Friday, February 3, 2006 - 2:00 p.m.
City Park Campus – Lac Maurepas (Building 23, Second Floor)
I. Call to Order
Curriculum Committee Meeting was called to order at 2:06 p.m. by Harold Gaspard, Chair.
II. Roll Call
Present were: Lester Adelsberg Mary Ellen Logan
Sal Anselmo Patrice Moore
Mary Bartholomew Deborah T. Morgan
Harolyn Cumlet Mike Nixon
Greg Dawson Wesley Payne
Chris Doyle Warren Puneky
Patricia Egers Suzanne Riche
Harold Gaspard Vance Roux
Sheila Hickman Dolores Smith
Lenetra Jefferson Diane Thames
Leroy Kendrick Suzanne Warren
Linda Kieffer
to other business: Donna Alley Deborah Lea
Wayne Chalona Kathleen N. Mix
Maria Cisneros Cheryl Myers
Cynthia Cone Lauren Tarantino
Arnel Cosey Elizabeth Wilson
Cynthia Gaudin Sandra Wright
Thomas Gruber
Guests were: Marilyn Ciolino John Genovese
Ramon E. Ariza Rosalind Zaharis (Maria Cisneros)
III. Vice Chancellor’s Charge for the Curriculum Committee
Dr. Jeffery Smith presented the charge for the Curriculum Committee in place of Vice Chancellor Dr. Cynthia Cone.
IV. Curriculum Operations
Harold Gaspard referenced the documents and policies governing the curriculum committee. Documents for review in the Curriculum packet include: Committee Membership List; Curriculum Development Calendar; Charter: Committee on Curriculum (Policy No. AA-1622.1D); The College Curriculum (Policy No. AA-1510.1A – Committee Operation Procedures – Pages 11-13); Master Syllabus (Policy No. AA-1503.1).
V. Minutes of Meeting – April 29, 2005
The Minutes of the meeting of April 1, were moved for acceptance [Motion: Leroy Kendrick; Second: Mary Bartholomew; Carried, Unanimously].
VI. New Business
a) Business and Technology/ELCT
Course Revision: ELCT 108 General Blueprint Reading and Design, change from 1 hour of lecture and 6 hours of lab, to 3 hours of lecture and no lab. It is unrealistic to expect students to learn to draw the blueprints in Drafting in a 6 class hour lab, yet expect the student to need 7 class hours to learn to read them. Motion to accept proposal [Motion: Mary Bartholomew; Second: Sheila Hickman; Carried, Unanimously].
b) Business and Technology/ELCT
Course Title Change: Change the title of ELCT 108 General Blueprint Reading and Design to ELCT 108 Basic Blueprint and Design to better reflect the needs of the students in this class. This class is a more basic overall blueprint reading that is non-specific toward a given field, the name change will better reflect the class. Motion to accept proposal [Motion: Leroy Kendrick; Second: Dianne Thames; Carried, Unanimously – note: Title of Course should read ELCT 108 Basic Blueprint Reading and Design to correct a typographical error on the proposal cover sheet].
c) Business and Technology/ELCT
Change the requirements for the certificate in ELCT: Add ELCT-108: General Blueprint Reading and Design or CIVT-110: Construction Graphics and Blueprint Reading. Either course may be used to successfully complete the Certificate of Technical Studies in Electrical Technology. Motion to accept proposal [Motion: Mary Bartholomew; Second; Patricia Egers; Carried, Unanimously -- note: Title of Course should read ELCT 108 Basic Blueprint Reading and Design to correct a typographical error on the proposal cover sheet].
d) Business and Technology/ELET
New Course: ELET 180 Autocad for Engineering Technology. A new course in the Electrical/Electronic Engineering Program that will provide students with the ability to use computer aided design (CAD) software. Motion to table proposal [Motion: Suzanne Riche; Second: Lester Adelsberg; Carried, Unanimously].
e) Business and Technology/ELET
Change the requirements for the Associate of Science Degree in ELET: Add MATH 130: Pre-Calculus Algebra to General Education Requirements; Delete four (4) hours of Approved Electives (BIOL, CHEM, GEOL, PHYS, SCIE); Total hours of Associate Degree decrease from 72 to 71. Motion to accept proposal [Motion: Wesley Payne; Second: Mary Bartholomew; Carried, Unanimously].
f) Business and Technology/ACCT
New Course: ACCT 218 Payroll Accounting. Motion to accept proposal [Motion: Leroy Kendrick; Second: Sheila Hickman; Carried, Unanimously].
g) Business and Technology/CULA
Course Revision: CULA 281-286 Supervised Work Experience I-VI to better reflect the
actual nature of the courses and American Culinary Federation guidelines. Motion to accept proposal
[Motion: Leroy Kendrick; Second: Lester Adelsberg; Carried, Unanimously].
h) Liberal Arts & Sciences/Liberal Arts/GSTD
Procedural Revision for the General Studies Degree Program: Change the second paragraph (page 157, 2005-2006 College Catalog) to read: “The General Studies program provides opportunities for students to follow a pre-baccalaureate course of study in several academic areas. With an advisor, an educational plan is developed for the selected course of study. Student must declare a major in General Studies prior to enrolling in the last fifteen (15) semester hours of coursework.”
The catalog currently reads: “The General Studies Program provides opportunities for students to follow a pre-baccalaureate course of study in several academic areas. At the end of the first year or upon completion of twenty-four (24) hours semester hours, students must choose an area of concentration. With their advisor, an educational degree plan is then developed for the selected course of study.”
Motion to accept proposal [Motion: Wesley Payne; Second: Leroy Kendrick; Carried, Unanimously].
VII. Next Meeting: February 17, 2006 (scheduled meeting)
VIII. Adjournment 3:15pm