Employee Data Changes and Records
In order to effectively manage our employees and ensure growth, Company Name maintains up-to-date employee records. We view personal employee information as strictly confidential. All files are maintained to ensure completeness and are kept in a locked filing cabinet with restricted access.
Employee records are maintained for several important reasons:
- To ensure that legal, regulatory, and procedural requirements have been met
- To provide a basis for making personnel decisions (e.g. benefits, salary, termination)
- To collect information for statistical human resources reports forManagement or government bodies as applicable
Company Namemaintains personnel files for each individual employee. The personnel files include such information as the employee’s job application and resume, contracts, offer letters, reference checks, assessments/tests, training records, performance and salary change documents, benefit information, job description(s), Leave request forms, medical certificates, and other employment records.
It is the responsibility of each employee to promptly notify their manager of any changes to their personal data. This includes personal mailing address, telephone numbers, name and number of dependents, individuals to be contacted in the event of an emergency, educational accomplishments, and other such status items.
Personnel files are the property of <Company Name> and access to the information contained within is restricted. Generally only supervisors and managers of <Company Name>, who have a legitimate reason to review the information, are permitted to do so.
An employee has the right to review his or her own employee records at any time. A request to do so must be given to a member of the management team who will retrieve the employee’s information and let them review it. Company Name does not allow employees to remove files from the area in which they are kept. Furthermore, in order to maintain the integrity of the employee records, employees are not permitted to remove or add anything to the content of the file. Employees are given the opportunity to sign off on documents for accuracy before they are entered into the employee’s file. Once information is placed in employee files, it cannot be removed unless otherwise stated. Employees may formally request an update to information contained in their personnel file; however, all versions will be kept i.e. original and updated versions.
<Company Name> reserves the right to alter, modify, amend or change human resources policies at its sole discretion. Employees will be provided appropriate notice of any changes to policy.
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