Education Investment Guidelines
The Staten Island Foundation supports local education leadership in their goal to provide all students with a high quality education that prepares them for life and to become productive members of our community. The ability to read and write fluently is essential. The Foundation invests in organizations, programs, and projects inside and outside of public and private schools for all age groups. Please review the results we seek and examples of the investments we make in each of our priority focus areas below to determine if your project aligns with Staten Island Foundation's guidelines.
Results we seek in this priority focus area are:
· Increases in the number of K-12 students that are reading and writing at or above grade level
· Increases in the number of parents that are actively involved in supporting their child’s educational success
· Increases in the number of English language learners or students with special needs that progress at the same academic rate as their peers without those barriers
· Increases in the number of youth that obtain a high school diploma, GED or vocational credential
· Increase the number of least-advantaged students that enter and succeed in college.
· Increases in the number of adult English language learners becoming proficient in English at a level that meets their educational or career needs.
· Increases in the number of youth that demonstrate their leadership skills at school or in the community and improve their academic performance
We make the following types of investments in this priority focus area:
Direct Service:
The Staten Island Foundation invests in programs and projects that are focused on improving the lives of those being served. Examples of direct service investments in this area include but are not limited to - literacy development, parent engagement projects, after school and youth development projects, family literacy projects, ESL programs that meet basic proficiency, educational, and career needs, tutoring and mentoring programs, and childhood development programs. These one year grants range from $5,000 to $50,000.
Capacity Building:
At times we believe that making an investment to support the organizations we fund so they can achieve and sustain stronger results for those they serve, is the best investment we can make. Examples of Capacity building investments in this area include but are not limited to - training and professional development in best practices or technical assistance that helps staff deliver services more efficiently and effectively, projects focused on strategy, fundraising or other plans, technology integration, school collaborations to leverage assets and resources, developing new programmatic models that increase results. These one year grants range from $5,000 to $50,000.
Capital Improvements:
At times we believe that investing in capital improvement is the best investment we can make to increase the efficiency or effectiveness in your organization. Examples of Capital Improvement investments in this area include but are not limited to - expanded or improved learning spaces, rehabilitation or improvement of recreational space, greening of existing space and facilities, and projects that enhance academic achievement in schools including technology and new equipment. These grants currently do not exceed $150,000 over a three year period and are very limited at this time.