Thank you for agreeing to complete this referral form. The purpose of this reference is to help determine if the applicant will be suitable as a credentialed minister with Rhema Ministerial Association Australia.

We would greatly appreciate you answering the following questions honestly and correctly.

The information you give will be held in strict confidence. Not all questions may be applicable to you, but please complete all categories to the best of your knowledge. If you need more space for answers, please include attachments.

Please return this completed form with the relevant attachments to the RMAA Administrator, P.O. Box 1648, Springwood, Queensland 4127.

Applicant’s Name

Referee Questionnaire

  1. How long have you known the applicant? years
  1. How well do you know the applicant? Very Well Well Casually Slightly
  1. Has your relationship been? Close Casual Intermittent Distant Other
  1. Please describe how know the applicant, and your suitability to provide this reference:
  1. Have you observed a distinct call on the applicant to Christian ministry/leadership?

Yes No Do not know/unsure

  1. To your knowledge is the Applicant currently involved in active ministry?

Yes No Do not know/unsure


  1. Please comment on the Applicant's local church standing and current involvement:

Pulpit Experience/Preaching & Teaching Work Ability (in the ministry)

Well experienced Industrious, does more than required

Light experience Satisfactory work ability

No Experience Enough to get by

Do not Know Does not meet minimum requirements

Do not know


Stability/Ability to withstand pressure Personal Organisation

Tolerates pressure well Conscientious, tidy and clean

Average Tolerance/ renmains calm Fairly neat

Easily irritated Tends to be disorderly

Cannot handle pressure Disorderly and untidy

Do not Know Do not know


Response/Attitude to Authority Emotional Stability

Helpful and cooperative Self-controlled and mature

Usually responsive Usually stable

Resentful to authority Moody and changeable

uncooperative/resentful Many uncontrolled periods/unstable

Do not Know Do not know

  1. From your knowledge of the applicant’s general character, past record and present behaviour, has the applicant been involved in any conduct indicating an unsuitable character for ministry?


If YES, Please comment:

  1. Do you have other areas of concern regarding this applicant's decision to apply for a credential?
  1. Please give any additional information which you believe should be taken into consideration with respect to this application:


I declare that I am not related to this applicant. For the purpose of being considered for a ministerial credential with Rhema Ministerial Association Australia, I deem the Applicant as:

Strongly Recommended Recommended Recommended with Reservations

NotRecommended Do not know enough about the Applicant to make a valid recommendation

Name: Signature

Name of Church: Your Position:

Duration of involvement (with your current church organisation): years


Suburb: State: Post Code:


Are you a Rhema Graduate? Yes No If yes, year graduated Country

Please accept our thanks for the time and effort you have given. Your comments will receive full consideration. Please note also that these comments will be kept confidential.

Administration Committee Rhema Ministerial Association Australia

Rhema Ministerial Association Australia August 2017Page 1 of 2