
July 22, 2016


Table of Contents

Region 129 Commissioner’s Letter

2016 Season Summary and Important Dates


Section I Parents 5

Section II Team Information 7

Section III Coach, Player and Parent Conduct 10

Section IV Uniforms and Equipment 12

Section V Season 13

Section VI Post Season Play 16

Section VII Accident Reimbursement Plan 18

Section VIII Laws of the Game 19

Section IX Board of Directors 21

Section X Field Map 22

Section XI Player Evaluation – All Star Information 23

Section XII Sponsorship Information 28

Commissioner’s Letter

First, I want to “Welcome You” and second, I want to “Thank You”!! The 2016 American Youth Soccer Organization Soccer (AYSO) season is about to get underway. Practices and games are right around the corner. The excitement should be building. Your Regional Board has been hard at work preparing for the 2016 season. This Season will only get better when Coaches and Volunteers like yourself get excited as your children are about to play. As you know, AYSO has been around for over 50 years, serving children and adults all over the country. Region 129 - Visalia was chartered in 1978, which means this year is our 38th year as a chartered region. We have a lot of new and fun things planned again for this year.

AYSO is a Volunteer organization dedicated to providing an opportunity for the young and the young at heart to develop a positive self-image, build on self-confidence and other positive character traits through their interest and participation in the World’s Most Popular sport, Soccer.

There are Six Philosophies of AYSO and Region 129:

·  Everyone Plays

·  Balanced Teams

·  Open Registration

·  Good Sportsmanship

·  Positive Coaching

·  Player Development

By adhering to these principles with steadfast diligence, we in Visalia can provide a FUN, FAIR and SAFE environment for our children in Visalia through Soccer.

We are asking all of our coaches to take an Age Certified Coaching Class, complete the Safe Haven Course, and a Concussion Training course. All Volunteers from Team Parents to Referees must take the Safe Haven Class as well. Coaches that are Safe Haven and Age Certified (as well as their Asst.) will be eligible for post season play in the U10’s and up Divisions, which will include our Region 129 Playoff Tournament, the Area O Playoff Tournament and Section 10 Playoff Tournament. Any Coach that is not certified for their Age Division will jeopardize the region and your team. AYSO is making a push to get Coaches up to speed to better teach our Children.

Thank you again for the time and energy you will be putting into coaching your child’s team/s. Keeping track of over 2,500 players is no small task, and I could not do it without great people like yourselves, Your AYSO Board, a solid set of coordinators, well-trained referees and of course our Children. We all need to remember why we are here – “OUR Children”!!

Please feel free to express any concerns or ask any questions you have anytime by emailing me or anyone of the other Board Members. We are all in this together and on one big Team/Family, Region 129 – Visalia!!

Joe Barss

Regional Commissioner

Visalia – AYSO Region 129


Here are some important dates we all need to know, so please get these into your PDA's, Wall Calendars, Day Planners or on sticky notes!

COACHES MEETINGS and Training Sessions

All Coaches need to attend. If you are unable to attend, please send your assistant coach in your place. We are going over all 2016 Season items, including new rule changes.

Coaching certification classes will be available for U6 – U12 in July and August. Please watch your e-mail for class availability and check for courses at www.eAYSO.org. Intermediate and Advanced Coaching Clinics will be offered in the area at the AYSO Super Camp in Cutler, CA on August 5-7, 2016.

Rosters will be available on the night of the coaches meeting. To receive a roster, you must have completed your AYSO Volunteer form and your Safe Haven Training.

COACHES CLINICS (Certification Classes)
All coaches in U6, U8, U10 and U12 coaches need to be appropriate certified to meet AYSO’s coaching policies.

In 2016, all U14 and above coaches needed to be appropriately certified to meet AYSO’s coaching policies. If you are a first time coach in the U14 or higher divisions, you must at a minimum complete the U12 Coach Certification.

All coaches in U10 - U16/COED divisions MUST be properly (age-specific) certified in order to advance to Region, Area, and Section playoffs.

