Note of the Meeting of the NHS FifeManual Handling Steering Group
at 0930 hours on Tuesday, 17th June 2014 in HH2, Hayfield House
Carol Duncan-Farrell / (CDF) / Head of AHPMoira Dunsire / (MD) / Podiatry Development Co-ordinator
Lynne Ferguson / (LF) / Manual Handling Advisor, OHSAS
Vic Laing (Chairperson) / (VL) / Equipment Manager, Procurement
Mabel Lawson / (ML) / Senior Charge Nurse, K&L CHP
Joan Main / (JM) / CNM, Nurse Bank
Janette Neil / (JN) / Quality & Training Manager, Estates
Gail Taylor / (GT) / Radiology (for Jeanette Burdock)
Ritchie Watters / (RW) / Ward 7, QMH (for Lesley Cairns)
David Young / (DY) / Administrator (Minute taker)
Adie Harvey / (AH) / Facilities
Jeanette Burdock / (JB) / Superintendent, RadiologyLesley Cairns / (LC) / Lead Nurse, Lynebank, DWF CHP
Donna Hughes / (DH) / Manual Handling Co-ordinator, OHSAS (Acting chairperson)
Linda Hynes / (LH) / Clinical Lead Community Equipment
Annette Lobo / (AL) / Consultant Midwife
Moira Mendey / (MM) / DCN, Community, K&L CHP
Lynne Parsons / (LP) / NHSF Partnership Co-ordinator, Podiatry
Christine Pridham / (CP) / Physiotherapy STACH
Alan Wilson / (AW) / Estates Services Manager (invite when required)
1. / Apologies: As listed above
2. / Minute of Previous Meeting
Previous minutes were agreed as accurate by the group. / ALL
3. / Matters Arising:
Training Update
Departments continue to have problems releasing staff to attend manual handling training courses. A meeting was held between Rhona Waugh (Head of Human Resources), Morag Gardner (Acting Director of Nursing), Alix Mitchell (Musculoskeletal Team Leader) and Lynne Ferguson (Manual Handling Advisor) to explore alternative methods of addressing the backlog. A message reminding staff of the need to update their manual handling training and where to book on a course has been inserted into the staff payslips. A message will be released in the bulletin, reiterating managers and employees responsibilities re manual handling training attendance. Morag Gardner will also explore the option of Education Facilitators, at local level, assisting with the implementation of the competency based assessor role. Rhona Waugh agreed to explore whether someone from the redeployment list could potentially be used to assist with addressing the manual handling training backlog.
LF informed the group that additional Competency Based Assessor (CBA) and Competency Based Assessor Update Training has been scheduled. Part 1 CBA training course will be held on 23rd and 24th July 2014, Part 2 will be held on 21st August 2014. A second CBA course will be held on: Part 1 20th and 21st November 2014 and Part 2 on 11th December 2014. A CBA update course will run on 27th August 2014.
JM asked if it would be feasible for the local CBA assessor within a ward when the bank staff are frequently based in that area. LF to discuss with DH and to feedback to JM.
MD asked if the Competency Based Assessors (CBA) based in the Podiatry Department would need to attend a full day update training or if a half day would suffice. LF to liaise with DH and feedback.
LF informed the group that the CHP’s are planning to start their own induction and DH is liaising with Katrina Deas in relation to this. / LF
Learnpro E-learning/Induction training
LF raised an issue that staff are having with Learnpro. Learnpro will not allow staff to updateafter 12 months and staff have to wait for 18 months, however staff are advised to complete the theory part of their training prior to attending a practicalupdate and patient handlers are advised to attend apractical update every 12 – 18 months so cannot retake the e-learning module prior to attendance at the practical classroom training. DH has arranged for e-learning to be adjusted so that staff can update their e-learning at any time from 12 – 18 months. Their e-learning certificate will however remain valid for 18 months.
