Marketing Exam Notes

All The Frameworks

Porter’s Five Forces

Potential Entrants, Suppliers, Buyers, Substitutes, Rivalry Among Existing Firms

The Business Macroenvironment (PEST)

  • Political / Legal
  • Economic / ecological
  • Social / Cultural
  • Technology

Situation Analysis (SWOT): Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

Situation Analysis (5Cs): competitors, climate (environment), collaborators, customers, company

Customer: DMU, DMP, Value Driver, Segment, Acquisition & retention, size growth potential

Marketing Strategy (STP): Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning

Marketing Mix (4Ps): Product, Price, Place, Promotion, Evaluation of Alternatives

Implementation & Monitoring: implement decision, monitor & control, adapt & renew

Profit = [Mkt. demand x mkt. Share x (Rev. per buyer – V Cost per buyer)] – Fixed Cost

Set profit to zero for break-even, but don’t forget cannibalization

Value Cycle

comparative advantage, value proposition, competitive advantage, perceived value, sales share and profit leadership, customer equity, superior market value, market orientation

Segmentation Scheme (AMISH): Per Market Segmentation PPT

  • Accessible, measurable, identifiable, sustainable, homogenous

ATR (used in test marketing): Awareness, Trial, Repeat

Pricing Strategy:

  1. know how buyers value your offering (EVC, competitor pricing),
  2. assess price sensitivity (elasticity, conjoint),
  3. look for variation (ex: across countries),
  4. anticipate competitive response,
  5. identify appropriate pricing structure,
  6. check consistency with overall strategy,
  7. assess response and fine tune,
  8. assess whether it’s worth it to serve customer


  • Customer segmentation. Do a DMP, DMU.


  • Marketing myopia
  • Failure to adequately define, understand, anticipate and/or respond to the marketplace and marketplace dynamics
  • Narrowly focusing on one aspect of the organization, rather than taking a balanced approach
  • Causes: organizational inertia, internal focus is easier, each function has its own ideas, human judgment is involved
  • Market oriented firm vs. technology oriented firm

Marketing Myopia – Theodore Levitt

  • Shadow of Obsolescence
  • No such thing as a growth industry, only companies organized to take advantage of growth opportunities. Four danger signs:
  • Belief that growth is assured by expanding and more affluent population
  • Belief that there is no substitute
  • Too much faith in mass production and in the advantages of rapidly declining unit costs as output rises
  • Preoccupation with a product that lends itself to scientific experimentation, improvement and manufacturing cost reduction
  • Production Pressures
  • Concern yourself with marketing not sales (volume)
  • Dangers of R & D
  • Don’t pay too much attention to r & d at the expense of considering marketing
  • Don’t believe that a great product will sell itself


  • Must understand DMU and DMP, can’t just have a great product
  • who is involved, has power; use of information; stages of purchasing
  • Customer Analysis Tools
  • Customer Activity Cycle- customer’s view of benefits/costs of your product from pre-consumption to consumption to post-consumption
  • Economic Value to the Customer (EVC)- differentiation over reference value
  • Ex: reduced startup and turnover, reduced sales cycle and implementation costs
  • Market Segmentation
  • Determines target market and who competition is

Dolan Article: Low-tech Marketing Math

  • Important!
  • Can calculate break-even point (# of units)
  • Can convert to share of market
  • Profit Drivers = revenues – costs
  • Sales volume x price; variable + fixed costs
  • Numbers are more useful when there’s a benchmark to compare to

Black and Decker

  • Important! A lot of good stuff in the Marketing Plan PPT!
  • Know target audience: DMU, DMP, Values
  • Perform a 5C analysis
  • Marketing metrics: monitor performance, be willing to change, watch new opps. And threats
  • Break even analysis: $0 = Q (P-VC)-FC
  • See the notes for Mark-up and Cannibalization



  • Continuous debate in whether to create a global brand or go local. Answer is of course finding the right balance, i.e. globalize where you can, adapt where you must.
  • Standardize globally to increase efficiency, adapt locally to increase effectiveness
  • Think about the costs & benefits before deciding whether to globalize or localize in each area:






