Imminent Deadline
September/October 2010
Awards for Bridging Cultures (ABCs) 2009
The Awards for Bridging Cultures (ABCs) was created to promote the work of the many organisations across the UK that promote intercultural dialogue. Funded by the Baring Foundation, the awards scheme gives cash prizes for projects that successfully build trust and respect between people from different cultures. The 2010 ABCs launched on 31 March. If you have a project that you think is eligible, look closely at the awards criteria and apply online. There are three different categories of the Awards for Bridging Cultures:
- Voluntary or community groups or organisations running projects to promote intercultural dialogue with gross annual financial income of over £100,000 (in the last two financial years)
- Voluntary or community groups or organisations running projects to promote intercultural dialogue with gross annual financial income of £100,000 or under (in the last two financial years)
- Local authorities, public sector organisations and private companies who can demonstrate their support for voluntary sector projects which promote intercultural dialogue by financing, initiating or supporting grassroots projects.
The ABCs celebrates organisations running projects that promote interculturality.For all categories, judges will look for evidence of:The nature of interaction and resulting impact on interculturality The benefit to participants engaged in the scheme The benefits to different communities, including the wider community Costs of the scheme and value for money Sustainability Impact of the project in achieving its goals The potential of the scheme as a role model for other organisations
To apply for an award:
Read the ABCs Guidance for applicants on website below. Think carefully which category your organisation should enter and which projects that you are involved with most closely reflect the criteria. You can submit applications for more than one project. Fill out the application form online. You will be asked to provide endorsements from two individuals or bodies who can comment with authority and objectivity on your project. These must be submitted with your online application.If you are unable to use the online form for any reason, please call the ABC teamTel: 024 7679 5768 to make alternative arrangements.The deadline for receipt of all applications is 5pm on Monday 13 September 2010.Contact the ABC team Tel: 024 7679 5768 Email: ABCs at iCoCo, Futures Institute, 10 Coventry Innovation Village, CoventryUniversityTechnologyPark, Cheetah Road, CoventryCV1 2TL
Deadline: 13 September 2010
Philip Lawrence Awards
Nominations for the 2010 Philip Lawrence Awards are nowopen.All over the country there are groups of young people doinggreat things. We want to hear about them!They're looking for young people who are taking a lead andmaking a difference. From tackling issues like bullying andantisocial behaviour to improving their communities and havingfun, inspiring groups are volunteering their time and proving thatyoung people can be a force for good.They're looking for groups of young people in the UK, agedbetween 11 and 20, who have a positive impact on theircommunities.
The judges use the following criteria to decide on finalists andwinners:
- Young people are improving their own lives and the lives ofothers
- Young people are taking a lead and having an impact
- Projects make a sustainable contribution to their community
- Projects make strong links between generations
- Projects helppromote active citizenship, crime reduction or community safety
- Projects promote respect and understanding of faiths, cultureand communities
They need to hear from your who deserves to be a star of the2010 awards. Download their nomination form and answer thesimple questions to tell them what you do and why it matters.Coming soon, they are launching an online nomination formconnected to the project profiles on the site, which will allow youto promote your project and collect comments andendorsements from supporters. Check back soon or follow themon twitter to find out when the online form is available. Enter the awards, get recognised! Closing date: 15 September2010
Ten winning groups will get:An invitation to the glamorous awards ceremony in London; National and local recognition for their great work; Acknowledgedas young leaders; Opportunity to be part of the PLAnet fellowshipand take part in a range of exciting activities including trainingand residentials. A short film about their project £1000 to spendon their projectUp to 30 regional finalists will be announced in October, with theten national winners announced at our awards ceremony inDecember.
Deadline: 15 September 2010
A B Charitable trust
The A B Charitable Trust (ABCT) is an independent, UK basedgrant-making organisation founded in 1990 that is concernedwith promoting and defending human dignity.ABCT supports charities that defend human rights, such asfreedom from torture and arbitrary imprisonment, and promoterespect for individuals whatever their circumstances.The Trust is particularly interested in charities that work withvulnerable, marginalised and excluded people in society, with afocus on:refugees and victims of torture prisoners older people peoplewith mental health problemsMedium sized grants available. Need to contact for exactdeadlines. (The next will be in mid September.) If you do notwork in these particular fields, but meet our wider criteria, youmay be able to apply for a small grant of up to £5,000.Website:
Deadline: 15 September 2010
Polden-Puckham Charitable Foundation
The Trust funds initiatives to support:
Peace and Sustainable Security - They support thedevelopment of ways of resolving violent conflicts peacefully,and of addressing their underlying causes. EnvironmentalSustainability - We support work that addresses the pressuresand conditions leading towards global environmentalbreakdown; particularly national initiatives in UK which promotesustainable living.For this reason we fund organisations in UK that are working toinfluence policy, attitudes and values at a national orinternational level. These may be single issue groups workingto achieve a particular change, or organisations with a broaderremit. We give particular consideration to small pioneeringheadquarters organisations.
