“The Voice of SMEs in Europe”Issued by the Press Office, UEAPME, Maison de l’Economie Européenne, Rue Jacques de Lalaing 4, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium. Tel.: +32 2 230.75.99
Fax: +32 2 230.78.61 E-mail: Web:
DATE: 6th December.2000, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE[i]
Board of UEAPME Re-elected
New Appointments to SME Policy Committees
UEAPME this week re-elected its entire board for a further two-year term of office. The elections took place at its General Assembly on Monday 4th December at the Economic & Social Committee in Brussels.
The re-appointments are as follows:
- PresidentAndrea Bonetti (Italy, Confartigianato)
- Senior Vice PresidentMario Secca (Portugal, AIP)
- Vice-PresidentFranz Bamberger (Austria, WKÖ)
- Vice PresidentPascal Kneuss (France, APCM)
- Vice-PresidentDieter Philipp (Germany, ZDH)
- Vice-PresidentBruno Menini (Italy, CNA)
- Vice PresidentKris Peeters (Belgium, CNB-PME)
- TreasurerJean-Pierre Martin (France, UPA)
Furthermore, the following were appointed as Auditors for a fist two-year term:
- Danny Eysenbrandts(Belgium, CNB-PME)
- Mrs. Mary-Lou Wedderburn(United Kingdom, FPB)
Additionally, elections took place for chairmanship appointments to three of UEAPME’s key policy committees:
- Legal Affairs CommitteePeter Vesterdorf (Denmark, Håndværksrådet)
- SME Finance & Relations with Banks Working Group
Risto Suominen (Finland, Federations of Finnish Enterprises)
- Taxation Working Group
Chas Roy-Chowdhury (United Kingdom, FPB/ACCA)
Note to editors: Please contact Guido Lena for further information and see UEAPME’s Website at
[i]UEAPME (Union Européenne de l’Artisanat et des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises / European Association of Craft, Small & Medium-sized Enterprises) is the employers’ organisation representing craft, trades and SMEs in Europe (EU and countries applying for accession to the EU). It represents, through 69 national and European sectoral federations, over 10 million enterprises, which employ over 50 million people (EU figures, based on the membership of 22 national full member organisations: 7 million enterprises; 35 million employees). It is non-profit seeking and non-partisan, and promotes the interests of its member organisations at European level.