  • Segmentation

Group Buyers on the basis of similar needs & responsiveness to marketing mix

Develop profiles

Evaluate the segmentation scheme (AMISH)

  • Targeting

Target based on segment attractiveness and competitive position

Portfolio models provide important input at this point (BCG, GE)

  • Positioning

Identify drivers of perceived value for target customers

Determine the relative importance of each value driver

Determine how current offerings (company and competitors) are perceived

Select an appropriate positioning strategy (positioning sentence)

Monitor the value proposition and allocate resources to support it


The Lure of Global Branding – Aaker & Joachimsthaler

Companies should work on creating strong brands in all markets through global brand leadership, i.e. using organizational structures, processes and cultures to allocate brand-building resources globally, to create global synergies and to develop a global brand strategy that coordinates and leverages country brand strategies:

  • Sharing insights and best practices
  • Supporting global brand planning
  • Assigning responsibility
  • Execution

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Presentation


  • Determines Organizational Systems and Structure, Investments in Technology, Required Skills and Resources, Etc.
  • Defines who is – and who isn’t – a competitor
  • Why do we segment?
  • More accurate information about value drivers
  • Better focus for marketing efforts
  • To improve competitiveness
  • Even a monopolist will be better off
  • Segmentation is not just classification, demographics or product differentiation
  • Group people based on similar needs, develop profile, evaluate scheme (AMISH)


  • Two basic segments: benefits sensitive, cost sensitive
  • Strategies: mass marketing, concentrated marketing, differentiated marketing
  • BCG matrix: star, cash cow, question mark, dog


  • Positioning – selection of a meaningful and distinct competitive position as perceived by the target customer
  • Perception is reality
  • Positioning criteria: distinct, dominant, desired, sustainable, simple, profitable

Nestle – Contadina

  • Alternatives to test marketing:
  • Historical analogy
  • Pre-test market forecasting
  • Conjoint experiments – forecasting based on preferences
  • Regional roll outs
  • BASES model used. Another model is ASSESSORS. See noted for details. Both based on ATR (awareness, trial, repeat)
  • 95% of new businesses fail in first five years. 80% of new products fail at launch.
  • Signs of a good NPD (new product development) process
  • Top-Level support
  • Solid team performance and One visionary
  • Quality, cost and speed trade-offs made very carefully
  • Orderly process to kill bad ideas and fix good ideas
  • NPD (New product development) (7 step program):
  • Idea generation
  • Concept Screening / Idea Refinement
  • Product Development
  • Quantification of Volume
  • Test market
  • Commercial Evaluation
  • Introductory Tracking

Customize Your Product Development – Edward Krubasik


  • Pricing
  • Cost based pricing = average total cost + markup
  • Simple but ignores demand
  • Reference price is what customers expect to pay (usually hard to change)
  • Steps:
  • know how buyers value your offering (EVC, competitor pricing),
  • assess price sensitivity (elasticity, conjoint),
  • look for variation (ex: across countries),
  • anticipate competitive response,
  • identify appropriate pricing structure,
  • check consistency with overall strategy,
  • assess response and fine tune,
  • assess whether it’s worth it to serve customer

Dolan Article: How Do You Know When the Price is Right?

  • Successful pricing efforts share two qualities:
  • The policy complements the company's overall marketing strategy
  • The process is coordinated and holistic consider competitors' reactions
  • 8 Steps to Better Pricing- listed above
  • Remember to consider competitors' reactions

Rohm and Haas


  • A great product with a great price is not enough. Marketing mix -4Ps- should be collaboratively handled in order to ensure the success of the product.

Ensure your product “reaches” the customers through effectively utilizing your distribution network (intermediaries).

“Perception is reality”. Therefore, effective promotion should be incorporated to the marketing plan in order to convey the superior product attributes and price/cost advantages to the customer.

