Ivel Road
SG19 1AX / Headteacher: Mrs Anita Whitehurst
Telephone: 01767 680692
Facsimile: 01767 690992
St Swithun’s V.C Lower School
Pupil Premium
In 2011-12 the Government launched its pupil premium funding. The pupil premium is allocated to schools for children of statutory school age from low income families who are known to be eligible for free school meals (FSM). From 2012-13 it has been expanded to include all children who have been eligible for FSM within the last 6 years. The premium is provided in order to support these pupils in reaching their full potential.
Context of schoolSt Swithun’s VC Lower School is situated in Central Bedfordshire, which currently organises it schools into the three tier structure – Lowers (years N – 4), middle (years 5-8) and upper (years 9-13)
The school maintains a very strong commitment to working in collaboration with other schools, the local authority and the wider school system. Governors seek out new opportunities and developments that will enhance the schools ongoing development. The school engages in a variety of ‘self-evaluation’ processes and procedures.
In October 2015 there were 165 children ages 3-9 (autumn census data) on roll. The children in the foundation stage are taught in a purpose built provision on site and years 1 to 4 in the main school building. In the foundation stage the children are organised into nursery and reception year groups, but work using a ‘free flow’ approach ensuring full access to the experiences –inside and out- as outlined in the Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage.
In Years 1 to 4 there is one class in each year group. We also have a purpose built autism provision which educates children from Central Bedfordshire.
The school is predominately white British and only 9% of our school is from a minority ethnic group (Raise Online)
15% of the (eligible) children at St Swithun’s VC Lower School are ever 6 and 14% of the school have Special Educational Needs. The school roll reflects a wide range of pupil ability.
Awards and recognition – Healthy Schools, Gold Sing up, International Schools, Eco Schools (bronze)
Recent Initiatives / Improvements
- Detailed tracking of Pupil Premium progress by all staff
- Introduction of Structured Conversations to develop parental involvement within pupil learning and progress
- Use of differentiated success criteria in all subjects and lessons
- Development of marking and feedback within school to support pupils’ understanding of their next steps for learning
- Development of Classroom Monitor to track pupils and as a means of sharing data and pupil next steps with parents/guardians
- Development of feedback and metacognition program to develop pupil premium pupils ability to review and assess their own learning
- Appointment of Family Support Worker for 2016/17 academic year to support parents and vulnerable pupils
- Appointment of Deputy Head with focus on teaching and learning and pupil premium outcomes
- Improved technology within school to facilitate Grammar Bug, Bug club and Nessy Phonic Reading programs
- Increased focus on emotional wellbeing of vulnerable pupils through Nurture group and use of Chums support for pupils
Objectives of Pupil Premium
When making decisions about using the Pupil Premium it is important to consider the context of the school and subsequent challenges faced. Common barriers for FSM children can be less support at home, weak communication at home, lack of confidence, more frequent behaviour difficulties, poor parental engagement and attendance and punctuality issues. There may also be complex family situations which prevent children from flourishing. The challenges are varied and there is no ‘one size fits all’
We have identified some key principles (outlined below) which we believe will maximise the impact of our pupil premium spending.
Key Principles
‘Raising Aspiration’
We will provide a culture where:
- Staff believe in all children
- There are ‘no excuses’ for poor performance
- Staff adopt a ‘solution-focused’ approach to overcoming barriers
- Children and staff receive intrinsic and extrinsic rewards to motivate and encourage.
- Success is celebrated explicitly.
