Class 4: What are we celebrating?
Topic Focus:
PSHE – emotional awareness; RE – the importance of different celebrations; Science – light and sound
All pupils will:
Have an awareness of other people and respond to some people positively; be aware of their own feelings and preferences.
Most pupils will:
Engage in a basic understanding of right and wrong and participate in what friends can do for each other; play and work alongside others, take turns and respond appropriately, communicatetheir emotions appropriately;be able to identify some similarities and differences between people and participate in the school community; celebrate the similarities and differences of people from different cultures related to special days.
A few pupils will:
Show an understanding of the relationship between themselves and their peers and of their responsibilities towards each other. They will have a good understanding of how to develop friendships; Understand how to play and work cooperatively together sharing and taking turns, begin to ask for help; Be able to reflect on their own experiences and learning and set personal targets which they understand.
Differentiated Learning Outcomes:- Show awareness that they are the person who is having a special day by a change in behaviour.
- Participate in other people's celebrations.
- Communicate to others that it is a special day.
- Anticipate the arrival of a special day.
- Communicate to others what makes the day special e.g. new shoes, birthday, wedding, Christmas.
- Communicate to others how they feel on a special day.
- Coactively prepare food.
- Share food with others.
- Communicate about how this is different from other days.
- Show awareness of dramatic changes and displays of emotion.
- Respond to dramatic emotional displays.
- Identify different feelings displayed in pictures.
- Match feelings with appropriate events, e.g. happy + birthday, sad + sister leaving home.
- Communicate to others how they feel.
- Identify what is the same about different celebrations.
- Identify that the feelings the celebrations evoke are all of equal importance.
- Name and communicate about other people's special days.
Resources, visits, visitors:
The Transporters DVD; selection of children’s Bibles; The Feelings Storybook by Alexandra Delis-Abrams; Your Monster Feelings by Martin Waddell and Mike Gordon; Kipper’s Birthday by Mick Inkpen; Emotions Color Cards; Fox Makes Friends by Adam Relf; SLS topic box – Festivals and Celebrations, Light and Sound; BBC Science Clips website; Special Days by Paul Bennett; Make and Use Musical Instruments by Anna-Marie D’Cruz; A Faith Like Mine by Laura Buller; Festivals by Meryl Dooney; powerpoint shows of Guy Fawkes and Bonfire night, religious celebrations and festivals.
Educational visits: Week 1 - local card/gift shop and Ashton library; Week 2 –Three Sisters Recreation Area ; Week 3 - Ashtonlibrary; Week 4 –Turnpike Gallery, Leigh ; Week 5 - Ashton library; Week 6 – local Church ; Week 7 – Wigan shopping centre to look at Christmas Lights and decorations.
Anxious /
Christingle / Hindu
Literacy / Numeracy / Topic
Week 1
03/11/08 / Reading focus: fiction
(Guy Fawkes powerpoint story)
Writing focus: lists, captions, labels
Phonics: Letters and Sounds Phase 2; Jolly Phonics; Sounds~write / Number: Comparing two numbers, comparing two quantities, recognising who has less and who has more
RM Maths / What is a celebration?
