March, 2015
The Easton Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association invites you to attend the 89th AnnualLuncheon at the Green Pond Country Club, 3609 Farmersville Road, Bethlehem, Pa. 18020 on Saturday, May 2, 2015. There will be a cash bar beginning at 11:00 A.M. with the luncheon beginning at 12:00 PM. The cost is $30.00 per person.
The Class of 1965 will be honored.
Gail BerresfordGebhardtHelen Person BorderAnita Bravo ReamSharon Getz Merluzzi
Emma Shellenberger SeibertJudy Wilson WilsonBetty Keiber Yurkewitch
Officers of your Alumni are:
President –Carolyn Stocker Knauss ‘63Directors - Maryann Kohler Corona ‘57
Vice President – Ellen Strunk Palermo ‘67 Yvonne SaegerPiscanio ‘57
Recording Secretary – Nancy Pugh Sostarecz- ‘67 Anne Barrese ‘56
Corresponding Secretary/Treasurer – Jeane Bedo Titus ’67 Lois Nicholas Altemose ‘57
Internet access,please visit the Easton Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Website:
Updates are posted after meetings/luncheons with minutes/pictures, or with address changes or deaths (listed on the class list with year of passing). Please sign the guestbook; it is a way to keep connected with your classmates. If I have your email address, you will be notified of updates. Please notify me if you change address, either email or mailing. There were several times emails were rejected, so if you do not receive emails and would like to be added to my list, make sure you write it on your return.
Address label:
1)Marks the year of graduation preceding alumni
2)if you paid dues, the number of years paid (they are counted toward the 25 for life membership, where you do not have to pay anymore) and the date dues were last paid. (If you do not pay within 5 yrs, you are taken off the active list, and are not invited to the Christmas luncheon.) If there is nothing behind alumni, you never joined the association or there is no record of joining the association. You may attend the June and October meetings, (but you do not have voting privileges) and attend the May luncheon. You may always join.
Deceased members: (March 2014 –March 2015)
1939- Amanda Young Flynn passed in April 2013, notified by daughter when letter received 2014
1941- Hazellee Hefner Knoble, 450 N McDonald Ave Apt 29, Deland, FL May 24.2014
1943- Doris Kemery Barron, 9278 Cherry Lane, #92, Laurel, MD 20708 Feb 8, 2015
1944- IreneHeimer McWilliams May 29, 2014
1946- Kathryn BurnsHogan, 19301 S.E. Debora Drive, Boring, OR97009 August 18, 2014
1946- Lorraine Taylor Sholley, 467 Montour Road, Landisburg, Pa Sept 24, 2014
1956- Arlene Cesare Byers, San Diego, Ca
1957- Ellen Long Derr, 5816 Sullivan Trail, Nazareth, Pa 18064 April 30, 2014
1959- PatricaZalewskiRohl 16206 Alpine Drive, Livonia, MIApril 2014
1966- KarenKannapelHowells, 17031 Meadowview Dr,Prairieville, LA August 13, 2014
1971- Sharon Simms, 1101 Knox Ave, Easton, Pa September 27, 2014
1974- Cynthia Zimmerman MorganJune 7, 2014
Directory changes: Remove addresses for those who have passed and those letters returned for no forwarding address. Other changes (either moved, name changes or newly added) include: (remember: we may not have addresses for all alumni, especially if they do not contact us.) FYI: From 1905-1975: a total of 1139 graduated from EHSN. As far as we know: 589 are still alive. There are 367 known alumni addresses. Of those: 32 are active dues paying members, 80 are life members.
