June 6, NOTES:
- Finding files is another useful task you can perform on your server when working on the command line.
- The “find” command can be very useful at the start of a pipe to search for files
- Most desktop-based Linux distributions have a way to find files from the desktop, but you can also find files from the command line using the find command.
- “find” searches through a directory tree looking for files that match the criteria supplied.
- If you just type find from the command line, the program will list every file in the current directory and all of its sub-directories.the simplest way to filter the results is to use the -name option
find -name photo.png (uses built-in defaults)
The full command: find . -name photo.png -print
- “.” means search from the current directory downwards, and -print tells find to display the path of the matching files.
- These can be omitted, however. If you want to search from a different starting point or you want to specify a different action, then you will need to include them.
For example, if you want to find where your Linux distro keeps the “gzip” command, then you would use:
sudo find / -name gzip -print
The “/” tells find to start searching from the root directory and it is best to use “sudo” as this gives find the privileges needed to read in every directory.
More Examples:
Find all files in the /etc and put the list in etcfiles.txt: find /etc > etcfiles.txt
Find files that end in .conf in the current directory (and all subdirs): find . -name "*.conf"
Find files of type file(not directory) that end in .conf: find . -type f -name "*.conf"
Find files of type directory that end in .bak: find /data -type d -name "*.bak"
Find files that are newer than file42.txt: find . -newer file42.txt
Find can also execute another command on every file found.
For example,the following command will look for every *.odf file and copy them to /backup/:
find /data -name "*.odf" -exec cp {} /backup \;
Find can also execute, after your confirmation, on every file found:
-> For example: remove *.odf files if you approve of it:
find / data -name "*.odf" -ok rm {} \;
case insensitive "find"
- It is also possible to perform case insensitive matches on the filename by using-inamerather than-name, for example:
- Example: find -iname photo.png
Other Example:
- "Find" isn’t limited to only searching for files based on their name. You can also search based on file permission, size, type and when the file was last accessed.
- For example, to find all the directories with a file permission of 777 (something that is not generally recommended) use:
sudo find / -type d -perm 777
Where -type d tells find to only match directories (not files) and -perm specifies the permissions, in this case 777.
To search for files greater than a certain size, use the -size option like this:
find . -size +25M
-- That will find all the files over 25MB in the current directory and its sub-directories.
Performing actions with the "find" command:
- So far we have only printed the paths of the files found, however it is possible to perform actions on these files.
- For example, to delete all the .mp4 files on your system which are larger than 1GB you would use:
find . -name "*.mp4" -size +1000M -print -exec rm -f {} \;
-- The -name option tells find that we are only interested in files with the .mp4 extension.
-- The -size options means find will only match files over 1GB and
-- the -exec rm -f {} \; part tells find to run (execute) the rm command on any files find.
-- Note that the -f part of the rm command will mean you won’t be prompted before the file is deleted.
There are lots of tricks which can be performed with find; here is a short list of useful command combinations:
Find all directories with 777 permissions and change the permissions to 755:
*find/-type d -perm777-print-execchmod755{} \;
Find all the empty files in the /tmp directory and delete them:
find/tmp -type f -empty-print-execrm-f{} \;
Find all the files which have been accessed in the last 50 days:
Find all the files which are larger than 50MB but smaller than 100MB:
find/-size +50M -size-100M