List of Research Publication for citation Index

*1. Coumarin constituents of Selinum tenuifolium- N. Adityachaudhury, D. Ghosh

and A. Chowdhury- Phytochemistry, 13 : 255 (1974).

*2. Sensitivity of some plant pathogenic fungi towards plants metabolities-I.

Antifungal activity of some chalcones, dihydrochalcones and flavanones –

A. Chowdhury, N. Mukherjee and N. Adityachaudhury, Experientia, 30 : 1022(1974).

*3. Structure of Aurantiacin, a new chalcone isolated from Didymocarpus aurentiaca,

N. Adityachaudhury, A. K. Das, A. Chowdhury and P. Das Kanungo-Phytochemistry, 15 (1) : 229 (1976).

*4. Didymocarpin – a new flavanone from D. pedicellata - A Bhattacharyya, A.

Chowdhury and N. Adityachaudhury, Chem & Ind. 34B (1979).

*5. Balance of conversion and degradation of 2,6-dichlorobenzoinitrile C14 in humus

soil- A. Chowdhury, V. Vockel, P. N. Moza, W. Klein an F. Forte- Chemosphere,6 (10) : 1101 (1981).

7. Build up of hexachlorocyclohexane residue in rice (Oryzae sativa), rice field soil

& water from different formulation –P. Sukul, S. Pal, A. Chakraborty,

A. Bhattacharyya, A. K. Das, A. Chowdhury and N. Adityachaudhury-Ind. J.Agric. Sci.,

58 (60) : 504-505 (1981).

8. Persistence of malathion in four soils of West Bengal- A. Chowdhury,

R. Goswami and S. Pal, Ind. J. Agric. Sci. 54 (9) : 763-766 (1984).

9. Fate and Behaviour of diruon in the soils of Coochbehar and Kalyani, West

Bengal- S. Pal, A. Chowdhury, S. R. Mitra, Ind. J. Agric. Sci, 55 (12) : 747-750(1985).

*10. Dehydrodihydrotenone and Flemichapparin-B in Tephrosia candida- M. Roy,

P. K. Bhattacharyya, S. Pal, A. Chowdhury & N. Adityachaudhury,

Phytochemistry, 26 : 2423-4 (1987).

*11. Studies on the Foltap residues in betelvine- A. Bhattacharyya, A. K. Das,

A. Chowdhury, B. Dasgupta and K. Sengupta- Tropical Pest Management, 34(2) : 154-155 (1988).

*12. Isolation of rice weevil feeding inhibitors form Clerodendron fragrans and

C. siphonenthus- S. Pal, A. Chowdhury and N. Adityachaudhury, J. Agric. Fd.

Chem. 37 : 234-236 (1989).

*13. Studies on the residual fate & dissipation of malathion, methyl parathion &

quinalphos in paddy under W. B. Climatic condition- H. Banerjee, P. Raha, A.

Chowdhury, A. K. Das and N. Adityachaudhury, Tropical Pest Management, 35(9) : 365-369 (1989).

*14. Studies on the photodegradation of pendimethalin in solvents and in Kalyani

soil- P. Halder, A. Sinhabarua, P. Raha, B. Biswas, A. Bhattacharyya, S. Bedi

and A.Chowdhury, Chemosphere, 18 (8) : 1611-19 (1989).

*15. Degradation of Pendimethalin by soil fungus – A. Singhabarua, A. Chowdhury,

N. Adityachaudhury and J. Saha, S. Chowdhury- Pesticide Science (England) 29(4) : 419-425 (1990).

*16. Influence of amounts and methods of potassium application on yield and quality

of Citronella java (Cymbopongon winterianus Jowitt)- K. Singh, A. Chowdhury,

K. Subramanyam, B. N. Chatterjee & D. B. Singh- J. Agril, Science (Cambridge),

115 : 247-252 (1990).

*17. Stimulation of heterotrophic dinitrogen fixation in barley root association by the

herbicide pendimethalin and its metabolic transformation by azotobacter spp.Jayanta Saha, A. Chowdhury and S. Chowdhury- Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 23: 569-573 (1991).

