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All Saints Day Message
Let us be together in the Spirit of prayer…Eternal One we ask that you guide our words…our thoughts…our deeds. As we remember the legacy of the saints who have shaped our lives, help us to live lives which are pleasing in your sight…which follow the path Jesus revealed…which honor the lives of those we love and deeply miss. Amen.
Today as we remember the Saints of Calvary and the Saints of our lives, we re-heard Jesus’ Beatitudes. We re-heard about blessings and of who and how God blesses…and so we re-consider what it means to be blessed by our Creator God.
Often we hear folks say or perhaps we say ourselves: “I am so blessed” or “I received a blessing.” Sometimes these perceived blessings speak of riches…of money…of tangibles. Sometimes these perceived blessings reveal power or that we are getting ahead of neighbors or colleagues. (pause) There’s nothing wrong with wanting and having nice things…I confess that in the past I considered it a blessing to receive a nice end of the year monetary bonus from my employer…for this bonus helped me financially…it helped my family…and it felt like a blessing but in truth it was because I worked hard and because the company had a good year.
Jesus is not speaking of worldly blessings…of riches, of what the world tells us we should long for. (pause) Rather, Jesus’ words invite us to imagine what it is like to live in the realm of God…Jesus conveys a distinction between the ways or the “blessings” of the “world” and the way or the blessings of God. Our God blesses in a way which lift us up spiritually and emotionally. Our God blesses us in a way which leads toward deep inner peace. Our God blesses us in a way which create wholeness within our souls. Our God offers blessings which pave the way for shalom…for real shalom…in our lives…in this world…not just for some but for all of God’s people. Our God’s blessings speak of the realm of God breaking into this world right now...right here.
Jesus’ words about blessings challenge us to consider what is worth striving toward…Jesus’ message invites us to question the desires of the society in which we live…Jesus’ teachings remind us what matters in life…what really matters in life…
Jesus didn’t bless the elite…the powerful…those in charge. Rather Jesus looked at those who had gathered around him…those who followed him…those who sought out his teachings and his healings…Jesus looked at those who yearned for a more meaningful life…and Jesus offered blessings…Jesus blessed those who were mourning, he blessed the meek and those who hungered and thirsted for righteousness, he blessed those who were persecuted. These blessings reveal God’s real presence in times of sorrow…God’s comforting presence in times of struggles...these blessing remind us that Jesus himself struggled…for he was persecuted…for he encountered sorrows…and these blessings Jesus speaks of remind us that we have a God who knows all we have experienced…all we will ever experience…we have a God who knows each of us intimately…who cares for us deeply…who loves us with a love that will never ever let go…these blessings remind us of the Easter message…for resurrection…or new life and new hope.
The reading from 1 John, lifts up that we are children of God…we are given the spirit of adoption into God’s family. In the midst of life, when we are caught up in questions or doubts…when we experience loss or fear…we are, each of us, called beloved by our God…our identity at the very core of our being is as beloved children of God.
Today as we remember those we love…those we miss…those who are the Saints of our faith community and the saints of our lives…as we light candles…as we say their names, we are once again reminded that what matters in life are people—our family, our friends…it’s relationships which give meaning to life. It’s the moments of joy as we gather together…it’s the sharing, the listening, the presence…and the noticing.
And on this All Saints’ Day, we are invited to reflect on the ways our saints helped make us who we are today…the way they taught us, cared for us, loved us, guided us, blessed us with their presence in our lives. We are invited to reflect on the times we shared…the laughter, the moments, the memories. We are invited to live in whatever emotions we are experiencing…knowing and trusting that our saints are part of the Great Cloud of Witnesses who surround us…and that God is here…right here in this space with us. God’s presence in our lives is real…it is transformative…for we have a living, loving God who blesses us with blessings that are so different from what the world offers…who love us and desires to create within us new hearts which overflow with love for all of God’s family…those sitting beside us today, those we meet on life’s journey…
God blesses us no matter what we are feeling…no matter what life places in our path…God blesses us for God is our creator…and we are God’s beloved. Amen.