Southeast Volusia Hospital District Board of Commissioners
August 25, 2016
SEVHD District Office
Present: / Commissioners: / Others Present: / Others Present:X / Derwin Smothers, Chairman / Jeff Davidson / Dennis Burgoyne
X / Pat Card, Vice Chairman / Ryan Wierenga-Esq. / Member of the community
X / Ferd Heeb, Secy./Treasurer / Chris Ilardi
X / Mary Spencer
X / Bill Preston
Topic / Discussion / Recommendations/Actions / Follow-up & Date of Expected Completion
CALL TO ORDER / 5:00pm by the Chairman. Roll call recorded, the invocation given, and the Pledge of Allegiance recited. / All documents presented are on file with the District.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES / Minutes as presented from:
· August 18,2016- meeting / MOTION: made by Commissioner Card and duly seconded by Commissioner Preston to approve the minutes from the August 18, 2016 meeting as presented.
YES: Commissioners: Spencer, Heeb, Card, Preston, and Smothers.
NO: None
The motion carried 5-0
NEW BUSINESS / Commissioner Heeb asked the status of the Corporate officers for BFMC Inc.
Mr. Wierenga stated that the BFMC Inc. still lists former BFMC employees as officers according to He further stated that the Board would need to make a motion to replace those officers.
Mr. Davidson informed the Board that FHNS has requested to utilize his services. The Chairman advised Mr. Davidson that he should not perform any work for FHNS.
The District received an invoice from BPAS which was not in accordance with their service agreement. / MOTION: made by Commissioner Heeb and duly seconded by Commissioner Preston to remove the present officers of Bert Fish Medical Center Inc. and replace them with Commissioner Smothers as President, Commissioner Card as Vice President and Commissioner Heeb as secretary/treasurer. A roll call vote was called for.
YES: Commissioners Heeb, Card, Spencer, Smothers, and Preston.
NO: None
The motion carried 5-0
MOTION: made by Commissioner Heeb and duly seconded by Commissioner Card to add Jeff Davidson as CFO for Bert Fish Medical Center Inc. A roll call vote was called for.
YES: Commissioners Heeb, Card, Spencer, Smothers, and Preston.
NO: None
The motion carried 5-0
MOTION: made by Commissioner Card to include changing the officers of Southeast Volusia Medical Services. There was no second and motion was withdrawn. / Mr. Wierenga will research BPAS invoice.
Mr. Wierenga will research what procedure will be necessary to dissolve SEVMS
OLD BUSINESS / Mr. Wierenga presented options for a benefit attorney from 3 firms. He stated that there are not many firms that handle defined benefits plans. The Board was also presented with a letter from Carol Myers addressing her change of law firms Discussion ensued. / MOTION: made by Commissioner Preston and duly seconded by Commissioner Card to have the District’s general counsel reach out to the 3 firms submitted for review and ask for a proposal which should include billable rates and history working with public sector benefit plans. The proposals should be available for the September 22, 2016 meeting. A roll call vote was called for.
YES: Commissioners Heeb, Card, Spencer, Smothers, and Preston.
NO: None
The motion carried 5-0
CFO REPORT / Mr. Davidson presented an audit engagement letter from RSM and asked for approval.
Mr. Davidson informed the Board that Accounts Payable invoices prior to April 1, 2016 exceeded the cap by $40,611.60.
Mr. Davidson relayed to the Board that the District had a voluntary mortgage lien on a property that was recently sold and the District was awarded $54,686.00. / MOTION: made by Commissioner Heeb and duly seconded by Commissioner Card to approve the audit engagement letter with RSM and setting a cap for additional expenses at $12,000. A roll call vote was called for.
YES: Commissioners Heeb, Card, Spencer, Smothers, and Preston.
NO: None
The motion carried 5-0
MOTION: made by Commissioner Preston and duly seconded by Commissioner Card to approve increasing the Accounts Payable invoice cap by $40,611.60. A roll call vote was called for.
YES: Commissioners Heeb, Card, Spencer, Smothers, and Preston.
NO: None
The motion carried 5-0
LEGAL REPORT / Mr. Wierenga asked when the Board makes a motion to state whether it will be for SEVHD or BFMC.
Mr. Wierenga went on to give his findings on issue of Risk Management settlements. He proposed 3 options:
1. Continuing the way the settlements are reached now by allowing the Risk Manager full authority to settle claims
2. Have the Risk Manager meet with Board in closed session to get approval of a settlement amount.
3. Have the Risk Manager have a capped settlement amount and meet with Board in closed session if cap will be exceeded.
Mr. Burgoyne gave a background on his education and experience and brief synopsis on how the settlement process works. Discussion ensued.
Mr. Wierenga commented on a typographical error in the Healthcare Services Agreement (Article III 3.1 contract year 2). The amount should be $12.116, 519 not $12,166,519. This discrepancy was presented to FHNS and they are in agreement regarding the error. / Mr. Burgoyne and Mr. Davidson will provide Mr. Wierenga with data on the previous settlements. Mr. Wierenga will prepare an opinion on a settlement cap.
MOTION: made by Commissioner Heeb and duly seconded by Commissioner Card to table the Risk Management item until the September 22, 2016 meeting. A roll call vote was called for.
YES: Commissioners Heeb, Card, Spencer, Smothers, and Preston.
NO: None
The motion carried 5-0
BOARD DISCUSSION / The topic of miscommunication. The Board should be diligent in understanding the definitions and context of terms used.
ADJOURN / Meeting adjourned 6:30pm.
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