18. Growth and Yield response of Citronell Java (Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt) to

phosphorus and potassium levels at High Nitrogen-K. Singh, A. Chowdhury,

K. Subrahmanyan, B. N. Chatterjee and D. V. Singh- J. Potassium Research, 7 (1): 35-46 (1991).

*19. Isolation of Amorpholone, a potent rotenoid insecticide from Tephrosia

Candida- R. Kole, A. Satpaty, A. Chowdhury, M. R. Ghosh and N.

Adityachaudhury- J. Agric. Food. Chem. 40 (7) : 1208-1210 (1992).

*20. Photolysis of selected pesticides in solution containing nitrate : Implications of

cheasapeake bay- W. E. Johnson, J. R. Plimmer & Ashim Chowdhury- Presented

in the American Chemical Society National Meeting (Environmental Chem),

Sanfrancisco, CaliforniaApril 5-10, 1992.

*21. Phototransformation of Insecticide Maxforce (Hydramethylnon) in aqueous

system- S. Chakraborty, A. Bhattacharyya and A. Chowdhury- Pesticide Science(Eng.), 37 : 73-77 (1993).

*22. Bacterial degradation of the herbicide pendimethalin and activity evaluation of

its metabolities- R. K. Kole, J. Saha, S. Pal, S. Chaudhuri, A.chowdhury, Bull.

Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 52 : 779-786 (1994).

*23. Microbial degradation of Oxadiazon by soil fungus, Fusarium solani- S. K.

Chakraborty, Ashim Chowdhury, Anjan Bhattacharyya, R. Waters, Swapan

Ghosh, S. Pan and N. Adityachaudhury- J. Agric. Food. Chem., 43 (11) :2964-2969 (1995).

24. Antifungal activity of extracts of Clerodendron siphonenthus against some plant

pathogenic fungi M.R. chatterjee, A.Chowdhury, J. Mycopathol. Res, 33 (1).67-70(1995)

25. Antifungal activities of some fractions of extract from Coriaria nepelensis on

growth of three plant pathogenic fungi- M.R. Chatterjee, M. Chatterjee, Ashim

Chowdhury- J.Myco pathol Res. 34 (1) : 53-57 (1996).

*26. Photochemical Transformation of the fungicide Chlorothalonil by Ultraviolet

Radiation,S. Samanta, R. K. Kole, L. K. Ganguli, A. Chowdhury, Bull. Enviro.,

Conta. Taxicol, 59 : 367-374(1997).

*27. Metabolic study of Isoproturon in Goats Following a single oral Administration:

Toxicokinetic & Recovery -S. Juliet, T. K. Mondal, B. Mal, Ashim Choudhury, A.

Bhattacharyay & A. K. Chakraborty– J. Agric. Food Chem., 46 (1) : 178 –183(1997)..

*28. Degradation of oxadiazon in Kalyani Alluvial soil -S. K. Chakraborty., Anjan

Bhattacharyya & Ashim Chowdhury., Pestic.Science, 55 : 1-6 (1999).

*29. Photodegradation of Metsulfuron methyl in aqueous solution- S. Sarkar, A.

Samanta, A. Chowdhury & A. K. Somchaudhury, Chemosphere, 39 (6) : 873-879(1999).

*30. Effect of pH and Type of formulation on the persistence of Imidacloprid in

water. M. A. Sarkar, P.K. Biswas, S. Roy, R. K. Kole & A. Chowdhury-Bull.

Environ. Contam. Toxicol, 63 : 604-609(1999).

*31. Degradation of oxadiazon in Kalyani Alluvial soil-S. K. Chakraborty., Anjan

Bhattacharyya & Ashim Chowdhury- Pestic. Science (UK), 55 : 1 – 6 (1999).

*32. Residues of Amitraz, a new acaricide on Tea- T. Saha, S. Chatterjee, K. Saha, A.

Chowdhury, A. K. Somchoudhury, A. Bhattacharyya (2000), Bull Environ.

Contam. Toxicol, 65 (2) : 215 – 221.

*33. Persistence and Metabolism of Imidacloprid in different soils of West Bengal -

M. A.Sarkar, S. Roy, R. Kole & A. Chowdhury,– Pest Management science (UK,)

57 : 598-602 (2001).

*34. Toxicokinetics, Recovery & metabolism of Nepropamide in Goats following a

single High oral Administration – A. K. Pahari, S. Mazumdar, T. K. Mondal,

A. K. Chakrabarty, A. Bhattacharyya & Ashim Chowdhury (2001). J. Ag. Food.

Chemistry (USA) 49 (4) : 1817-1824 (2001).

