Minutes for Tuesday 4th February 2014at 6.00pm
Present:Dr Ramchandani, Zoe Taylor, Sharron Norton, Carol Coxwell,
Gloria Burrell, Shirley Speed,Laurie Gamp, Kenneth Buckler, Jan Wolfenden, Judith Cooper,
Noreen Walsh, Bill Corsar
Apologies: Simon Tidball, George Cooper, Claire Picton,
Previous minutes confirmed as correct.
- Home Delivery Service-
- Drivers to make sure all medication is in a sealed bag with the patients name on, this is to be done by the pharmacy
- Petty Cash-
- It was suggested that ZT keep a float of £20 at the surgery for small purchases, this was agreed by members
- Financial Grant from the council-
- The local Council have granted the sum £350 which needs to be put to use within 6 months
- Financial Statement RE: Funding Raising-
- LG handed out a copy of the financial statement. Informed members that the cheque for MacMillan Fund had been sent off. Members discussed the poor turnout for the last fund raiser, hoping to improve on this for next time. MacMillan thank you letter shown to members. SN to file.
- Feedback patient championship-
- KB attended meeting at Civic Centre for PPG’s. Attended by PPG Chairpersons, NHS agencies and CCG members. KB reports that the group is doing well with planned activities and support.
- Appointment Changes-
- New 48 hour appointments available for patient access. Survey to be repeated later this year. Duty Doctor Appointment slots to be revisited as some are not being used when doing twice a week.
- Survey will be revisited to see if changes have improved outconmes on Monday 24th February, Tuesday 25th February and Wednesday 26th February; this will consist of questions relating to patient access only. ZT and KB to meet before to discuss and revise if possible.
- Survey Volunteers:
Monday 24thAmJW and SP
PmBC and JC
Tuesday 25thAmGB and CC
PmBC and KB
Wednesday 26thAmLG
PmSP and ST
- PPG Administration-
- ZT discussed the need for a secretary; this does need to be resolved by the members. SN suggested a role share to make it easier.
- Coffee Morning-
- The date has been set for the first coffee morning. Friday 7th March, from 10.30 to 12.00. Volunteers are CC and GB who will buy supplies. JW, SP, MW and KB will be attending. Posters to be done by KB and forwarded to SN for printing.
- Trainee GP/GP registrar-
- JYR has qualified to train new GP’s at the practice, our first GP registrar will start on Wednesday 5th February and this will be a 6 month period. The surgery will then get a new GP registrar every 6 or 12 months after that.
- Minor Ailments Scheme-
- BC brought in an old leaflet highlighting this scheme which gives information on how to treat minor ailments before seeking GP advice; unfortunately this is no longer available in Hillingdon.
Next Meeting to be held on Tuesday 8th April 2014 at 6pm
Meeting finished 7pm