NEWS for Grade 5 Parents and Students
Phys. Ed. Class
Student Agenda Information
Indoor Shoes
Prepared for Learning
Daily Physical Activity
Your Child’s Teachers
Dear Parents and Students:
I would like to welcome all of you to a new and exciting school year. This is certain to be a fun and productive year for all of us. We are all looking forward to learning new concepts, sharing our ideas and celebrating our successes.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at 416-394-7520.
Mr. Ushirode
Phys.Ed. class is scheduled on Days 2, 5, 6, 8, and 10. Please ensure that your child is prepared for class with a change of clothes that is suitable for moving comfortably in, including indoor running shoes. At this age, it is also encouraged that students use deodorant following Phys. Ed. class.
Your child’s agenda is a very important communication tool between home and school. Please feel free to write notes regarding important information about your child for the teacher or the office.
Agendas are also used to record daily homework and reminders. Students are required to copy the homework from the homework board into their agendas, in order to adhere to the deadlines for work completion.
The teacher will check and initial in the agenda at the end of each day. Parents are asked to check the agenda and initial each day. This will notify the teacher that homework is being monitored and notes are being read.
Homework is meant to reinforce the concepts learned in class or for completing unfinished work. Reading and/or completing homework for about 50 minutes each evening should be part of your child’s regular routine. If your child has questions or concerns, please help to clarify or let your child bring his/her questions to the teacher’s attention the next day.
It is important that all students have indoor shoes. This will eliminate the tracking in of water and dirt into the school, and ease the amount of clean up for our caretakers.
We do our best so that your child has a successful learning experience every year. In order for this to happen, we are asking that you speak with your child about coming to class everyday with the proper school uniform, his/her agenda, writing materials, and any assigned work.
Please ensure that your child receives enough sleep and is provided with a nutritious, well-balanced breakfast and lunch. This will help your child have sustained energy throughout the day.
The Ministry of Education has mandated 20 minutes of daily physical activity on days when students do not have Phys.Ed. class. We are promoting a positive lifestyle to help children become healthier and more active. Please encourage your child to continue to be active on weekends, too!
§ Mr. Ushirode –Homeroom
§ Mr. Pak – Media Literacy
§ Monsieur Constantinescu – French
NEWS for Grade 5 Parents and Students