Marketing Scope & Sequence 2014-2015
Topic/ Competency - QUARTER 1 / Resources / Assessments/SpeakersWEEK 1 -2Addressing Student Life
- 030 Identify the purpose and goals of the student organization
- 031 Explain the benefits and responsibilities of membership in the student organization as a student and in professional/civic organizations as adults
- 032 Demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student organizations activities, such as meetings, programs, and projects
- 033 Identify internet safety issues and procedures for complying with acceptable use standards
DECA Video
Teacher Developed Resources / Marketing Handbook Question Packet
WEEK 3-4 Communicating in the Workplace
- 041 Describe the communication process
- 042 Demonstrate the effects of nonverbal communication on interactions with others
- 043 Write Various types of basic business communications
- 044 Demonstrate telephone etiquette
- 045 Demonstrate online etiquette
- 046 Explain concerns related to mobile phone etiquette
- 047 Explain the impact of technology on marketing
- 048 Use computer technology and software tools to perform marketing tasks
Create business documents
WEEKS 5-7Developing Professionalism in the Workplace
- 049 Use customers’ and managers feedback to improve performance
- 050 Explain the importance of diversity within the work environment
- 051 Examine ethical behavior in the workplace
- 052 Resolve customer and co-worker conflicts
- 053 Demonstrate positive working relationship
- 054 Demonstrate appropriate workplace behavior
- 001 Demonstrate positive work ethic
- 002 Demonstrate integrity
- 003 Demonstrate teamwork skills
- 004 Demonstrate self-representation skills
- 005 Demonstrate diversity awareness
- 006 Demonstrate conflict-resolution skills
- 007 Demonstrate creativity and resourcefulness
Power Points and listening guides
Mystery Diner Episode / FISH Philosophy Packet
Workplace integrity Scenario packet
WEEK 8-9 Examining Marketing and Business
- 034 Explain the different types of organizations (for-profit, non-profit, government)
- 035 Explain the nature of business activities
- 036 Explain the marketing concept and its historical development
- 037 Explain the components of the marketing mix
- 038 Describe trends in marketing
- 040 Explain basic financial statements
- 039 Explain the functions involved in marketing goods and services
Marketing Trends Project
Topic/Competency - QUARTER 2
WEEKS 10-11 Understanding Economics
- 055 Investigate the nature of economics, economic activities, and economic resources
- 056 Describe the effects of competition in profit and non-profit organizations
- 057 Describe the relationship between supply and demand and its effects on price
- 058 Compare different types of business ownership
- 059 Explain the role of profit in private enterprise
- 060 Explain the effects of economic change on business and the employment
- 061 Analyze the role of government in business and the economy
- 062 Compare and contrast economic systems
Economics 101 Academy Packet and Videos
Google Effect DVD (competition)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
TedEd video on franchising / Activities from Economics 101
Essay for Google Effect
PPT Project on different economies
WEEK 12 Introducing Information Driven Marketing
- 063 Identify the role of marketing Information
- 064 Explain qualitative and quantitative market research methods
- 065 Explain the role of ethics in marketing research
- 066 Identify the parts of a marketing plan
Pal Pre Case Study / Test
WEEKS 13-14 Promoting Products and Services
- 084 Examine the concept of promotional mix
- 085 Identify the promotional mix of an existing product or service
- 086 Describe the technological tools and methods used to market goods and services
- 087 Compare the benefits of various types of promotional media
- 088 Identify the components of a print ad
- 089 Prepare an advertisement that encompasses knowledge of the marketing mix
- 090 Explain the concept of visual merchandising
- 091 Explain advertising campaigns
- 092 Create a press release and related media materials
- 093 Explain the concepts of push and pull and they apply to an existing product or service
- 094 Describe ethical issues related to promotion
Verizon Project
Advertising Poster
TEDEd on advertising / Push Pull worksheets
Verizon Project
Advertising Posterr
WEEK 15 Examining Distribution
- 073 Explain the concept of distribution
- 074 Identify channels of distribution
- 075 Identify shipping and receiving processes
Storage Wars
Food Trucks from Modern Marvel / Shipping terms graphic organizer
Different shipping methods worksheet
