests, and 1 accident. Mayor Sykes asked Chief Thigpen when somebody in town or out of town calls and the police answer it do they put it in their log. Chief Thigpen stated if it is called in through communications and they do not have a deputy available and need a Pink Hill unit, it is all documented here. He said it is a CAD log and it lists every call that they go on and every unit, time, etc. Commissioner King asked if someone calls Joey directly does he log that call in. Joey stated it depends on the call. Joey said anything they have to do an incident report on, they have to get an OCA number.
The next item on the agenda was Water/Sewer Updates. Timmy stated they have had another wash down of the Broadway tank and have gotten a good Bac T sample back yesterday afternoon. He said they dumped that water out because it had been in there for five days just sitting and filled it back up. He said it is back online. He said they will find out if everything goes well. Mayor Sykes asked if that happens again and if other places are having problems, can we not hold WASA responsible. Timmy stated not WASA because they are sending to us to check. Timmy said he has been doubly checking where our vault is over by Foodlion to make sure that the water is good that they are sending us to the best of his ability as far as the residuals and that kind of stuff. Commissioner Hill said according to the state if they are sending you good water and it travels here and the residuals go down, it is your responsibility to boost it. Timmy said it has been mentioned about putting in a booster pump at that station and he thinks that WASA would at least pay half of the bill if that comes to be, but as of right now we will see. Timmy said the residuals this afternoon were at 1.9. Timmy said they had a pre-bid meeting on October 2, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. and bids are planned to be opened on November 1, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. He said the way he understands it depending on how high or low the bids come in they may be awarded that day. Commissioner Hill said it has to be awarded at the next board meeting which is November 13, 2012. Timmy stated that as everyone knows the speed bumps have been put in. Timmy said he has not had any complaints. He said they have been painted and all signs are in place. Timmy told everyone that Phillip passed his Collection I exam and he has his certification hanging on the wall. Timmy also reported that he has gotten his new truck and had the sign put on the door today. He said it looks like a Town of Pink Hill truck now. Timmy asked the board what needs to be done with the 1999 truck. Commissioner Hill said to put it in surplus. Timmy said the only thing he did not like about that is he did not want to see it gave away. Commissioner King made a motion to make the 1999 Dodge truck surplus. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Commissioner King made a motion to go with GovDeals to sell the 1999 Dodge 2500 truck. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The next item on the agenda was Budget Amendments if needed. Kim stated there were no budget amendments or budget transfers at this time.
The next item on the agenda was Remarks by Town Attorney. Mr. Jenkins stated he has no remarks at this time.
The next item on the agenda was Comments by the Board. Commissioner Hill said the only comment he has is that our employees do a good job.
The next item on the agenda was Public Comments. There were no public comments at this time.
The next item on the agenda was a Closed Session if needed. There was no need for a closed session at this time.
With there being no further business to be discussed the meeting was adjourned.
Mayor Town Clerk