League / Name / attended / NASA (MA) / Margaret Allen
1 / Nicholas Clarke / Yes / NASA (BH) / Barbara Harper
2 / Darryl Smart / Yes / NASA (DT) / Diane Tomkinson
4 / Manfred Kampschulte / No / NASA (DH) / Don Hilton
5 / Ray Wyeth / Yes / NASA (PT) / Pat Patrick
6 / Anthony Griffiths / Yes / NASA (SB) / Simon Bentley
7 / Pete Haines / Yes / NASA (JP) / Jeffrey Parish
9 / Mal Cooper / Yes / NASA (VM) / Vernon Mackenzie
10 / Martyn Tinker / Yes / NASA (WB) / Warren Beatty
11 / Lyn Thomas / Yes / NASA (DHy) / Derek Hardy
12 / John Lawson / Yes / Visitor / Dave Smith
13 / Joan Bevans. / Yes / Visitor / P Ashley
14 / Dave Robins / Yes / Visitor / Lynn Cooper
15 / Ernie Ashley / Yes / Visitor / Steve Langley
16 / Peter West / Yes / Visitor / Sandy Williams
18 / Derek Linch / Yes / Visitor / M Bevan
19 / Nick Constantine / Yes / Visitor / Neil Lewis
21 / Kate Thomas / No / Visitor / A Boengen
22 / Simon Jackson / Yes / Visitor / Rachel Hinton
23 / Paul Meaney / Yes / Visitor
24 / Carole Shaw / Yes / Visitor
25 / Keith Matthews / Yes


Sunday 30th November 2014

Venue: Metro Inns Birmingham Road, Walsall

Start time 12 noon


Simon Bentley chaired the meeting and welcomed everyone to the AGM.

Apologies for Absence - Simon Jackson (Wilts)

Not in attendance – No apologies: Manfred Kampschulte & Kate Thomas

J Bevan asked for the qulifications of a proposer/seconder – JP confirmed any league rep

N Clark asked if a secret ballot could be forced – agreed if more than 3 or more requested – J Bevan & N Clark voted in favour – therefore show of cards would be used.

D Robins asked for clarification re K Matthews proposal of being Chairman of the Board and was he standing if he could only be voted on today as a director – JP confirmed that Keith could only be voted on as a director, the directors choose their chairman at the first directors meeting of which S Bentley would be re standing.

K Matthews said he would still stand with a view to applying for chairman at a later date.

B Harper was re elected with 19 votes in favour 0 against (BH did not vote for herself)

V Mackenzie was re elected with 20 votes in favour 0 against 0 abstained

J Parish was re elected with 20 votes in favour 0 against 0 abstained

K Matthews was elected with 15 votes in favour 3 against 2 abstained.


46 Brookside, Alconbury, Huntingdonshire, PE28 4EP

Company Registration Number 01716574 (England & Wales)