LF informed the group that any current SBARs arenow being embedded into the minutes. / LF
Bariatric Equipment storage area
John Colliar, Manual Handling Practitioner, has informed LF that staff are not following the correct procedure when removing Bariatric Beds from the Bariatric Equipment Store. The main issue is that staff are not keeping the manual handling team informed re where the beds are being moved to and as a result, the Manual Handling Team are unable to locate the beds when they are requested by another dept. In an attempt to resolve this issue, a swipe card has been attached to each of the 3 bariatric beds and staff are now requested to swipe the card when the beds are moved location. An alteration to the ‘bariatric equipment loan process’ has been made to include this. If the issue persists despite the swipe cards being attached LF to raise the issue at the next Senior Nurses Meeting.
The Community Dental Unit recently highlighted that they needed a Bariatric Wheelchair for an impending admission and the cost for rental was very expensive. There is not a bariatric wheelchair in the bariatric equipment store so LF has advised that we consider purchasing one. LF to contact Morag Gardner and Friends of Victoria regarding the purchase of a bariatric wheel chair.
LF informed the group that her team are still finding is difficult to create a list of bariatric equipment currently held in the Storedue to the stock constantly fluctuating, however a list of core equipment has been created and will be added to the ‘Protocol for the safer handling of bariatric patients NHS Fife’. / LF
4. / Enterprise 5000 Electric Beds
LF explained that due to cleaning issues with the Enterprise 5000 electric profiling beds, ArjoHuntleigh had initially agreed that these beds would require a modification and that the cost for the modification would be covered by the manufacturer. However, following research into the issue, the manufacturer have now advised that a modification is no longer necessary but in areas which are deemed high risk, deep cleaning can be offered by ArjoHuntleigh at a cost. Innes Connor, Hazard Co-ordinator, National Services Scotland is investigating.
LF has been tasked with writing a paper re manual handling issues with cleaning of the Kings Fund beds for Alan Wilson, Estates Officer, Chair of hoist maintenance Group. Alan is going to add to this to and submit to management for consideration. / LF
5. / Contura 1080 beds
Arjohuntleigh produced stickers for attachment to Contura 1080 beds in relation to them not being used to nurse patients with a body mass index greater than 40 on, due to a slight entrapment risk. DH was worried that perhaps the stickersissued for attachment to the beds were too small, however the group agreed that ArjoHunteigh’s modifications were adequate and that there was no need for any further actionat this time.
6. / Steering group representation
LF contacted Vicky Irons regarding appropriate representation at the group in place of CP who will no longer be attending the group.I have been advised that there is other representation from this CHP at the steering group.
7. / Manual handling advice new builds/equipment
AH and LF discussed the issues with the changing placestoilet and made the group aware that the process for accessing the changing places toilet is now complete and once the room is cleaned and appropriate signage is in place, the room will be opened.
8. / AOB
Client Handling Risk assessments
LF informed the group that the ‘client handling risk assessment audit report’ has been circulated to members of her team for comment. Following this it will be circulated to steering group members and then to appropriate managers within NHS Fife.
LF has issued a copy of the ‘client handling risk assessment form’to Charlie Sinclair (CS), since LF and CS had a meeting about how the form would fit into the new nursing paperwork and problems with the lack of use of this form and Charlie has subsequently made arrangements for this form to be ordered from Panda Printin the normal way that staff order nursing documentation.
LF suggested that as a result of the audit, it would be a good idea to introduce the ‘Client Handling Risk Assessment form’ back into manual handling updates and the group supported this.
DH is continuing to monitor the situation with beds going between ENT and Theatres at VHK and has been tasked with designing signage for display at the top and bottom of the theatre corridor. GT informed the group that all doors in phase 3 VHK have now been automated.
RW made the group aware of a potential problem which could occur when patients move back to Ward 7, QMH. RW has informed the group that the fire doors in the ward will now close automatically. He is concerned that, in the event of a fire alarm, any Walking Patients who are near the Fire Doors may be at risk of entrapment. LF to contact Iain Kelly, Senior Fire Officer to clarify the situation. / LF
Date and time of next meetings
Tuesday 19th August 2014, 0930 hours, Board Room, Hayfield Clinic
Tuesday 14th October 2014, 0930 hours, Board Room, Hayfield Clinic
Tuesday 16th December 2014, 0930 hours, Board Room, Hayfield Clinic
Document Control:
Document: Manual Handling Steering Group minutes / Version: 1 / Version Date: 17/06/2014
Author: Lynne Ferguson / Review Date: N/A