  • Degree of authority is also important in conducting product management. Responsible-manager should also have the sufficient degree of authority (budget) to give required decision about the product.
  • Transaction costs can be minimized and service level can be optimized by the appropriate use of distribution channels (intermediaries). Trade-offs comes into scene at this point.
  • Channel design process:
  • Define the target market and positioning
  • Determine which services the End-User (EU) values
  • Develop alternative End-User Interfaces (EUI)
  • Determine costs of supply chains for the EUI
  • Select channels that minimizes channel costs and maximize services
  • Check with a situational analysis
  • Push Strategy – Manufacturer sells vs. Pull Strategy – End user ask for the product


Stern & Sturdivant – Customer-Driven Distribution Systems

There are eight important steps in forming a well-performing distribution system:

  1. Find out what your customers want (conjoint analysis, hybrid modeling and constant-sum scales)
  2. Lot-size
  3. Market decentralization
  4. Waiting time
  5. Product variety
  6. Service backup
  7. Decide on appropriate outlets

Focus on the relation between market segments and the outlets where services are normally delivered.

  1. Find out about the costs
  2. Find out if what customers want is feasible for the company
  3. Determine what kind of collaboration or support from other up-stream players will be required
  4. Project the total cost
  5. Bound the “Ideal”

Incorporate the opinions of the company executives to the system being designed

  1. Compare your options
  2. Review your pet assumptions

Incorporate outsiders to review the basic assumptions

  1. Confront the gap – Get together to decide between what customers want and what management wants
  2. Prepare to implement

Review Session

  • Look at questions first
  • Spend about 1 hr. reading the case
  • Don’t spend more than 15 minutes doing the numbers
  • The sample exam answers were at a Pass level. Give more detail.
  • Prioritize the key problems
  • Identify and evaluate alternatives
  • He will post Marketing Math slides tonight
  • Keep break-even analysis in mind, profit equation = $0
  • Variable costs vs. fixed costs
  • Market share break-even: Break even / Market size. Is it achievable?
  • Mark-up = (Retail Price – Wholesale Price) / Wholesale Price
  • Wholesale price = Retail price / (1+ Markup)
  • TEST in D1279 at 12:10 pm


Brand Equity

Brand equity is the differential effect that brand knowledge has on buyer response. The key components of brand equity are brand awareness and brand associations.

Brand Extension

A new product that uses an existing product’s brand name.

Concentrated Marketing

The organization selects a single market segment and focuses all resources on meeting customer needs of that segment.

Comparative Advantage

An organization is said to have a comparative advantage when it possesses unique skills and resources that are valued by customers.

Comparative Advantage Theory

A theory of competition that suggests firms should seek to build a comparative advantage in resources that will support a marketplace position of competitive advantage (superior customer value), and, thereby, superior financial performance.

Competitive Advantage

A competitive advantage exists when an organization successfully delivers perceived value more effectively and efficiently than competition. In other words, when a firm has a marketing mix that the target market sees as offering better customer value than a competitor's mix.

Customer Activity Cycle

A tool for mapping out the entire chain of activities customers must engage in to produce benefits sought.

Customer Equity

The net present value of expected cash flows from customers, both current and potential.

Customer Satisfaction

Customer’s post hoc evaluation of a consumption experience.

Differentiated Marketing

Similar to concentrated marketing except that the firm develops a unique marketing program – positioning and marketing mix - for each target market segment.

DMP (Decision-Making Process)

The buyer’s decision-making process.

DMU (Decision-Making Unit)

All those with power and stake in the decision-making process.

Early Leader

Early leaders are firms that establish a dominant position in the market before the end of the growth phase. Early leaders enter an average of 13 years after pioneers, yet are much more successful.

The Four P’s

An organizing framework for thinking about the marketing mix. Product - the offering or ‘input’ that produces buyer benefits (eg, physical product and features, service aspects, brand image, website functions). Place - the ‘right’ product to the ‘right’ buyer at the ‘right’ place at the ‘right’ time (e.g, channel logistics, information, delivery). Promotion - communications about the firm’s offering (eg, advertising, public relations, direct mail, viral marketing, permission marketing). Price - an important component of a buyer’s ‘total cost’ (eg, price, financing, billing, fees, rent, discounts).