We will ensure that:
- All staff are involved in the analysis of data so that they are fully award of strengths and weaknesses across the school
- We use research to support us in determining the strategies that will be most effective
- We engage with an External Advisor to challenge and support our data analysis
We will ensure that:
- All teaching staff and support staff are involved in the analysis of data and identification of pupils
- All staff are aware of who pupil premium and vulnerable children are
- All pupil premium children benefit from the funding, not just those who are underperforming
- Underachievement at all levels is targeted (not just lower attaining pupils)
- Children’s individual needs are considered carefully so that we provide support for those children who could be doing ‘even better if…’
We will continue to ensure that all children across the school receive good teaching, with increasing percentages of outstanding teaching achieved by using our team leaders to :
- Set high expectations
- Address within school variance
- Ensure consistent implementation of the non-negotiables, e.g. marking and guided reading
- Curricular enrichment to include trips, residential, visits to school
- Basic needs e.g breakfast club
- Small group and 1:1 intervention in phonics, maths, reading
- Nurture and wellbeing of vulnerable pupils
- 1:1 tuition
- Parental engagement through Structured Conversations
- Development of Parental aspirations for pupils
- Development of early writing skills in EYFS
- Development of ICT resources in Early years to support prime areas
- Attainment of PPG pupils in the Phonics Screening Check
Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received 2015-16
Total number of pupils on roll – Oct ‘15 / 165
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG - Oct ‘15 / 23
Amount of PPG received per pupil / £1300
Total amount of PPG received / £34,200
Proposed spending of PPG spending by item/project 2015/16
Item / project / Cost / Objective / Outcome
Staff release time to complete Structured Conversations with parents / £600 / To develop parent and staff communication and partnership to enable improved outcomes for PPG pupils through knowledge of potential barriers to learning. / Parent participation at child structured conversations increased from 75% in the autumn term to 90% of families now attending, with this group including previously hard to reach families not attending traditional parent evenings.
9 Ipads and charging trolley / £2556
= £3355 / To increase the confidence in the use of technology.
To facilitate additional Nessy Phonic Program interventions for PPG pupils. / Percentage of PPG pupils working at the required standard in the Phonics screening check increased from 0% in 2015 to 100% in 2016
Nessy Phonic Program / £400 / To support PPg pupils in meeting the required standard in the phonics screening check. / Percentage of PPG pupils working at the required standard in the Phonics screening check increased from 0% in 2015 to 100% in 2016
Swimming / £393 / To improve fitness and raise self-esteem. / Children can swim at least one width of the pool with aids. Building confidence and life skills
Breakfast Club / £780 / To overcome barriers – improving attendance and punctuality. / Children have a good start to the day within a healthy atmosphere. Breakfast also given to pupils who come to school with no breakfast.
Milk / £477.46 / To overcome barriers – improve concentration. / Children provided with milk. Provide nutrients and energy to aid concentration and learning.
Sounds write training – 2x staff / £850 / To support delivery of first teaching and intervention for PPG pupils. / Phonics screening check outcome raised from ____
Smart Table 442i / £3990 / To improve outcomes in technology and to excite learners in other areas of the curriculum especially Literacy and Maths. / 67% of pupil premium children achieved at least the expected level in Literacy and Maths. Of the 2 matched pupils that have been in Reception for the full academic year 100% achieved at least the expected level in Literacy and Maths
EYFS touchscreen computers x2 and benching for access to touchscreen computers / £1022.08
=£1705.08 / To enable greater independence of learning within EYFS – supporting attainment of the prime areas for PPG pupils. / Of the matched pupils who received the full level of support throughout the year 100% achieved a good level of development, meeting expected standards in the prime areas and literacy and maths.
Year 4 residential x5 pupils / £925 / Extending school hours and raising aspiration – children offered a place on PGL / Increase in self confidence
Greater independence
Better team working, collaborative skills.
Curricular enrichment
- History Day
Raised levels of engagement and interest in the topic.
Supports progress of key skills.
Feedback and Metacognition program / £450 / Individualising support at all levels. Small group work to extend metacognition skills relating to ability to use success criteria to improve pupil independence and outcomes. / Improved pupil ability to work with differentiated success criteria and ability to respond to specific feedback.
Pupils partaking in process made more progress than all other pupils.
Full pupil premium data review can be found at the end of the document.
Project X Code intervention / £2550 / Extending resources – embedding a new reading intervention to help children with blending and segmenting and reading comprehension so that they can access the curriculum and reach / exceed age appropriate levels / Each child received 2 half an hour sessions per week for a period of 8 weeks.
Child a – 7y 4m – 8 y 8 m = +16m
Child b – 7y 4m – 8 y 7 m = +15m
Child c – 6y 5m – 7 y 4 m = +11m
Child d – 7y 10m – 8 y 8 m = +10m
Child e – 8y 10m – 9 y 9 m = +9m
Child f – 9y 1m – 10 y 7 m = +18m
Full pupil premium data review can be found at the end of the document.