They only support practical projects when they are clearly of apioneering nature, with potential for influencing UK nationalpolicy.They are a UK based grant giving charity. We support the workof UK registered charitable NGOs.They also support organisations or projects that are not UKregistered charities if they can indicate a UK registered charitythat is able to receive funds on their behalf.They usually give grants of between £5,000 and £15,000 peryear, for up to three years. We usually support organisations forwhom this would represent between 5% and 50% of their annualincome (organisations with an annual income of between£10,000 and £300,000 approximately).Application forms can be downloaded from the website.The next deadline for applications is midnight on 15thSeptember 2010.
Polden-Puckham Charitable Foundation, BM PPCF, LondonWC1N 3XX Email:
Deadline: 15 September 2010
Skinners’ Company Lady Neville Charity
The Skinners’ Company Lady Neville Charity was formally setup in 1978 following a bequest from Ralph Neville JP. Its aim isto provide grants that will make a clear and significantcontribution to grassroots charitable organizations working indesignated priority areas.One-off grants of up to £1,000 are made to small registeredcharities and not-for-profit organisations. The priority areas areDisability, Local Heritage, Local Community and Performing &Visual Arts.
The Lady Neville Charity will accept applications from:registered charities or not-for-profit organisations based in theUnited Kingdom organisations employing less than theequivalent of four full-time paid staff, which are working in thefollowing priority areas: Disability – We support activities whichprovide opportunities to people of any age with physical ormental disabilities Local Heritage – Projects which help localgroups to conserve and restore their landmarks, landscape,traditions and culture Local Community – Projects which areinvolved in improving the facilities or quality of life for people in adeprived neighbourhood Performing and Visual Arts – Groupsinvolved in undertaking a particular activity in any field in thisareaThey fund items of non-recurring expenditure (eg, equipment, anevent, a particular element of capital building works). Grants should make a clear and significant contribution to the
Project. The level of each grant is in the region of £500 to £1,000.
They cannot fund:
- Sponsorships requests from individuals
- Revenue requests (ie,for staff salaries or for ongoing activities) Organisations workingin similar areas as the Skinners’ Company (ie, education,vocational training, welfare grants for older or disabled people,sheltered and extra care housing)
- Projects taking place in ahospital, nursing or residential care setting
- Medical research
- Organisation which have received a grant within the last threeyears.
You are welcome to discuss a potential approach with theCharities Administrator. Please call them Tel: 020 7213 0562Email:
You need to apply by mid-March or mid-September forCommittee meetings which take place in May and November. Download Guidelines and Application form from Website:
Deadline: 15 September 2010
Sylvia Waddilove Foundation
Providing grants to charitable organisations for new projectsrelating to education, music composition and performances,herbal medicine, medical research, disability, the assistance ofthe elderly and farming. Grants are only available toorganisations with a turnover of less than £500,000 and whofulfil the criteria set by the Trustees.The Trustees aim to meet in January, April, July and October.The next meeting is scheduled for October.Applications for this meeting open on Monday 23rd August 2010and will now close on 17 September 2010. They ask you to note thatapplications received after 5.30 pm will not be considered.
Depending on the number applications received, the Trusteesmay decide to close applications before 25th June and so youshould continue to monitor the website before starting yourapplication and also whilst you are preparing it to avoiddisappointment.If you send an application to the administrator while applicationsare closed, it will not receive consideration and will be rejected.The Trustees will reserve the right not to receive applicationsfrom that applicant for a period of two years.Please see the section below headed 'acknowledging yourapplication' and 'contacting us' if you have already submitted anapplication.
Essential and desirable criteria
To qualify for a grant, you must satisfy all of the Essentialcriteria.The Trustees are not able to assist all worthy causes and wouldtherefore kindly request that potential applicants do not proceedany further with their application if it does not satisfy all of thefollowing criteria:
- The project relates to one or more of the following charitablepurposes:Education; Musical composition; Herbal medicine;Medical Research, especially regarding ageing diseases;Assistance of the disabled; Farming, organic farming and animalhusbandry
- The applicant has an annual income of less than£500,000, except in the case of an application for medicalresearch or in relation to one of the specific charities favouredby Miss Waddilove who the Trustees have already advised.
- Theapplicant is a registered charity, a CIC, or is 'small' in so far asits income and assets together are less than £5,000 and theapplicant therefore has no intention of registering as a charity.
- Branches of umbrella charities must be registered in their ownright
- The application relates to a new project that has not beencarried out before. This must be an expansion or change in theapplicant's activities
- The applicant is not requesting funds forgeneral running costs
You must satisfy all of the Essential criteria. Please also notewhen applying that at least three of the Desirable criteria onwebsite also apply.Grants range from £1,000 to £10,000.Please complete the website application form which can beaccessed via the link below. We would request that you do notsend a covering email or covering letter which refers to yourapplication as the Trustees will not look at this and will onlyreview the application form.
Please send the application, preferably by email, to the emailaddress given on the form quoting the reference: "The SylviaWaddilove Foundation UK." Alternatively, you can send us ahard copy, to Pothecary Witham Weld, Solicitors, 70, St.George's Square, LondonSW1V 3RD.The next meeting is scheduled for October.
