ASAP-IT Minimum Skills Worksheet
Tracking Number: Vendor Name: Candidate Name:
GEOSPATIAL SPECIALIST – Analyst Role /Definition: Geospatial Specialist has a significant level of knowledge and understanding of geomatics. Geomatics includes the tools, techniques and data used in geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing, cartography, global navigation satellite systems, photogrammetry, geography and related forms of earth mapping. The Geospatial Specialist is knowledgeable on the suite of computer-based approaches to manage relational databases, digital maps, data from global position systems, and remotely sensed imagery to organize, display, and analyze spatial data related to the environment, business, planning, health care, homeland security, and infrastructure. /
Note: Items in BOLD font and asterisk * below under “Specification” are minimum requirements for Geospatial Specialist. Items in BOLD font below listed in each role are minimum requirements for working experience/skill. Items not in bold/asterisk are desirable and do not have defined minimums. Defined minimums for these may be established in each request and relevant to the engagement description. /
*Specification / *Minnesota Standard (minimum specification) / Identify the Candidate’s Qualifications (e.g. degree, number of engagements, years of experience, scope of work and/or duration of work – do not just answer Yes/No) /
*Level of education / *B.S., B.A. Degree or an Associate Degree with 4 years of experience /
*Certification / *Certification or degree program /
*Years of experience in a Geospatial Specialist role / *Two years of experience in an Geospatial Specialist role or four years if an Associate Degree /
*Engagements more than six months in an Geospatial Specialist role / *Three engagements lasting more than six months in Geospatial Specialist role /
*Engagements in which the Geospatial Specialist roles exceeded $50K / *Two projects or engagements that the Geospatial Specialist role exceeded $50,000 or 250 hours and at least one where the role exceeded $100,000 or 500 hours within the most recent 24 months /
Working Experience & Skills (Experience must be within the past three years): /
*Planning / *One engagement participating in a geospatial planning project, organization or on-going operation /
*Enterprise Wide geospatial Analysis / *One geospatial analysis engagement that was at the enterprise level for an organization - aggregating and/or combining multiple business units/functions /
*Relationship to other Areas / *Two engagements performing geospatial analysis as part of larger technology projects /
*Geospatial Opportunities / *Two engagements identifying geospatial opportunities for a business unit /
*Geospatial Project Plan / *Two engagements developing a geospatial project plan /
*Business Case / *One engagement developing a business case for a geospatial project or on-going operation /
*Risk Assessment / *One engagement performing a risk assessment for a geospatial project or on-going operation /
*Cost Benefit Analysis / *Two engagements developing a cost benefit analysis for a geospatial project or on-going operation /
*Operational Resource Requirements / *Two engagements determining hardware, software and data for operation of a geospatial system or component /
*Geospatial Project Management / *One engagement managing a geospatial project /
*Spatial Analysis / *Two engagements using geospatial technology to provide spatial analysis of business data /
*Map Display / *Three engagements determining/designing display of business data using a generated map /
*Business Data / *Two engagements integrating business data with other data (Layering - overlay) using geospatial tools /
*Data Acquisition Application / *One engagement designing a process and associated technology to collect geospatial data /
*Technology Research / *One engagement researching geospatial technology for applicability to an organization or a business need /
*Needs Analysis / *Two engagements that involved interviewing stakeholders to determine business needs /
*Project Estimating / *Two engagements estimating resource requirements (hardware, software, human) for an on-going operation /
*Vector and Raster Data Utilization / *Three engagements using vector and three engagements using raster data /
*Esri ArcGIS Server Products / *Two engagements that developed or used ArcGIS Server products /
*Esri ArcGIS Desktop Products / *Two engagements that developed or used ArcGIS desktop /
*Esri Service Products / *One engagement using Esri Cloud Services /
*Web Services / *Two engagements on projects that developed or utilized geospatial Web services /
*Quality Assurance / *One engagement ensuring quality of geospatial data /
*Geospatial Data Standards / *One engagement that developed or employed geospatial data standards /
*Geospatial Data Modeling / *One engagement that designed or utilized geospatial data modeling techniques /
*Presentations / *Two engagements that included designing, constructing and making formal presentations /
*Reporting / *Two engagements during which generated periodic status reports and/or a final project report /
Facilitation / Experience facilitating groups to determine needs, build consensus and/or collect information – No minimum /
Geospatial Architecture / Engagement creating, updating, modifying or appraising a geospatial architecture - No minimum /
Geospatial Project Initiation / Setting up and starting a geospatial project including identifying the human resource requirements - No minimum. /
Remote Sensing / Engagement using or collecting remote sensing data – No minimum /
Training Materials / Engagement developing training materials for a geospatial system, operation or application – No minimum /
OGC Products / Engagements that used Open Geospatial Consortium products – No minimum /
Geo Databases / Engagements designing, developing or using geo-databases – No Minimum /
Google Maps / Engagement using Google Maps – No minimum /
Geocoding / Engagement that developed or used a geocoding process – No minimum /
Imagery Data / Engagement utilizing aerial imagery – No minimum /
LiDAR/Elevation Data / Engagement utilizing LiDAR and/or elevation data – No minimum /
Geospatial Projections / Experience transforming data from one projection to another – No minimum /
Network Analysis / Experience using geospatial tools to determine a route, location and/or a flow – No minimum /
Surveys / Experience developing and using a survey to identify business needs – No minimum /
Bid Specifications / Experience determining, documenting project or engagement specifications i.e. RFI or RFP – No minimum /