Nurture Group / £1500 / Individualising support at all levels for targeted children. Children wellbeing and emotional health. / Increased confidence
Increased attainment
Full pupil premium data review can be found at the end of the document.
TA behaviour support / £1409.37 / Supporting pupil with specific behavioural needs. Supporting academic achievement and social interactions. / Pupil remains in school with support of member of staff.
Bug Club 11% / £212.14 / Improving the engagement of parents with reading.
Raise attainment in reading, with a focus on the phonics outcomes for pupils. / Increased attainment and achievement.
Year 1 Screening check PP pupils increased from 0% in 2015 to 100% working at expected standard
Year 2 Gap was narrowed in reading with PPG pupils making more progress than Non-PPG pupils.
Year 4 PPG pupils outperformed Non-PPG pupils in reading and made greater progress.
Full data review can be found at the end of the document.
Music therapy sessions for ASD pupils
4x group of sessions / £1120 / To support specific emotional and learning needs of ASD pupils.
Supporting their ability to work with others and with improving interactions. / Supported transition to new school for 2 pupils – successful outcomes and transition process took place
One further pupil improved their ability to interact with the other pupils and adults within school in more appropriate and positive manner.
One to one tuition
Power Poster Punctuation pack
Bulletin Boards Speech Punctuation / £7,293.00
£13 / Individualising support at all levels. Targeted support for children to address misconceptions, gaps and weaknesses in writing and reading.
Additional resources to support delivery of one-to-one tuition. / Analysis of pupils undertaking tuition
Year 4
Reading – Pupils outperformed all non-PPg pupils and made greater progress
Writing – PPG pupils made greater progress. Reducing gap from -0.42 to only -0.05
Year 3
Reading – 100% meeting age related expectation. Participating pupils made more progress than non-PPG pupils.
Writing – 100% meeting age related expectation. Participating pupils made more progress than non-PPG pupils.
Full pupil premium data review can be found at the end of the document.
Chums Early Intervention Therapeutic Program / £1500 / Program delivered to Key Stage 1 pupils identified as requiring additional support to maintain confidence, resilience and emotional wellbeing. / 80% of the pupils participating in program achieved the required standard in the phonics screening check.
Building a Resilient Classroom – staff training / £850 / Whole staff training to provide knowledge and skills to support vulnerable pupils.
Aims of training to improve outcomes of PPG pupils by creating an environment in which they persevere when challenged. / Staff are more prepared and have improved knowledge when dealing with emotional needs of vulnerable pupils.
Classroom Monitor / £106 / Ensuring tracking is integral to support provided showing areas for development enabling next step learning.
Use to track progress of PPG pupils against all others. / Staff identify gaps in learning and use to inform planning.
Staff have successfully tracked PPG groups and used this information to narrow the gap in attainment through accelerated progress.
Pupil Premium Monitoring / £810 / Monitor Pupil Premium Provision by staff member responsible.
Facilitate support of pupils following discussions with parents during Structured Conversations. / Provision documented and prepared.
Support for pupils in place following Structured Conversations.
Outcomes detailed in data review section of document.
EYFS – Mini square sand box / £114.95 / To support development of writing within EYFS to ensure age related outcomes for PPG pupils. / 100% of matched pupils attained at the expected level for writing at the end of the EYFS.
ASD unit – Laptops x4 / £1028
Dandelion readers / £1016 / To increase the fluency and comprehension of children and to support the systematic development of phonic knowledge for PPG pupils. / Increase in PPG pupils working at the expected phonic standard from 0% to 100%. (This figure excludes one ASD unit pupil)
Rapid Maths / £412 / To raise the attainment of children who are underperforming in maths in Key Stage 2. / PPG Pupils in Year 3 who undertook program outperformed all other pupils in terms of progress.
Year 4 pupils showed evidence of underperformance – outcome to be investigated and addressed.
Full pupil premium data review can be found at the end of the document.
PPG / £34,200
Impact of Pupil Premium Spend
The school’s evaluation of its own performance is rigorous. Tracking of progress over time for each pupil is thorough and we can quickly identify any dips and develop strategies and interventions to promote improvement.
- A wide range of data is used – achievement data, pupils work, observations, learning walks, staff, parents and pupil voice.
- Classroom Monitor is used to track the narrowing of the gap in all core subjects.
