AUGUST 9, 2012
Meeting called to order at 7:30 by David Foky
Pledge of Allegiance
Quorum was met 30 members president.
Minutes read and motion to approve by Dave White, second by
Lew Wenger.
David Foky reported Fun Day cancelled for this year.
Signs for the bench rests have been ordered.
Cameras are being checked since fallen trees have moved some.
The lower range construction is going well. The 300-yard range needs
to be hydro seeded to be completed, this will stop erosion and run off.
Rifle range side and back berms are near completion, workers have
done a nice job. Board will consider opening ranges at August Board
Vice President N/R
Paul Benneche questioned who would remove downed trees on electric
company right of way.
Treasurer’s report advised club in good financial condition, entire report
will be given at the Board meeting.
Secretary NTR
Secretary gave B&G report, tree work will be done around club house and
removal of dangerous trees on club property will take place. Work parties held on Monday nights at 6:00 PM and a planned work party will take place on Saturday, August 11, 2012 from 9:00AM to 1:00 PM on the lower range.
Membership – Mike Johnson
Introduction of First Night perspective associate members
Richard KittsThomas O’Connell
Jared CallNickolas Montes De Oca
Anthony ThompsonVerapon Inthisen
Andrew TedescoKenneth Chasser
Brendan LeddickCarey Hunois
Patrick LemerWilliam Willcome
Ralph FioreWilliam Labor
Andrew EagortDeon Locks
William DircksonJohn Knoll
Chistopher MannaJean Dittman
Taylor GrimesAri Elgort
Shane Kiser
Second Night perspective associates voted upon by members
and all were accepted into the RRPC
Gary AntigoJames Bowen
Brian McKenzieRichard Joseph SR
Ivan GardnerAlexander Stronko
Donald PriceKenneth Kish
Robert ForemanPaul Lindsay
David BeaversJeff Heavlin
Richard FainPhilip Chaney
John RenehanAndrew Wist
Leonardo KorchoJames DeBros
Safety – Robert Gettleman advises no eating or drinking on indoor range.
Training – Mike Johnson reports first steps is 4th Thursday of the month.
Tom & Elizabeth Gathright’s Bulls Eye Pistol group will meet on the
1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month from 7:00 to 9:00 PM on the indoor
range. See additional information in the newsletter or on the website.
By-Laws – Mike Johnson
By-Law changes must be submitted as specified in present by-laws.
By-Law change suggestions where submitted and read by Connie
Stevens, Andy Stevens, Pat Webb, Bob Bossie & the Secretary read
Andy Holzgrefe’s. (see attached)
High Power Rifle – Steve Dellinger reported met is 1st Saturday of each
Month. Steve Dellinger thanked Dave White, Chip Berry and Tom Willis
for preparing new Target frames.
Dave White reported on IDPA, ICORE and the Steel Challenge times and
dates for each discipline is available on line.
High Nooners – Robert Gettleman reported this group meets at 10:30 on the indoor Range, while lower range construction is underway.
Cowboy’s event takes place in September check web site date and time.
Shot Gun is open to the public on Sundays, for additional info contact
Jessie Davis on Web site.
Archery report by Pete Netland advised matches take place on the 4th
Saturday of each month at 1:00 PM. Three D targets are set up on the
Club property and may be used during day light hours of operation take place.
Women’s Program will resume on Sunday, September 23, 2012 in the
Clubhouse. Watch for e-mail with further details later in the month.
Tactical Rifle is for members and associates only. Contact Carlos Santillan
for additional information regarding this discipline.
Youth Activities take place the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. This is
a free program for young people from ages 10 to 18 sponsored by the RRPC. For additional information contact Youth Activities from the
Web site.
Old Business
Lower ranges are closed for construction at this time.
New Business
Don Price urged all members and associates to register to vote in upcoming election.
Charles Winkler discussed the importance of all members and associates registering and voting in the upcoming elections.
Frank Moore advised the Friends of NRA dinner would be held on September 28, 2012 at the East Rivanna Fire House. See Frank for information about tickets and prizes.
Pat Webb advised the next VCDL meeting would be Wednesday, August 29, 2012. There will be a reloading demonstration taking place and a potluck
dinner will be served, bring a side dish or desert to share.
By-Law suggested changes were read at this time.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM on a motion by Andy Stevens, seconded
by Dave White.
Respectfully Submitted
Steve Sandow