Doctor for a Day Integumentary
Directions: For the following situations, figure out what is ailing their skin.
- A) As you walk into room six, Mike proceeds to tell you about his dry, scaly infection. What infection might this be based on the information given so far? (*Do NOT look ahead!)
B) Upon closer inspection, it looks as if there are red lesions covered by this silver, scaly substance. What is your final diagnosis for Mike? What specific evidence led to your conclusion?
- While working at your pediatrics office, you see a small girl named Susie. Her mother claims that she has a cold. When you come into the room, you notice that her skin is very white in color. When you write down this symptom, what other terms (TWO) can you use to describe her skin?
- A) Your nurse, Jen comes in to tell you that there is a patient in with an infection around the mouth. What are the possible infections this person is suffering from only knowing where the infection is located? (*Do NOT look ahead!)
B) When you walk in, you notice that unlike the other patient, this one has raised legions. It’s a little kid with a yellow, crusted nasal cavity. What infection does this boy have?
- A) As you enter the burn unit, you have three patients waiting to see you; some more severe then others. Your first burn patient needs to see you immediately. His name is Xuan and he has had an accident. What are some of your concerns for Xuan upon hearing that he has burns and they are major?
B) When you see Xuan’s leg, he tells you how he works at a restaurant where he is a cook. While in the kitchen, a big pot of boiling soup tipped over onto the floor and a good portion of it hit his leg on the way to the ground. His leg is blistering. What layers of skin are affected by this infection?
C) What is your diagnosis for Xuan? When he asks you how this is going to heal, what are you going to tell him?
D) The second burn patient has severe burns on her arm and abdomen. This Third Degree burn covers around 15% of her body. You decide that she is going to need an operation. What will happen during this operation? Why is it necessary?
E) Are you going to ask her if she is in pain? Why or Why not?
F) What color do you expect the skin to be on the infected burn area?
G) Is this a critical burn? Why or Why not?
H) Your third burn patient is Dennis. He has been out in the sun for too long. His skin is not a normal color. It has a reddish tint to it. His mom is freaking out. As you look at Dennis’ skin, you note that his skin is only slightly pink, although it is an all over infection. What is your diagnosis? When should the mother expect to wait to see this burn disappear?
- A) On your mid-morning break, your nurse comes into your office and reminds you about Jessie, your patient in room two who is suffering from a skin infection that is causing his skin to peel. What are you going to ask him when you walk in the room? (*Do NOT look ahead!)
B) When he tells you his infection is making his toes red and itchy, what is your final diagnosis?
C) He is a baseball player who has three hour long practices five days a week. When you tell Jessie why this is happening, what are you going to say?
- A) After lunch, your nurse tells you that you have three more rooms with patients ready to go. The first patient, Sarah, has a bacterial infection. What are your initial ideas for a diagnosis with the info provided? (*Do NOT look ahead!)
B) Sarah, in fact, has a hair follicle that is extremely large & reddish. What is the diagnosis for this condition? Why?
- A) Young Christian in room seven has a condition where his skin has an odd tint to it. What are some options you can think of where the skin changes colors? (*Do NOT look ahead!)
B) Upon walking into room seven, you notice that the color of his skin is actually yellow. What is your diagnosis for Chris?
C) What is the cause of Chris’ yellow skin? Be specific.
- A) When Yvonnah initially noticed her skin infection, it was itchy and red. What might be a possible diagnosis?
B) She then shows you how it has now progressed into a swollen set of hands and calf. There are even small blisters forming. When you ask her what she’s been doing lately, what do you expect her to say?
C) She then tells you three major tasks she did that week- water her lawn, cleans her pool, and cleans her house. Which of these tasks might be the cause of her infection? Why?
- A) Your nurse comes into your office and tells you that Jessica is ready to go in room five. She tells you that Jessica’s initial diagnosis was a fever, but now it has turned into a skin infection. When you walk into room five, what are you going to ask first Jessica first to figure out more information about what’s going on with her? (*Do NOT look ahead!)
B) During Jessica’s exam, you notice that her left cheek is very red. What is your initial diagnosis? (*Do NOT look ahead!)
C) Jessica tells you that she went to a holiday party where there were platters of random dishes. She has eaten several foods that might have set off her allergies to common food items. What is your final diagnosis?
D) Did it change from question number two? Why or Why not?
- A) Walking down the hallway, Robert accidentally trips and falls. Good thing no one noticed. ;) Robert, on the other hand, noticed the huge bruises on his palms and legs. Can you name TWO other terms for the bruises that Robert has?
B) If somebody is highly susceptible to getting bruised skin, what might be some serious reasons for this?
- The second patient waiting in room three is Zach. Your nurse informs you that he has a skin infection on his face. What are you some things you are going to be looking for to narrow down your options for diagnosis?
B) In talking to Zach, he tells you of his recent breakup with his girlfriend and his sickness that led to a fever. However, when you walked into the room, you noticed that Zach has small blisters around his mouth. Are you able to narrow your diagnosis down to a single choice? Which fact helped make your decision easier?
C) Besides the fever and emotional baggage, what else could possibly be a cause of these fever blisters?
- A) Walking into room 9 at the cancer treatment center, you discuss growths of pigmented areas with . There are a few areas he wants checked out to make sure it isn’t anything serious. What are the four things you are looking for in determining the severity of Dennis’ skin?
B) You notice he has three areas of concern. The first one is a pigmented region on his arm. The pigment is ______
C) Dennis plays basketball every weekend in the sun, and most days he does not wear a shirt or sunscreen. The second
area of concern for Dennis is on his back. This seems to be slow growing. There is a lesion on his shoulder. What is
the possible concern for this second growth? How can you know for sure?
D) Dennis then shows you a mole on his forearm that is 8mm in diameter. Should he be concerned? Why or Why not?
- A) Which type of cancer appears as a spreading brown – black patch?
B) This type only has a 50% survival rate. Why is that?
Participation Rubric: (Total Points: 7 points)
Participation During Activity
Participated throughoutin and out of focusno participation
(max points 2.5)(2 points)(1.5 points)(1 points)(0.5 points)(o points)
(All completed, but late or..)
Completes all theAll but 1completes some of the questionsno answers given
Questions on timeansweredbut little explanation
(max points 2.5)(2 points)(1.5 points)(1 points)(0.5 points)(o points)
Rate your Understanding of the Infections of Skin
Completely understandI get most of itUnderstandingNo clue
& Can teach itand can explain itBits and pieces
(Your opinion – 2 pts for answering)
50 questions throughout this worksheet ½ point eachPoints from Worksheet______/ 50
Points from Rubric______/ 17
Total Points______/ 35