Applications for this meeting open on Monday 23rd August 2010and will close on Friday 17th September at 5.30pm. Wewould ask you to note that applications received after 5.30pmwill not be considered.
Depending on the number of applications we received, theTrustees may decide to close applications before 17thSeptember and so you should continue to monitor the websitebefore starting your application and also whilst you arepreparing it to avoid disappointment.Website:
Deadline: 17 September 2010
Comic Relief - UK Grants
Comic Relief's current programmes include: Mental Health,Domestic and Sexual Abuse, Refugee and Asylum SeekingWomen, Sport for Change, Local Communities, Older People.They can pay for all or some of your project costs, but theyencourage you to get some of your funding from other sources ifyou can. There is no minimum or maximum grant in most of ourprogrammes, but where there are limits, these are clearly statedin the programme guidelines. Their grants on average varybetween £25,000 and £40,000 per year, and rarely exceed thisupper limit.They receive many more applications than they are able to fundand they usually only support work which fits their currentpriorities, so before you apply for funding, please read throughall the Essential Information below and on their websitecarefully.
Mental Health - This programme aims to promote the rights andsupport the recovery of people who have mental healthproblems, and to help them feel more included in society. It alsoaims to reduce the stigma and discrimination faced by peoplewith mental health problems.
Domestic and Sexual Abuse - This programme aims toprovide support for young people aged 11-25 who havewitnessed or directly experienced domestic and sexual abuse.There are two strands to this programme: Crisis Support; YoungVoices.
Refugee and Asylum Seeking Women - This programme aimsto provide support for refugee and asylum seeking women whohave experienced rape, torture and other forms of violence intheir home countries and meets one or more of the outcomeslisted below. They are especially keen to make sure that womenget the help they need in making their claims for asylum, andalso get access to emotional and practical services they need tohelp rebuild their lives. There are two strands to the openprogramme: Direct support to women; and Training.
Sport for Change - The aim of this programme is to understandmore about how sport can play a part in delivering positivechange within the lives of individuals and communities, and tomeet one or more of the outcomes:Increased sense of inclusion and well-being by marginalised anddisadvantaged people Greater community involvement Anincreased understanding of how sport can help bring aboutpositive changes in the lives of individuals and communitiesGreater knowledge across the community and sports sectorsabout effective work which uses sport as a tool for social changeThey particularly want to fund organisations working to supportpeople from BME communities, older people and women/girls.
Local Communities - The funding for their communitiesprogramme is devolved to the Community Foundation Network.Please contact directly for details:
Older People - This programme is built around supporting olderpeople to bring positive change to their communities, enablingthem to contribute their time, energy and skills to thoseindividuals who need it most. They know that encouragingparticipation has direct health benefits and can provide olderpeople with opportunities for social engagement and buildingnetworks.Please note that as they received a huge response to the firstgrant cycle of their Older People's Programme, they havenarrowed the criteria for applicants. Only those that have anexact fit with the programme aims and outcomes will beconsidered.Please consult their website for full guidance and applicationforms.
Cycle 4 is now open. The deadline for submitting yourapplication is 17 September 2010.Cycle 5 will open on 11 October 2010. The deadline forsubmitting your application for this cycle is on 7 January 2011.Please contact them if you have any other queries about theapplication process:UK Grants Team, Comic Relief, 5th Floor, 89 AlbertEmbankment, London SE1 7TP Tel: 020 7820 5555 Fax: 0207820 5500 Minicom: 020 7820 5579 Email:
Deadline: 17 September 2010
BIG - Community Wildlife
Community Wildlife will fund projects that bring local peopletogether to discover, enjoy or protect the wildlife in their localarea.The programme will fund between £300 and £10,000 forprojects that:improve rural or urban environments for people to enjoy, forexample by: protecting wildlife habitats creating a nature trail,woodland walk or wildlife garden for people to enjoy improvingnatural community spaces, such as rivers, ponds andwoodlands. get people more active and healthier, for exampleby: exploring parks, rivers and the countryside to look for rare orendangered species encouraging people to take up gardeningor go on nature walks providing opportunities for children tolearn about nature through play.
The programme has three rounds: Deadline dates: 21 July2010; 22 September 2010; 24 November 2010 If you are unsure of anything or would like further help, pleasecall Tel: 0845 367 0610 Email:
Website: (URL shortened usingTinyURL)
Deadline: 22 September 2010
Idlewild Trust
The Idlewild Trust makes grants to registered charities (not toindividuals) concerned with the encouragement of excellence inthe performing and fine arts and the preservation for the benefitof the public of buildings and items of historical interest ornational importance.Occasional support is given to bodies for educational bursariesin these fields and for conservation of the natural environment.The Trust's interest is national and it is unlikely to support aproject of local, parochial interest only.
Applying for a Grant - Check below to ensure that your projectdoes not fall into one of the excluded areas.If your project is not obviously excluded, you may wish totelephone and talk through your application before applyingformally. Please ring Tel: 020 8772 3155 on Tuesday orWednesday between 10am and 4 pm.Apply by post, sending in a fully completed application formtogether with a covering letter and the documents requested inthe Guidelines on their website.