Knorr-Bremse Global Care
Project Application
In addition to providing emergency relief in crisis situations,Knorr-Bremse Global Care fundsprimarilyprojectsfromthefocal sectorseducationand WASH (water, sanitationandhygiene). In theallocationof fundswe place particularemphasis onsustainableandimpact-orientedproject selection criteria.
The purpose of this application formis to introducethespecificprojectforwhich youare applying for funding, explaining how it is embeddedin “the big picture”. Wewant tounderstandhow yourprojectaddressesthecultural, traditionaland practicalneedsof the localpeople, how ittakes account of theconditionsof the respectiveregion orcountryandhowtherequestedfundingis to take effect. In addition, we want to know about thelong-termvision you are pursuing as project initiatorororganizationand whichhigher-ranking goals you arestriving for.
In the case of approval on our part,the final version of thisapplicationwill bea constituent part of thelegally effectivefunding agreement. Wetherefore ask you to provideaccurate details.
© PHINEO gAG, Social Impact Navigator 2013
1.Key data
Date of applicationPartnerorganization in Germany(name, address, contact partner, tel., e-mail)
Partner organization in the project country(name, address, contact partner, tel., e-mail)
Brief project title
Focal sector(WASHoreducation) / Wählen Sie ein Element aus.
Country / Wählen Sie ein Element aus.
Region andlocation
(geo-coordinates as applicable)
Project term(expectedstartingandending date)
Funding amountrequested from Knorr-Bremse Global Care
Anticipated number of direct and indirect beneficiaries
2.Details oftheinitiators
a)Partnerorganization in Germany
Founding year:
Legal status:
Hasa validcertificate oftax exemptionbeen issued?
Vision of the partner organization:
Focusof project work:
Relationship tothe partner organization thepartner country:
Revenue structure:
YearTotal Revenues
No. of full-time employees
Main source of revenues (e.g. donations, public funding, membership fees):
A DZIdonation sealhas been awarded:
b)Partner organizationin theproject country
Founding year:
Legal status:
Hasalegalcertificationofnon-profit status (proof ofnon-profit organization)been issued?
Goalsandvisions of the partner organization:
Focusofproject work:
How exactly willtheorganizationparticipate inproject implementation? Whatare itsspecific tasksandresponsibilities?
Revenue structure:
YearTotal Revenues
No. offull-timeemployees
Main source of revenues (e.g. donations, public funding, membership fees):
3.Narrative description
3.1.Overall situationandapproach
a)Initial situation
What isthebasic problem that you –where applicablewiththe support of theproject initiator –want to address in the field?
How were the needs determined?
If data is available: Which consequences must be anticipated if the problem is not solved?
b)Target group
Which target groupis affected bythe basicproblem?
Pleaseprovide details of socio-economiccharacteristicsof thetarget group(e.g.level of education, profession, income, ownership, etc.)
To what extent wasthetarget groupinvolved in the planning?
How willthetarget groupbe involved inthe implementation of the project?
Do any governmentprogrammes exist? Are there othernon-profitorganizationsorcommercial enterprisesthat are also endeavouring to solve the problem in the field?Are you already cooperatingwiththeseprotagonists? Do other cooperationswith governmentorcivicorganizations exist?
How were the activities funded up until now?
Who will be responsiblefortheinitiative in the fieldin the long term? (Oneormore persons: What happens if they are not available?)
4.Results chainof theprojectwhich is the subject of this applicationin itsembedding in theoverall context
4.1.Vision (overall goal) of the project
The following should not contain a description oftheimplementation of measuresortheir directresultsandoutcome, but the indirecteffects (impact): To whichoverridingbenefits (e.g. in relation tothesustainable development goals)doestheprojectcontribute?
Overall goal (impact):What istheoverriding, long-term goalof the localproject initiator?
Whateffectsandchangesdo you anticipate throughtheproject (theory of change)?
What contribution will the funds requested by you make towards tackling the basic problem as described?