The Five C’s

The five components of the situation analysis – company, customers, collaborators, competitors, and climate.

Generic Customer Benefits

A framework for thinking about generic drivers of perceived benefits that cut across industries:

Product Benefits -- Benefits derived from product consumption.

Service Benefits -- Benefits derived from service experience.

Reputation Benefits -- Benefits derived from the offering and supplier's image and reputation.

Relationship Benefits -- Benefits derived from maintaining a relationship with the supplier (e.g., better understanding of needs, membership in a community, etc)

Generic Customer Costs

A framework for thinking about generic drivers of perceived costs that cut across industries:

Perceived Price -- Perceptions of price (e.g., fairness, value)

Transaction Costs -- Time, Monetary, Psychological, and Effort costs associated with obtaining an offering (e.g., travel time, storage costs)

Production Costs -- Time, Monetary, Psychological, and Effort costs associated with producing desired benefits (e.g., preparing a meal, installing irrigation pipe).

Perceived Risk -- Monetary and Psychological risk from using a particular product or service.

Generic Value Drivers

A classification scheme for thinking about benefits (product, service, reputation, and relationship) and costs (price, transaction costs, production costs, and risk) from the customer’s point of view.

Generic Value Positions

Three basic strategies for achieving superior perceived value – benefit leadership, low cost advantage, and dominant value.

Lifetime Value of the Customer

Lifetime Value of the Customer (LVC) is a measure of customer equity - the net present value of future customer cash flows and costs.


Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, services, and ideas to create exchanges with target groups that satisfy customer and organizational objectives.

The Marketing Concept

The marketing concept holds that the key to achieving organizational goals consists in determining the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than competitors. In other words, the key to success is to deliver superior value efficiently.

The Marketing Mix

The marketing mix is the firm’s offering to the target segment --it is how the firm will deliver on it’s value proposition.

Marketing Myopia

Failure to adequately define, understand, anticipate, and/or respond to the marketplace and marketplace dynamics; and/or narrowly focusing on one aspect of the organization, rather than taking a balanced approach.

Market Orientation

The entire organization is focused on delivering superior value efficiently. A market-oriented firm envisions a value proposition that is thoroughly grounded in an understanding of the marketplace and its dynamics. The organization - people, processes, structure, resources, skills, and tasks - is aligned to support the value proposition. All decisions, from strategic investments in building capabilities to day-to-day operational decisions are guided by the value proposition. To make market-oriented decisions, the firm systematically gathers information on customers and competitors (both current and potential), analyzes that information for the purpose of developing marketing knowledge, and uses such knowledge to guide the creation, selection, implementation, and adaptation of marketing strategy and tactics.

Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy is the process of determining what value we will provide and to whom. What group(s) of customers should we serve? And not serve? What value should we offer? What should we not offer?

Mass Marketing

Treating the entire market as if all customers had the same needs and offering the same marketing mix to all buyers.

Perceived Value

The customer’s perception of what they actually get (total perceived benefits) relative to what they have to give up (total perceived costs).


An acronym for the portion of the Situation Analysis dealing with macroenvironmental forces and trends P.E.S.T. stands for Political/Legal, Economic/Ecological, Social/Cultural, and Technological

Perceptual Mapping

A tool for measuring customer perceptions and preferences regarding an organization’s market offering and those of it’s competitors.

Pioneering Advantage

A (questionable) theory stating that market pioneers enjoy significant advantages in the long-run.


Selection of a meaningful and distinct competitive value position as perceived by the target customer.

Positioning Statement

A concise, simple, and creative statement of our ‘points of difference’ relative to the competition.

Pull Strategy

Stimulating end-user demand to 'pull' a product through the channel (e.g., building brand equity).

Push Strategy

'Pushing' a product through the channel to end-users (e.g., via incentives such as merchandising allowances).


Grouping together buyers with similar preferences that can be served with a distinct marketing mix.

Situation Analysis