WEEK 18 Mid-Term Exam / Project
Mid Term Exams / Marketing Essentials Textbook
Teacher Developed Resources
Topic/Competency - QUARTER 3
WEEKS 19-20 Understanding Product/Service Positioning
- 076 Describe market identification and segmentation
- 077 Explain positioning and its relationship to target market
- 078 Identify competition for a selected product/service
- 079 Determine the product/service’s position relative to those of the competition
- 080 Identify the target market of the selected product/service
- 081 Determine the most effective retail outlets to position the selected product/service
Project / Product Positioning Project
WEEKS 21-23 Developing Product/Service Planning Skills
- 067 Identify the role of product service planning in marketing
- 068 Describe the types of product mix strategies
- 069 Describe the product life cycles
- 070 Describe the importance of branding in marketing
- 071 Explain the difference between brand name and brand
- 072 Explain the use of national and private brand names in marketing
Copies of chapter on Coke and Pepsi from Blink. By Gladwell
DVD Cola Wars
PPT and guided notes
Brand project / Worksheet for Cola Wars
You as a brand project
WEEKS 24-25 Selling Products and Services
- 097 Identify the various types of selling and the tools used for each
- 098 Explain the importance of customer service
- 099 Describe how to receive and handle customer complaints
- 100 Explain customer buying motives
- 101 Demonstrate the selling process for a selected product or service
- 102 Explain the function of a planogram in selling merchandise
- 103 Process a sale
EBay Effect
Shark Tank / Test
Selling Project
WEEK 26 Understanding Risk Management
- 095 Explain the nature and types of business risk
- 096 Describe methods for managing risk
Chapter 34 Risk Management
Episode of “The Office” called Risk Management / Business Risk activity
WEEK 27 Pricing Products and Services
- 082 Explain key factors in determining selling price
- 083 Explain the differences between pricing a good and a service
Pricing PPT and guided notes
Price is Right Episode
Costco Craze Video / Test
Costco Case study questions
Topic/Competency - QUARTER 4
WEEKS 28-30 Developing a Career
- 104 Analyze personal interests, personality traits, and skills
- 105 Research career opportunities in marketing
- 106 Use various job search strategies
- 107 Develop/update a resume
- 108 Describe the steps for posting an electronic resume
- 109 Develop a digital resume and portfolio
- 110 Update a cover letter
- 111 Complete a job application
- 112 Complete an employment interview
- 113 Complete a follow-up to a job interview
- 114 Describe networking skills for professional development
- 115 Develop a personal marketing plan
- 116 Identify the purposes and types of employment tests and personality profiles
- 117 Identify procedures to follow in resigning from a position
WEEKS 31-32Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Professional Knowledge and Skills
- 008 Demonstrate effective speaking and listening skills
- 009 Demonstrate effective reading and writing skills
- 010 Demonstrate critical-thinking and problem solving skills
- 011 Demonstrate healthy behaviors and safety skills
- 012 Demonstrate an understanding of workplace organizations, systems, and climates
- 013 Demonstrate lifelong learning skills
- 014 Demonstrate job acquisition and advancement skills
- 015 Demonstrate time-, task-, and resource-management skills
- 016 Demonstrate job-specific- mathematics skills
- 017 Demonstrate customer-service skills
Teacher Developed Resources
WEEK 33 Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Technology Knowledge and Skills
- 018 Demonstrate technologies common to specific occupation
- 019 Demonstrate information technology skills
- 020 Demonstrate understanding of Internet use and security issues
- 021 Demonstrate telecommunications skills
Teacher Developed Resources
WEEK 34 Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Examining All Aspects of an Industry
- 022 Examine aspects of planning within an industry/organization
- 023 Examine aspects of management within an industry/organization
- 024 Examine aspects of financial responsibility within an industry/organization
- 025 Examine technical and productions skills required of workers within an industry/organization
- 026 Examine principles of technology that underlie an industry/organization
- 027 Examine labor issues related to an industry/organization
- 028 Examine community issues related to an industry/organization
- 029 Examine health, safety, and environmental issues related to an industry/organization
Teacher Developed Resources