October 24, 2007
200 Mero Street
Frankfort, KY
Board Members Present:Ken Mitchell, Lt. John Bradley, Marsha Penney, David Lucas, Richard Guittar, Dee Hopper, Forest Skaggs and Mark Freeman
Board Members Absent: Ann Johnson and Jamey Spears
Staff Present: Tandy Hubbard and Denisa Robinson
Welcome:CMRS Board Chairman Dee Hopper called the “special called” meeting to order at 1:15pm.
Madison County/Berea Consolidation Proposal: CMRS Staff Assistant Denisa Robinson introduced Jeff Burns who came as a representative for both MadisonCounty and Berea. Mr. Burns reviewed the consolidation application with the Board that he had submitted the prior week.
After several Board members posed questions to Mr. Burns about the project, David Lucas said he would like to see a detailed consolidation budget. Dee Hopper also mentioned that several costs Mr. Burns planned to spend the consolidation grant on could not be covered as outlined in the CMRS grant allowable/unallowable expenses lists.
David motioned to table the consolidation approval until a detailed project budget can be obtained and Richard seconded the motion. Lt. John Bradley asked the Board why a project budget was necessary and Dee explained that the Board needed to see who was paying for each item to prove sustainability of the project and the PSAPs. All were in favor of the motion.
Road Centerline Map and Data Posting: CMRS Executive Director Ken Mitchell reported that he met with the Kentucky State Police and asked Lt. John Bradley topresent their findings on the road centerline map and data posting project.
Lt. Bradley stated that KSP only owns what the Area Development Districts have done for them and the Board would incur liability if they released the data at this time.
Ken said MarshallCounty had forwarded a copy to the CMRS Office where they had a signed agreement with CMRS in the past to not release the data.
David said this data is not as proprietary as it has been in the past thanks to groups such as Google Earth. David thought we should send out the data as soon as possible and determine if there are any inter-local agreements or MOUs between CMRS and the Counties.
Ken reported that CMRS had received a proposal from the Bluegrass Area Development District to compile the new mapping data and the proposal was $135,000.
A draft copy of a non-disclosure agreement proposed by KSP was reviewed. Upon signage of the non-disclosure agreement by certified PSAPs, KSP has agreed to release the mapping data.
David motioned to delete “but is not limited to” in the first paragraph of the non-disclosure agreement, Forest seconded and all were in favor.
David motioned to approve the amended non-disclosure agreement, Lt. Bradley seconded and all were in favor.
Lt. Bradley motioned to release the road centerline data upon signage of the non-disclosure agreement and to supersede all prior actions pertaining to this data. Mark Freeman seconded and all were in favor of the motion with the exception of David who opposed.
Update on 911 Signage on Interstates: David Lucas had no update at this time.
Grant Committee Report: Grant Committee Chairman Lt. John Bradley thanked the Grant Committee for all their hard work the past few days.
The first item Lt. Bradley brought before the Board from the Committee surrounded the existing 2006 CMRS Grant with the Kentucky River Area Development District. KRADD received a 2006 CMRS Grant to complete mapping for several Counties in their area who only have Basic 911. KRADD submitted a request to the CMRS Board to spend remaining grant monies left over in PerryCounty for additional mapping. PerryCounty is Phase II certified.
The Board expressed interest in not extending the scope of work on the KRADD grant to include PerryCounty.
Lt. Bradley then made the Board aware of the 2006 CMRS Grant awarded to EdmonsonCounty. EdmonsonCounty’s original request for mapping came in under budget and EdmonsonCounty requested to use the additional money to purchase 911 equipment. EdmonsonCounty is operating with only Basic 911 at this time.
Lt. Bradley motioned to approve a modification on the Edmonson County 2006 CMRS grant contract to include 911 equipment, Forest seconded and all were in favor of the motion with the exception of Richard who abstained.
Lt. Bradley presented the Board with a spreadsheet of proposed CMRS grant awards for 2007. These proposed awards were in conjunction with the 2007 KOHS 911 grant awards. Lt. Bradley explained that the Grant Committee reviewed every 911 grant KOHS funded and decided what, if any of that grant they would like to supplement with CMRS grant dollars.
Lt. Bradley motioned for the CMRS Board to fund $911,871.00 to be apportioned to the KOHS 911 grant applications as recommended. David motioned to amend the current motion to require PSAPs to enter into their KOHS contracts. All were in favor of the motion with the exception of David who abstained.
Lt. Bradley recommended a 2008 competitive grant application deadline for April 18th, 2008. Lt. Bradley would like the Grants Committee to meet again soon.
David Lucas suggested an application deadline date of June 20th, 2008.
Lt. Bradley motioned that the Board approve a CMRS competitive grant application deadline date of June 20, 2008, Ken seconded and all were in favor.
Legal Services RFP Update: Ken reported that the RFP for Legal Services closed Friday, October 19th and one response was received. Ken suggested having KOHS legal counsel Will Fogle review and make a recommendation to the Board.
Update on CMRS Provider Account: Ken gave the Board an update on the CMRS Provider account and distributed grids showing the current state of the account. Ken stated that if a request for cost recovery reimbursement was received today from an approved carrier, it would take approximately a year to begin to pay the invoice.
Mark Freeman said the wireless carriers were at a huge financial disadvantage to the wireline carriers.
Adjournment: David Lucas motioned to adjourn the meeting at 4:45pm, Mark seconded and all were in favor of the motion.