All coaches in need of Training - we are making an effort to have the courses available for all to attend to Get SAFE HAVEN and AGE CERTIFIED!! Check www.eayso.org for current class schedules.

Coaches Clinics – Check website for details. Email notifications are being sent as local clinics become available. Many clinics are scheduled. Register online using www.eayso.org

Note – Safe Haven certification is available online. Visit www.ayso.org for more information.


PLEASE DO NOT START PRIOR TO AUGUST 1 – The practices will not be covered by AYSO’s insurance program.


Friday, August 19 Goalie Wars U10-U14 boys and girls

Saturday, August 20 Opening Day ***Open Play for All Divisions***
Saturday, September 3 Labor Day Weekend ***No Soccer***

Saturday September 10 Girls Picture Day

Co-Ed Picture Day

Saturday September 17 Boys Picture Day

VIP Picture Day

Saturday, October 1 All-Star Coach Applications Due

Saturday, October 22 Player Ratings Due U8 - Coed

Saturday, October 22 Last Regular Season Game

U10’s through CO-ED

Saturday, October 29 Last Regular Season Game

U4’s, U5’s, U6’s, and U8’s (End of Season)

November 6th & 8th All-Star Tryouts – Girls 11-1 and 6-8 check-in 30 minutes prior

November 6th & 10th All-Star Tryouts – Boys 1:30-3:30 and 6-8 check-in 30 minutes prior


Tuesday, October 25th through Sunday, November 6th

Regional Playoffs – Pool Play

U10’s to U14’s – Tuesday/ Thursday October 25, 27 and Saturday/Sunday – October 29, 30

CO-ED – Saturday/Sunday October 29, 30 – November 5, 6 (Playoffs completed)

Regional Playoffs – Finals (Elimination Rounds)

U10’s to U14’s – Saturday/Sunday – November 5th and 6th

Area O Playoffs (Regional Representatives)

November 19-20 U10’s to U14’s – TBA

Sectional 10 Playoffs

U10’s to U14’s – TBA




AYSO depends on parent volunteers. It is expected that each parent who has a player in the region will volunteer his or her time in some way. Parents can help in a wide variety of ways: head coach, assistant coach, referee, team parent, board member, or staff.

It is expected that parents will assist in setting up fields, taking down fields and helping with the concession stand during some point in time during the regular and post-season.

Referees are also needed to officiate games each week. Several years ago, Region 129 attached a point system to this activity to help ensure the job will get done for the kids. Remind your parents that this is an opportunity to get involved with their son or daughter during the soccer season.

A Word for the Parents:

Participation in a competitive situation is an important aspect of the game. It is not to be confused with a win-at-all-cost attitude. The soccer promoted by AYSO is a balance of fun, development, and competition. Soccer today is a booming sport all over the world. A quick look at the game’s structure shows why. Play is fast paced, spirited and continuous. One of its strongest attributes is the creative quality – much of the action is made up as the game progresses. It’s no wonder that more and more children and adults everywhere are playing soccer. All of this can, and often does, set the stage for some spectator situations that are not consistent with what AYSO is trying to do for the players – your children. We, as parents, spectators, coaches, and referees, have the ultimate responsibility to keep our all-volunteer soccer program fun for all who participate.

It cannot be overemphasized that the AYSO program is FOR THE PLAYERS. The emphasis is placed on the organization’s objectives and GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP, by exhibiting the qualities of fairness, self-control, and having a good time. Parents, coaches and officials are role models for our children. Therefore, overzealous behavior is inappropriate and will not be tolerated, for the sake of the children.

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities:

·  Cheer positively, for the things you like and encourage your team. Have fun.

·  Never, ever put down the other team or any of the players or non-players on the field.

·  Let the coach do the coaching from the sideline.

·  Assist the volunteers who bring AYSO soccer to your child and be supportive of their efforts.

·  Arrive at practices and games on time.

·  Notify the coach when your child will be unable to attend a practice or a game.

