MAI Indirect Services Outcomes Reporting Information
1. Survey Data
1.1Survey Data Source
1.2 Survey Population Information
2. Event/Surveillance Data
2.1 Event/Surveillance Data Source
2.2 Event/Surveillance Population Information
SAMHSA created the MAI Indirect Services Outcomes (ISO) Reporting Tool to collect data for evaluating the outcomes of indirect services implemented by MAI grantees. Since indirect services are population-based (i.e., they are intended to benefit the entire community rather than being delivered to specific individuals), data for evaluating their outcomes need to come from the community they are intended to benefit. There are two possible sources of community-level outcome data:
- community surveys and
- event or surveillance data collected for administrative or epidemiological surveillance purposes, such as records kept by local police, hospitals, highway traffic agencies, school districts, or colleges.
An indirect service outcome(ISO) is a measure that represents an aspect of your target population that you expect will change because of your grant’s indirect service activities. For example, if one of your grant’s indirect service activities is to distribute informational booklets, you must consider what change you are trying to create in the community by distributing the booklets. If the booklets describe how to prevent HIV transmission among family and friends, then the goal may be to reduce the prevalence of HIV transmission in your community. To measure the outcome of distributing the booklets, you would report data on the prevalence of HIV transmission in your community prior to distributing the booklets (baseline data) and annual follow-up data about the prevalence of HIV transmissions after distributing the booklets.
Complete the following information belowfor each indirect service that you report related outcomes. You may select one or several outcomes to measure. Items marked with an asterisk throughout the document are required.
MAI Indirect Services Outcomes Reporting Information
After you log into SPARS, go to yourDashboard. In the Indirect Services Outcomes Data section,hover over the gear icon and click on “Edit” under the Actions Menu that appears. This opens the main Indirect Services Outcomes Data screen. If your Indirect Services Outcomes data is from community surveys, select “View” next to “Survey Data” to open this section (see Section 1 below). If you are using event/surveillance data collected from the community, select “View” next to “Event/Surveillance Data” to open this section (see Section 2 below).
1. Survey Data
You will complete this section if you selected “Survey Data” from the main Indirect Services Outcomes Data screen in SPARS.
Sample scenario: Grantee A, a Historically Black College orUniversity (HBCU),plans to implement a media campaign with the goal of reducing alcohol use. The grantee administers the American Drug and Alcohol Survey to a random sample of university students. This sample scenario forms the basis for the sample responses listed in the “Guidance” column in the table below.
1.1Survey Data Source
From the main Survey Data page, click on “Add Data Source.”
ID / Data Item / Response Options / Guidance1.1.1 / *Survey Data Source /
- American Drug and Alcohol Survey
- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
- Campus survey
- Communities That Care (CTC) Youth Survey
- Local/community survey
- National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH)
- School survey
- Search Institute survey
- State survey
- PRIDE Survey
- Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)
- Other (Specify)
Sample scenario response:American Drug and Alcohol Survey
1.1.2 / *Measure: Source Item / Open-ended text / Enter the name of the source item exactly as it appears on the survey.
Sample scenario response:How often in the past month have you had alcohol to drink?
1.1.3 / *Measure: Response Options / Open-ended text / Enter the response options exactly as they appear on the survey.
Sample scenario response:None; 1–2 times; 3–9 times; 10–19 times; 20 or more times
1.1.4 / Data Source or Measure Comments / Open-ended text / Enter any comments that you would like to provide about the data source or measure. Click “Save.”
Sample scenario response: We administer the survey at our university twice a year. We are using the data collected in September of each year.
1.2 Survey Population Information
Click “Add Response Data” underneath the data source. This will open a new screen with the following data items.
ID / Data Item / Response Options / Guidance1.2.1 / *Data Collection Date / Date (mm/yyyy) / Enter the date when the survey was administered.
Sample scenario response: 09/2016
1.2.2 / *Population from which Survey Sample is Drawn / Open-ended text / Enter the name of the population from which the survey sample is drawn.
Sample scenario response:First year students at our university in their first semester
1.2.3 / *Population Defined by Age Range or School/College Grade /
- Age Range
- School/College Grade
Sample scenario response:School/College Grade
1.2.4 / *Survey Population Age Range Minimum / Open-ended numerical response / If you selected “Age Range” in 1.2.3, enter the age range minimum (youngest age permitted for the survey) for the survey population.
Sample scenario response:N/A (population defined by School/College Grade)
1.2.5 / *Survey Population Age Range Maximum / Open-ended numerical response / If you selected “Age Range” in 1.2.3, enter the age range maximum (oldest age permitted for the survey) for the survey population.
Sample scenario response:N/A (population defined by School/College Grade)
1.2.6 / *Survey Population School/College Grade /
- K
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- College Freshman
- College Sophomore
- College Junior
- College Senior
Sample scenario response:College Freshman
1.2.7 / *Number of Population / Open-ended numerical response / Enter the number of persons in the population from which the survey sample is drawn.
Sample scenario response: 5,000 (i.e., total number of freshmen enrolled at the university)
1.2.8 / *Number of Survey Respondents / Open-ended numerical response / Enter the number of persons who participated in the survey.