1947- Betty OssenickHandelong, 177 Westbrook South, PenArgyl, Pa 18072 no forwarding address
1948- Martha Jamieson Jurgaitis, 122 Helm Way, Downingtown, Pa 19335
1948- Irma Carpenter Malasnik, 16992 S.E. Hagen Rd, Happy Valley, Or 97086
1950- Mary Nagurney Manuel, 694 Burning Bush Rd, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 no forwarding address
1951-Barbara Greene Wagner, 280 Middle Holland Rd,Twining Village, Apt 730,South Hampton, Pa 18966-4833
1953-Shirley Onley Gardner, 12825 Astonwood Drive #213, Tampa, Fl 33626
1955- Betty Mattes Moffett, 2940 Crescent Ave, Apt 163, Eugene, Or 97408
1955- Barbara BoehmerMairana, 575 Madrid Blvd, Punta Garda, Fl 33950 no forwarding address
1957- Doris Miller Johnson, 2030 Ross Rd, Lyons, NY 14489
1962- Joyce Barr Reimer, 1744 Wallace Manor Loop, Winter Haven, Fl 33880
1965- Anita Bravo Ream, 205 Linden Ponds Way, Apt HG222, Hingham, MA 02043
1966- Linda Hevener Goldfarb, 1825 Center St. Apt 104C, Bethlehem, Pa 18017
1968- Susan Diaz Grow, 1169 Wellington Circle, Laurys Station, Pa 18059
1969- Virginia Heuer Jones, 2034 Los Lamos Drive, Clearwater, Fl 33763
1970- Vicki PaoliniPochodylo, 699 Players Ridge Road, Hickory, NC 28601
1970- Diane Logue Messantonio, 1540 Foresman Drive, Pottstown, Pa 19464
1972- Ann MalasnikCasterlin, 16992 S.E. Hagen Rd, Happy Valley, Or 97086
I reviewed the files for current addresses. There may be a few members with whom the alumni losttouch. If you know of any not listed on the website directory, please contact me or have the member to contact me. (We are looking for the following addresses for the members from the class of 1966.)
Barbara Carey BurgerPan PrellSomogyiLillian Schindler Pecchia
Susan HottensteinInfantinoElaine Peters SadlerSusan Utley Reagen
Community Service: For the past few years the alumni have sponsored The Interfaith Food Pantry, ProJeCt of Easton. Instead of donating to ProJeCt in the future, we decided to reinstitute the scholarship fund and will accept donations. A portion of the money donated in memory of Carol Whitman Moore, Class of 1957 by Dr Martin and Marge (Piccerillo) Desmery will be awarded to our first recipient. The applicant preferably should be a family member or friend of alumni. Anyone who knows of a junior/senior in nursing school may inform them that they should write a letter of intent, (include school attending, standing, committees, intent upon graduation and anyother importantinformation) to the EHSNAA, attention Jeane Titus (address below). If there are no applicants from alumni, the scholarship will be offered to a senior student at the Northampton Community College.
Fundraisers ongoing include: (donations are always welcome)
- Magnets for sale at a low price of $6.00. You may pick one up at the luncheon or by contacting me:
Jeane Titus, 132 Washington Street, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865.
- “NO BAKE/BAKE SALE’’. Figure what ingredients would cost or how much you would pay for item, which becomes your donation.
Dates to remember:
- Tuesday, June 9, 2015: meeting at noon at Blue. RSVP if you intend to attend.
- Tuesday, October 13, 2015: meeting at noon at Blue. RSVP if you intend to attend.
- November 1st: $10 dues are due yearly (no reminders mailed) to remain active. Life: 25 yrs paid no more dues.
- Tuesday,December 8, 2015: Christmas luncheon at the Green Pond Country Club
- Saturday,May 7, 2016: Annual Luncheon at the Green Pond Country Club
Requests: Many of you may know, EHSN items were donated to the Sigal Museum, Easton, Pa. (to view what has been donated, check the website under Alumni news page 2). We have asked the museum to display the items during National Nurses Week, which is being held this year May 6 to May 12. They are currently hoping to place items in a display case on the 3rd floor, with a small display in the lobby, with directions to the 3rd floor to view more items.
(Cut along this line to return form with reservation, which must be received before April 17th)
Name______Class of______
First Maiden Name Last
*_____Check if above is change of address. Include E-mail address and phone number if appropriate.
(phone numbers are not posted on thewebsite directory)
Enclose a CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ($30.00) payable to:
“Easton Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association” or EHSNAA
Will Attend______Will not Attend______
Choice of: pick one (all served with fruit cup, rolls/butter, ice cream parfaits, tea/coffee)
______Vegetable Stir Fry over Rice with Shrimp
______Eye Round of Beef (Served with whipped potatoes and roasted vegetables)
______Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad
Send reservation to: Jeane Titus, 132 Washington St, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865-2902