4.2.Project goal (outcome)
Project goal (outcome):What is/arethespecificproject goal(s)to be achievedwiththe aid of therequested funding? What changesforthetarget groupshould resultfromtheactivities implemented (output)? / Indicators
Actual / Target
Further explanations can be added here if necessary:
4.3.Activities (output)
Activities (output)Whatwill be created or supplied bytheseactivities(products, services, acquired knowledge)? / Indicators
Actual / Target
Further explanations can be added here if necessary:
4.4.Activities (Input)
Describe your individual activities. Whichmeasures must be implemented in order to achieve theproject goals?
4.5.Risksandrisk mitigating measures
Are there any existing risks in the implementationandsuccessof the project (political/economical/local security)? If yes, how can they be minimized?
4.6.Financing plan (input by Knorr-Bremse Global Care)
Knorr-Bremse Global Careadheres totheprinciplesof theGermanCentral InstituteforSocial Affairs (DZI). Accordingly,the following definitions should be appliedtoproject budgeting:
Project expenditureandfunding / Costs ofproject implementationin theproject country:e.g.forbuildings &equipment andtangible assets, but also – depending on theproject –intangibleassetssuch astraining measures, awareness raising campaignsand training. These also includeproject-internaladministrative expensesof theprojectandcoordination officesin theproject country.Project-relatedcosts / Project support:
Up- anddownstreamactivitiessuch aspreparationandselection of suitableprojects, examination ofapplications for support, controlling, Revision andevaluation ofprojects.
Administrative expenses / Administrative expenses forpartner office in Germany:
These expensesrelate totheorganizationas a wholeandensurethebasic functionsofoperationalorganizationandprocesses. Themain areas aremanagement andsupervisory boards, finance & accounting,personnelmanagement andorganization.
Please subdivide intothethreenamedcategories in individual budgetlines. Break down thetotalbudget as detailed as possibleby individualmeasures. Please state amounts in the local currencyand EURO.
Project expensesandfunding:
Project-related costs:
Administrative expenses
Summary of all costs (allthree sub-groups)
Proposedtotal fundingof the project:
Year / Contributionofpartnerorganization in Germany / Contribution ofpartner organizationin project country / Contributionoftarget group / Fundsrequested from Global Care / Othersponsors / Total expensesAdditionalfunding yearsmay be stated in a separatetable.
Calculations were madeusing the followingexchange ratefrom € to the local currency.
Annex: Documentsto be submitted
Please attachallrelevantdocuments (as far as available) in digitalform as a collected PDF file.
Documentsrelating topartnerorganization in Germany
- Certificate of charitable status
- Annual reports incl. financial statementsofthe previous three years
- Proof of DZI donation seal as appropriate.
Documentrelating toproject initiatorin theproject country
- Certificate of charitable statusaccording tostate law
- Precise details of location, material
- Photographic material onpreviousandplanned activities
- Detailedbudget
- Letter of Commitment (as applicable)from acost-bearing third party (e.g. state, diocese donatingland)
- Iftheproposed buildings (e.g. water treatment plant) orfacilities (e.g. solar system) enable savings, calculation ofexpenses saved in future.
Forbuilding projects
- Detaileddescription
- Building plansandcalculations
- Cost estimate
- Proof ofownershipof both the site to be developedand theproposed buildingaftercompletion (bothmust beowned by acharitable organization)
- In the eventof aleased siteand/orbuilding,modalitiesandlength of agreed use
- Proof thatbuildingandother permitsforplanned constructionhave been obtained (if permits have not yet been obtained, confirmation ofthat building supervisory authority thatthere are no obstacles totheplanned building);
- Proof ofsuitability of the siteforproposed construction, connections
- Proof of constructionbyqualifiedpersonnel.
Forprocurement measures
- At least two independent, detailedcost estimatesfor thefunds to be raised.
Fortraining measures
- Plannedcurriculum ortraining content.
Long-term funding
- List ofcurrent expensesafterphase-outandproposed long-term funding
- Letter of Commitment (as applicable)from a third partybearing current expenses (e.g. state, diocese).