Sample scenario response: 2,000 (i.e., number of freshmen who completed the survey)
1.2.9 / *Reported Outcome for Survey Data / Open-ended text / Provide a description of the specific outcome you are reporting for this measure.
Sample scenario response:Percent of freshmen who used alcohol ten or more times in the past month.
1.2.10 / *Calculated Value / Open-ended numerical response / Enter the actual numeric result for the outcome measure.
Sample scenario response: 28.6(i.e., 28.6 percent of freshmen used alcohol ten or more times in the past month)
1.2.11 / *Value Type /
- Mean
- Percentage
- Other (Specify)
Sample scenario response: Percentage
2. Event/Surveillance Data
You will complete this section if you selected “Event/Surveillance Data” from the main Indirect Services Outcomes Data screen in SPARS.
Sample scenario: Grantee B, a non-profit community-based organization,plans to implement a media campaign to raise awareness about HIV with the goal of reducing new cases of HIV infection in the community. The grantee uses data from the local community health center to measure the number of new HIV infections (incidence).
2.1 Event/Surveillance Data Source
From the main Event/Surveillance Data page, click on “Add Data Source.”
ID / Data Item / Response Options / Guidance2.1.1 / *Event/Surveillance Data Source /
- Campus health center
- Campus mental health center
- Campus security/police
- Community health center
- Community mental health center
- Fatality Analysis Reporting Systems (FARS)
- General college/university administrative records
- Hospital records
- Local/community agency reporting system
- State agency reporting system
- State/local police
- Uniform Crime Report (UCR)
- Other (Specify)
Sample scenario response: Community health center
2.1.2 / *Measure: Event Definition / Open-ended text / Enter a definition of the measure.
Sample scenario response:Of patients who receive routine HIV screening, the percentage of HIV tests that screen positive.
2.1.3 / *Measure: Measure Calculation / Open-ended text / Enter a description of how you will calculate the measure and specify all elements of the equation including numerators, denominators, divisors, and multipliers.
Sample scenario response:We calculated this measure by dividing the number of positive HIV tests by the total number of HIV tests administered in 2015.
2.1.4 / *Data Source or Measure Comments / Open-ended text / Enter any comments that you would like to provide about the data source or measure. Then click “Save.”
Sample scenario response:Data are from our local community health center, which offers routine HIV screening to all patients. Data are based on those that agree to participate in HIV screening services.
2.2 Event/Surveillance Population Information
Click the arrow to the right of the data source name. Then click “Add Event/Surveillance Data.”
ID / Data Item / Response Options / Guidance2.2.1 / *Data Source Time Frame Begin Date / Date (mm/dd/yyyy) / Enter the first date that you received datafrom the event/surveillance source.
Sample scenario response:01/01/2015 (i.e., if the data used is for calendar year 2015, 01/01/2015 would be the begin date)
2.2.2 / *Data Source Time Frame End Date / Date (mm/dd/yyyy) / Enter the end date that you received data from the event/surveillance source.
Sample scenario response:12/31/2015 (i.e., if data used is for calendar year 2015, 12/31/2015 would be the end date)
2.2.3 / *Population on which Event/Surveillance Data is Based / Open-ended text / Describe the population that you designed the event data to represent for this measure.
Sample scenario response: Local community (community health center patients)
2.2.4 / *Geographic unit of event /
- College/university campus
- Community
- School district
- County
- Town
- Metropolitan area
- State
- Tribe
- Other (Specify)
Sample scenario response:Community
2.2.5 / *Event/Surveillance Census Population Age Range Minimum / Open-ended numerical response / Enter the age range minimum (youngest age the data captures) of the census population for the event/surveillance data.
Sample scenario response:13
2.2.6 / *Event/Surveillance Census Population Age Range Maximum / Open-ended numerical response / Enter the age range maximum (oldest age the data captures) of the census population for the event/surveillance data.
Sample scenario response: 64
2.2.7 / *Number of Population for Event/Surveillance Data / Open-ended text / Enter the number of persons in the population from which the event/surveillance data is drawn.
Sample scenario response: 3,000 (i.e., the number of community health center patients)
2.2.8 / *Reported Outcome for Event/ Surveillance Data / Open-ended text / Provide a description of the specific outcome that you are reporting.
Sample scenario response: Percentage of positive HIV tests
2.2.9 / *Number of Events / Open-ended numerical response / Enter the number of times the event occurred.
Sample scenario response:6 (i.e., number of positive HIV tests)
2.2.10 / *Denominator Definition / Open-ended text / Indicate how the reported outcome denominator is defined.
Sample scenario response: Number of HIV tests administered by the community health center in 2015
2.2.11 / *Denominator Value / Open-ended numerical response / Indicate the numeric value of the denominator.
Sample scenario response: 2,700 (i.e., number of HIV tests administered)
2.2.12 / *Calculated Value / Open-ended numerical response / Enter your actual numeric result.
Sample scenario response: 0.22
2.2.13 / *Value Type /
- Percentage
- Rate per 1,000
- Rate per 10,000
- Rate per 100,000
- Other (Specify)
Sample scenario response:Percentage