*35. Degradation Oxyfluorfen by Azotobacter chroococcum (Beijerenk), Subhasish

K. Chakrabarty, Anjan Bhattacharya and Ashim Chowdhury.

Bull.Environ.Contam.Toxical, 69 (2) : 203-209 (2002).

*36. Toxic kinetics, recovery and Metabolism of Triclopyr Butolyl (ACTP) Ester in

Goats, T. K. Sar, B. Bagchi, S. K. Das, T. K. Mondal, A. K. Chakrabarty,

A. Bhattacharya & Ashim Chowdhury- J. Ag. Food. Chemistry (USA) 50 (15) :4202-4209 (2002).

*37. Degradation of Oxyfluorfen by Azotobacter chroococcum (Beijerenk)-Subhasish

K. Chakrabarty, Anjan Bhattacharya and Ashim Chowdhury, Bull. Environ.

Contam. Toxicol, 69 (2) : 203-209 (2002).

*38. Toxic kinetics, Recovery & metabolism of Metamitron in Goats – Shiben C.

Debnath, Arindam Kundu, Shyamal K. Das, Tapan K. Mondal, Anjan

Bhattacharyya, Ashim Chowdhury and Animesh K. Chakraborty, J. Ag. Food.

Chemistry (USA), 51 (20) : 5977-5984(2003).

*39. Comparative assessment of spray coverage, bio-efficacy, and drift of methomyl

(Lannate 12.5 L) using a Constant Flow Valve and a 60450 nozzle on Cotton

(Gossypium herbaceum L.) and okra (Abelmoschus esculentus Moench)-

Chakraborty, S. Somchoudhury, A.K., Chowdhury A. International Pest Control.45 (2) : 94-97(2003).

*40. Effect of pH on the Persistence Behavior of Buprofezin in Water Under

Laboratory Conditions-Chaitali Das, Sumitra Roy, Raktim Pal, Romen Kole &

Ashim Chowdhury, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 72(2) : 307-311(2004).

*41. Metabolism of Metamitron in Goat following a single oral administration of a

Nontoxic dose level : A continued study –D. Chanda, S.C. Debnath, S.K Das,

T.K Mondal, A. Bhattacharyya, Ashim chowdhury and A.K Chakrabarty,

J.Agric.Food.Chem,52,7377-7381, 2004.

*42. Pencycuron application to soils: Degradation and effect on microbiological

parameters-R.Pal, K, Chakrabarti, A. Chakrabarty A. Chowdhury., Chemosphere,1513-1522(2005).

*43. Chaitali Das, Rajlakshmi Poi, Ashim Chowdhury-HPTLC Determination of

Vasicine and Vasicinone in Adhatoda Vasica., Phytochemical Analysis, 16 :90-92 (2005).

*44. Dissipation of Pencycuron in rice plant-R.Pal, Chakrabarti, K., Chakrabarty,

A, Chowdhury, – Journal of Zhejiang Science (International Journal), 6(B),756-758(2005).

80. Degradation kinetics and safety constants of a new formulation of mancozeb in

potato and tomato- Piw Das, Nilanjan Sanyal, Raktim Pal, M.A. Sarkar and Ashim

Chowdhury, Pesticide Research Journal. pp 51-53. 17(1),2005.

*45. Abamectin in Tea and Tea Liquor Under North Eastern Indian Climatic

Conditions- R. Pal, N. Sanyal, P. Das, S. K. Pramanik, C. Das, A. Bhattacharyya

and Ashim Chowdhury,.- Bull. Environ. Contam. & Toxicol,76,126-131(2006).

*46. Pencycuron dissipation in soil : effect of application rate and soil conditions –R.

Pal. K. Chakrabarti, A. Chakrabarty and Ashim Chowdhury- Pest Management

Science, 61 1220-1223, 2005.

*84 .Laboratory simulated dissipation of metsulfuron methyl and chlorimuron ethyl in

soils and their residual fate in rice, wheat and soybean at harvest-Sanyal

Nilanjan, Pramanik sukhendu, Pal Raktim , Chowdhury Ashim- Journal of

Zhejiang university SCIENCE B,7(3),202-208(2006).

