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Music: Norah Jones; Van Morrison; Stevie Ray Vaughn; Lyle Lovett; The Eagles; Bonnie Raitt; Keb’ Mo’; James Taylor; Bruce Hornsby; Diana Krall; Dave Matthews; Carly Simon;Eric Clapton; Natalie Merchant; Wolfgang Mozart; Jimi Hendrix; Luciano Pavarotti, The Wailers, Dave Brubeck; John Mayer; Willie Nelson; Paul Potts;June Carter; Mark Knopfler; Ray Charles; John Williams; Queen Latifah; Bruce Springsteen; Leon Redbone; Toots and the Maytals; Lee Ann Womack; Subdudes; Al Jarreau; Asleep at the Wheel; Ben Harper; Robert Shaw Chorale; Raul Midon; Corinne Bailey Rae; Paul Simon, David Bowie; Sting; Crosby, Stills, & Nash…