DAYS ABSENT / INTERVENTION TASK / RESPONSIBLE PARTY3 / “After” the student has accumulated 3 unexcused absences, mail 3 day unexcused letter to the parent, guardian or custodian / -- Principal signs S-3 letter
--Data manager – mail signed letter
Scan a copy of the “signed” letter & save to the data manager’s computer for future reference
6 / “After not more than” 6 unexcused absences, mail 6 day unexcused letter to the parent, guardian or custodian --
Under G.S. 115C-378, once the parents are notified, the SSW/Attendance Counselor shall work with the child and the child’s family to analyze the causes of the absences and determine steps, including adjustment of the school program or obtaining supplemental services, to eliminate the problem.
Interventions: (Home visits, telephone calls, text message, email to parent, community agency referrals, skill specific groups, online bully referral form, incentives, attendance contract, alarm clock, referral to school nurse, attendance conference, change bus stop/addresstransportationissues, Connect-Ed wakeup call, Piedmont Mediation, referral to MTSS process for interventions (CICO/mentorship), Tier 2-1 &/or 3-2-1 MTSS Parent Letter(s), homeless supports (if applicable), Special Education services and/or 504 Plan, etc.) / -- Principal signs S-6 letter
--Data manager – mail signed letter
Scan a copy of the “signed” letter & save to the data manager’s computer for future reference
**Bi-weekly the data manager will run the PowerSchool “Attendance Count” report to identify S-6 unexcused letters to be mailed –This bi-weekly report will also be given to the SSW/Attendance Counselor to initiate student/family interventions**
--SSW, Attendance Counselor -**After not more than 6 unexcused absences, initiate interventions**
10 / “After 10” accumulated unexcused absences, mail 10 day unexcused letter to the parent, guardian, or custodian --
Under G.S. 115C-378, the principal shall review any report or investigation prepared by the SSW/Attendance Counselor and shall confer with the student and the student’s parent, guardian, or custodian, if possible, to determine whether they have received notification pursuant to the G.S. and made a good faith effort to comply with the law. If the principal determines they have NOT made a good faith effort to comply with the law, the principal shall notify the district attorney and the director of social services of the county where the child resides. If the principal determines the parent, guardian or custodian has made a good faith effort to comply with the law, the principal may file a complaint with the juvenile court counselor pursuant to Chapter 7B of the G.S. that the child is habitually absent from school without a valid excuse.
Ongoing Interventions: (Home visits, telephone calls, text message, email to parent, community agency referrals, skill specific groups, online bully referral form, incentives, attendance contract, alarm clock, referral to school nurse, attendance conference, change bus stop/addresstransportationissues, Connect-Ed wakeup call, Piedmont Mediation, referral to MTSS process for interventions (CICO/mentorship), Tier 2-1 &/or 3-2-1 MTSS Parent Letter(s), homeless supports (if applicable), Special Education services and/or 504 Plan, etc.) / -- Principal signs S-10 letter
--Data manager – mail signed letter
Scan a copy of the “signed” letter & save to the data manager’s computer for future reference
--Principal shall confer with the student and the student’s parent, guardian, or custodian to verify S-3, S-6 & S-10 unexcused letters received
*To “determine” the student’s and/or parent/guardian/custodian’s good faith effort to comply with the law*
--SSW, Attendance Counselor continues with interventions and/or initiates Truancy Court forms
10-15 / Submit Truancy Court referral --
(Complete required Truancy Court forms: File notification to District Attorney and/or Undisciplined Juvenile Petition) / --SSW, Attendance Counselor
( Principal’s signature required on TC District Attorney notification & TC DSS notification - communicate with Truancy Court District Liaison - Michele Freeze to determine next steps in the court process)
After warrant issued and/or Undisciplined Juvenile Petition filed / Truancy Court District Liaison, Michele Freeze, will notify the principal and SSW/Attendance Counselor to appear at the assigned court date, time & location. Necessary documents for Truancy Court:
· Current attendance report
· Copy of all attendance letters
· Case notes concerning contact with student and/or parent, guardian or custodian
· Academic performance / report cards
· Discipline / incident reports / --Principal
--SSW/Attendance Counselor