*47. "Persistence and Dissipation of Linuron (Afalon - 50wp) in Pea Cropped Soil

and its Effect on Soil Microorganisms"- P.Mukherjee, S.Alam, Ajay pahari, Ashim

chowdhury -Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol, 76, 407-414 (2006) SPRINGERSC.

*48. Dissipation of imidacloprid in tea soil at termiticidal application rate- Nilanjan

Sanyal, R. Pal and A. Chowdhury, International journal of soil 1(1),81-84 (2006).,2006.

49. Imidacloprid in processed tea and tea liquor-N. Sanyal, D.Hazra, R.Pal, A.K.

Somchowdhury & A.Chowdhury, Journal of ZhejiangUniversity SCIENCE B7(8):619-622(2006)

50. Pencycuron dissipation in waterlogged rice soil-R.Pal, K.Chakrabarty &

A.Chowdhury, International Journal of Agricultural Research 1(2):113-115(2006)

51. Effect of Pencycuron on microbial parameters of waterlogged soil-R.Pal,

K.Chakrabarti, A.Chakrabarty & A.Chowdhury, Journal of Environmental Science

and Health Part B, 41:1319-1331(2006)

52. Butachlor degradation in Tropical soils: Effect of applicationrate, biotic-abiotic

interactions and soil conditions- R.Pal, P.Das, K.Chakrabarti, A.Chakrabarty &

A.Chowdhury, Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B, 41:1103-1113,(2006)

53. Effect of Pencycuron on microbial parameters of waterlogged soil-R.Pal,

K.Chakrabarti, A.Chakrabarty & A.Chowdhury, Journal of Environmental Science

and Health Part B, 41:1-13(2006)

54. Degradation and effects of pesticides on soil microbiological parameters-A

review- R.Pal, K.Chakrabarti, A.Chakrabarty & A.Chowdhury, , International Journal

of Agricultural Research 1(3):240-258(2006)

55.Efficacy of Dimethomorph and Dithionon against Blight diseases of potato-T.

Mustafi, A.Debnath & A.chowdhury , J.Mycopathol. Res, 45(1).85-89(2007).

56. Effect of novaluron on microbial biomass, respiration, and fluorescein diacetatehydrolyzingactivity in tropical soils-Piw Das & Raktim Pal & Ashim Chowdhury,

Biol Fertil Soils ,DOI 10.1007/s00374-007-0219-5.

*56. Synthesis of tetrahydroflemichapparin- N. Adityachaudhury, A. Chowdhury, C. L.

Kirtaniya and A. Chatterjee, Chem and Ind.(London), 179 (1975).

57. Quality Standardization of Chemical Actives of Andrographis paniculata –

Nilanjan Sanyal, Chaitali Das, Rajlakshmi Poi, Ashim Chowdhury. Science and

Culture,72(7-8),265-266 (2006).

58 Production of Antifungal Compounds by Higher Plants-a review of Recent

Researches-S.R Mitra, Ashim Chowdhury and N. Adityachaudhury-Plant

Physiology and Biochemistry,11(1),53-77 (1984).

59. Chemical Constituents of Plants Exhibiting Insecticidal, Antifeedants and Insect

Growth Regulating Activities-N.Adityachaudhury, A.Bhattaacharyya, Ashim

Chowdhury & S. Pal- Journal of Scientific and Industrial research, 44,85-101(1985).

60. Transformation of some selected pesticides-N. Adityachaudhury,Ashim

chowdhury, A k. Das , A. Bhattacharyya and S. Pal – J.Indian .Chem soc(DP

chakrabarty Commemorate Volume,( June-Aug),P.425-433(1994).

61. Photo Transformation of some Pesticides (Prof. D. Nasipuri 75th Birthday

commemoration issue) R. K. Kole, H. Banerjee, Anjan Bhattacharyya, A.

Chowdhury & N. Adityachaudhury. Ind. Chem. Soc., 76 : 595 – 600(1999).

62. Degradation and Effects of pesticides on soil Microbiological Parameters-A

review-R. Pal, K. Chakrabarti, A. chakrabarty and Ashim. Chowdhury –

International Journal of Agricultural research, 1(3),240-258,2006 .

63.Dissipation ofNovaluron in Chilli mad Brinjal-PiwDas,Raktm Pal and Ashim chowdhury, Journal of Entomology,4(20,1630166(2007) ( Academic Journal)