- Assessment data is collected in half termly using Classroom Monitor. Formal Pupil Progress Meetings take place termly.
- Assessments are moderated in school and across the Pinnacle Trust
- Interventions are adapted or changed if they are not working
- The Leadership Team maintain an overview of pupil premium spending
- The finance committee of the Governing Body receive a Pupil Premium report at their meetings
EYFS Data for Pupil Premium Children 2016
There are 3 children who are Ever 6 There are 28 children who are no Ever 6 (total 31, including 2 x ASD unit pupils)
(Data in brackets 26 children who are no ever 6 – total 29, excluding 2x ASD unit pupils) / 2016 School % children at expected or exceeding
Ever 6 / No Ever 6
Communication & language / Listening and Attention / 100 / 86 (93)
Understanding / 67 / 75 (81)
Speaking / 100 / 86 (92)
Physical Development / Moving and Handling / 100 / 92 (100)
Health and Self-care / 100 / 89 (96)
Personal, social, & emotional development / Self-confidence and self-awareness / 100 / 93 (100)
Managing Feelings and behaviour / 100 / 86 (93)
Making relationships / 100 / 96 (100)
Literacy / Reading / 67 / 79 (81)
Writing / 67 / 79 (81)
Maths / Number / 67 / 79 (81)
Shape, space and measures / 67 / 75 (81)
Understanding the World / People and communities / 100 / 82 (88)
The World / 100 / 86 (92)
Technology / 100 / 94 (100)
Expressive Arts and Design / Exploring using media and materials / 100 / 93 (100)
Being imaginative / 67 / 79 (85)
EYFS Pupil Attainment Summary 2015-16
All data includes ASC unit pupils
% in line with or above age-related expectations (typical)
On entry / End of year / % Improvement
1. Reading
All / 14 / 79 / 65
PPG / 0 / 100 / 100
2. Writing
All / 7 / 79 / 72
PPG / 0 / 100 / 100
All / 25 / 79 / 54
PPG / 0 / 100 / 100
EYFS Progress from starting points (2 Matched pupils)
Term / All Non PPG pupils attainment / PP pupils attainment / Difference
Start of Year / 30-50m Dev (14.13) / 30-50m Sec (15.00) / +0.87
End of Year / ELG Exp (19.76 / ELG Exp (20.00) / +0.24
Term / All Non PPG pupils attainment / PP pupils attainment / Difference
Start of Year / 30-50m Dev (14.22) / 40-60m Beg (15.50) / +1.28
End of Year / ELG Exp (19.76 / ELG Exp (20.00) / +0.24
Term / All Non PPG pupils attainment / PP pupils attainment / Difference
Start of Year / 30-50m Sec (14.56) / 30-50m Sec (14.50) / -0.06
End of Year / ELG Exp (19.76 / ELG Exp (20.00) / +0.24
EYFS Impact on Standards
- In English Early years pupils PP pupils outperformed all other pupils – thought they made less progress overall.
- In the EYFS pp pupils are outperforming all other pupils in all subjects.
- In maths PP pupils have made more progress than all other pupils and though they started the year with a negative difference they now outperform all other pupils.