·  Participate in team activities or meetings where parents help is needed.

·  Provide game refreshments, help with set up/take down, and help with concessions.

·  Help keep the fields neat, clean, and safe by disposing of all trash properly.

·  Promote, by your example and conduct, good sportsmanship, fair play and fun for all players.

Remember, the size of a soccer field and the continuous nature of the game diminish the effectiveness of sideline coaching. Often in our spectator enthusiasm, we are prone to yell several instructions at players and frequently they are contrary to those of the coach. This will only confuse the players, so please cheer positively for your players, allow the players to play the game to the best of THEIR ability, and let the coach do the coaching.


The referees, like all AYSO officials, are volunteers, not paid professionals. Referees are trained to properly conduct the game in a safe environment. While their decisions may not always be agreeable to all participants and spectators, their decisions are final. We have a wide variety of referees from the highly trained and experienced, to the newly certified and inexperienced. All our volunteers do the best job they can. Please support them. No useful purpose can be served by shouting, disagreeing or making derogatory remarks to the referees. In many cases, this serves only to stop the game and/or embarrass the players. The referee can caution players, and coaches, or eject players, coaches and spectators for such behavior. Abusive words and disrespect on the part of the players, coaches, or spectators plus deliberate fouls can lead to these actions.

Remember: Coaches coach, Referees ref, Parents cheer, and Players play!

Kids Zone:

AYSO has a program in place called the Kids Zone. The intention behind this is exactly how it sounds. Our practices and matches are for the kids. Everyone involved with the program should work hard to keep the atmosphere safe and wholesome for the kids involved.


Only guide dogs and those currently being trained for that purpose are allowed at the fields during our AYSO matches and practices. Please leave your pets at home; they are not part of the soccer match.



Team Selection:

AYSO national rules require that all teams be as balanced as possible. Last year, Region 129 began a new player selection process involving coaches and coordinators. Information provided by the parents on the registration form, the player’s age, and prior coach evaluations is used to help balance teams as best as possible. The player’s age on July 31, in the season years will determine division placement. Players are assigned to teams in the following age groupings:

Under 6 Division 5 year olds

6 players (max) per roster; 4 on the field (No goalkeeper)

20 minute half size 3 ball

Under 8 Division 6-7 year olds

8 players (max) per roster; 6 on the field (No goalkeeper)

20 minute half size 3 ball

Under 10 Division 8-9 year olds

9 players (max) per roster; 7 on the field

25 minute half size 4 ball

Under 12 Division 10-11 year olds

12 players (max) per roster; 9 on the field

25 minute half size 4 ball

Under 14 Division 12-13 year olds

14 players (max) per roster; 11 on the field

30 minute half size 5 ball

Under 16/Under 19 Division 14-15/14-19 year olds

14 players (max) per roster, 11 on the field

30 minute half size 5 ball

Co-Ed (U16-U19) Division 14-18 year olds

14 players (max) per roster; 11 on the field

30 minute half size 5 ball

Home Team vs. Visiting Team:

The first team on the schedule will be considered the home team. The home team will be on the north or east side of the field. The visiting team will be locating on the south or west side of the fields. It is not recommended that both teams set up on the same side of the field. If there is a problem with the area on one side of the field or the other, please consult with an official.

Player Attendance and Participation:

Every registered player in attendance is required to play three quarters of each game. This guideline is for all age divisions, U5 thru CO-ED. Players are substituted at the quarter break.

Coaches may wish to discipline a player for violations or team rules, by suspending the player from a quarter of play. THIS CANNOT BE DONE WITHOUT ADVANCED WRITTEN PERMISSION BY THE REGIONAL COMMISSIONER. If this is permitted, the game card must be signed by the RC and the referees officiating the game must be notified prior to the start of the game. We suggest that coaches work with parents for appropriate discipline and use game suspension, which can affect more than just the one player, as a last resort.

Players arriving late to games shall be substituted as follows:

·  If the player arrives after the start of the game, they must play a minimum of two quarters.