Year 1
Phonics screening check
Percentage of pupils working at the expected phonics standard
2015 / Percentage of pupils working at the expected phonics standard
PPG Pupils / 0% / 100% (Figure excludes one pupil within ASC unit)
All pupils / 40% / 90%
Progress from starting points
Term / All pupils attainment / PP pupils attainment / Difference
Start of Year / 19.65 / 18.00 / -1.65
Autumn End / 22.18 / 21.5 / -0.68
End of Year / 1 Sec (23.98 / 1 Sec (23.75) / -0.23
Term / All pupils attainment / PP pupils attainment / Difference
Start of Year / 19.54 / 17.00 / -2.54
Autumn End / 22.22 / 21.5 / -0.72
End of Year / 1 Sec (23.92) / 1 Dev+ (23.63 / -0.29
Term / All pupils attainment / PP pupils attainment / Difference
Start of Year / 19.69 / 18 / -1.69
Autumn End / 22.37 / 21.75 / -0.62
End of Year / 1 Sec (23.98) / 1 Sec (23.88) / -0.1
Year 2
Year 2 Pupil Attainment Summary 2015-16
All data includes ASC unit pupils
% in line with or above age-related expectations (typical)
On entry / End of year / % Improvement
1. Reading
All / 45 / 72 / 23
PPG / 0 / 33 / 33
2. Writing
All / 11 / 76 / 65
PPG / 0 / 50 / 50
All / 11 / 79 / 68
PPG / 0 / 66 / 66
Progress from starting points
All non-PP pupils attainment / PP pupils attainment / Difference
Start of Year / 1 Sec (23.78) / 1 Dev+ (23.25) / -0.53
End of Year / 2 Sec (26.84) / 2 Dev+ (26.50) / -0.34
All non-PP pupils attainment / PP pupils attainment / Difference
Start of Year / 1 Dev+ (23.33) / 1 Dev (23.00) / -0.33
End of Year / 2 Dev+ (26.73) / 2 Dev+ (26.43) / -0.3
All non-PP pupils attainment / PP pupils attainment / Difference
Start of Year / 1 Dev (23.24) / 1 Beg+ (22.71) / -0.53
End of Year / 2 Sec (26.84) / 2 Dev+ (26.64 / -0.20
Key Stage 1 Impact on Standards
- Key Stage 1 has seen a narrowing of the gap across all subjects since the start of the year
- Gap is almost closed between pp and non-pp pupils in Year 1 Maths, with only -0.1 gap.
- Average attainment in both reading and maths is secure for PP pupils in Year 1.
- Year 1 has seen narrowing of the gap of around 1 assessment band when compared to all non-PP pupils.
- Reading and maths have seen a narrowing of the gap in Year 2 – though this is not as significant as spring data suggested.
- The percentage of pupils in Year 2 who are working at age related expectations has increased significantly in reading, writing and maths
Year 3
Term / All non-PP pupils attainment / PP pupils attainment / Difference
Start of Year / NA / NA / NA
Autumn End / 28.10 / 2 Sec (27.00) / -1.1
End of Year / 3 Sec (29.86) / 3 Dev (29.00) / -0.86
Term / All non-PP pupils attainment / PP pupils attainment / Difference
Start of Year / NA / NA / NA
Autumn End / 3 Beg (28.22) / 2 Sec (27.17 / -1.05
End of Year / 3 Sec (29.76) / 3 Dev (28.83 / -0.93
Term / All non-PP pupils attainment / PP pupils attainment / Difference
Start of Year / NA / NA / NA
Autumn End / 3 Beg (28.12 / 2 Sec (27.00 / -1.12
End of Year / 3 Sec (30.04) / 3 Dev (29.00) / -1.04
Year 4
Year 4 Pupil Attainment Summary 2015-16
All data includes ASC unit pupils
% in line with or above age-related expectations (typical)
On entry / End of year / % Improvement
1. Reading
All / 50 / 83 / 33
PPG / 38 / 88 / 50
2. Writing
All / 53 / 84 / 31
PPG / 50 / 63 / 13
All / 50 / 84 / 34
PPG / 38 / 75 / 37
Progress from starting points
Term / All non-PP pupils attainment / PP pupils attainment / Difference
Start of Year / 3 Dev+ (29.63) / 3 Dev+ (29.64) / +0.01
End of Year / 4 Sec (32.92) / 4 Sec (33.07) / +0.15
Term / All non-PP pupils attainment / PP pupils attainment / Difference
Start of Year / 3 Dev + (29.63) / 3 Dev+ (29.21) / -0.42
End of Year / 4 Sec (32.76) / 4 Dev+ (32.71) / -0.05
Term / All non-PP pupils attainment / PP pupils attainment / Difference
Start of Year / 3 Dev+ (29.79) / 3 Dev+ (29.71) / -0.08
End of Year / 4 Sec (32.79) / 4 Dev+ (32.57) / -0.22
Key Stage 2 Impact on Standards
- One Year 3 pupil has had significant social difficulties this year. When they are removed from the matched data the remaining Year 3 pupils have outperformed all non-pupils in terms of progress in reading and writing.
- Attainment of these Year 3 pupils is also in line with all other pupils in all core subjects.
- In Year 4 significant increases in number of PPG pupils who are now working at age related expectations
- In Year 4 PP pupils outperform all non-pp pupils in reading and have made more progress.
- In Year 4 writing the gap has been narrowed by almost an assessment band.