Guy Fawkes and Bonfire Night
Week 2
10/11/08 / Reading focus: fiction
(Kipper’s Birthday)
Writing focus: invitations, cards, letters
Phonics: Letters and Sounds Phase 2; Jolly Phonics; Sounds~write / Number: Counting forwards and backwards to and from 10/20, recognising numbers to 10 (and beyond)
RM Maths / Common celebrations: birthdays, weddings, baptisms
Light and Dark
Week 3
17/11/08 / Reading focus: fiction
(Owl Babies)
Writing focus:descriptive writing
Phonics: Letters and Sounds Phase 2; Jolly Phonics; Sounds~write / Shape: Sorting 2-d/3-d shapes by shape, beginning to recognise and name 2-d and 3-d shapes
RM Maths / Spring celebrations:
Chinese New Year
Light and Dark
Week 4
24/11/08 / Reading focus: non-fiction
(Eid and Ramadan powerpoint stories)
Writing focus:descriptive writing
Phonics: Letters and Sounds Phase 2; Jolly Phonics; Sounds~write / Money: recognising coins, counting up to ten coins
RM Maths / Summer celebrations:
Light and Shadows
Week 5
01/12/08 / Reading focus: fiction
(Peace at Last)
Writing focus: instructions
Phonics: Letters and Sounds Phase 2; Jolly Phonics; Sounds~write / Time: Understanding that we can measure time, recognising different units of time, counting the number of times something happens
RM Maths / Autumn celebrations:
Sound and Hearing
Week 6
08/12/08 / Reading focus:fiction
(The Jolly Postman’s Christmas Letters)
Writing focus: letters, notes, lists
Phonics: Letters and Sounds Phase 2; Jolly Phonics; Sounds~write / Number: Counting to 20, recognising numbers to 20 (and beyond), counting sounds and movements, estimating quantities
RM Maths / Winter celebrations:
Changing Sound
Week 7
15/12/08 / Reading focus: poems and rhymes
(Read Me First collection)
Writing focus: descriptive writing
Phonics: Letters and Sounds Phase 2; Jolly Phonics; Sounds~write / Measure: Comparing the lengths of two or three objects, and using the language of length comparison
RM Maths / Winter celebrations:
Christmas and Epiphany
Christmas Party
Subject focus / Learning objectives / Key skills / Activities / Sensory Experiences / Communication
Week 1: 3rd November 2008
PE / PSHE1a: to recognise what they like and dislike, what is fair and unfair, and what is right and wrong;1c: to recognise, name and deal with their feelings in a positive way; 2c: to recognise choices they can make; 2d: to understand how rules help them;
4a: to recognise how their behaviour affects other people
RE1a: explore a range of religious stories and sacred writings and talk about their meanings;1b: name and explore a range of celebrations, worship and rituals in religion, noting similarities where appropriate;
3g: how and why celebrations are important in religion
H2a: to recognise why people did things, why events happened and what happened as a result
PE9a, b, d: swimming activities and water safety; 1a: explore basic skills / The Transporters DVD episodes 1-5; Key emotions: happy, sad, angry, afraid, excited.
Emotions quiz; Word/picture matching – emotional expressions; Writing sentences using emotion words; Writing about experiences and related emotions; circle time games related to emotions.
What is a celebration? Introduce and explore a range of common celebrations; children to suggest different types of celebrations, how they make us feel; similarities between celebrations (food, music, games, decorations, cards, presents, special clothes, etc). Word-picture matching; reading stories about celebrations; writing about celebrations.
Guy Fawkes and Bonfire Night – powerpoint stories; retelling the story of Guy Fawkes; sequencing the story of Guy Fawkes; creating ‘fireworks’ pictures using paint effects; creating a sound poem; exploring the traditions associated with Bonfire Night.
Swimming at Hindley Baths; Soft Play; Sticky Kids; Wrestling (as per provider’s planning) / Music: M1a & b: performing; M2a & b: composing; M3a: appraising – selecting and playing a range of tuned and untuned instruments; joining in with songs.
Art and Design: DT2f: follow safe procedures for food safety and hygiene – making chocolate apples.
Exploring the colour, texture, smell and taste of different raw and cooked food items.
Sand/glitter tray for mark making.
Numbers and letters ‘hidden’ in different places: feely bag, sand tray, lentil tray, foam, etc.
Trays of different textured materials for sorting and exploring. / Adult support for all children: using signs, symbols, objects and speech as appropriate.
Model and encourage appropriate behaviour and vocabulary.
Communication group with SaLT team (Melanie and Jackie).
ICT: ICT1a, b, c: finding things out – using the internet and CD roms to find information; 2a: developing ideas and making things happen – using different software to input data, create text and pictures; 3a: exchanging and sharing information - saving and printing work.
Week 2: 10th November 2008
PE / PSHE 1a: to recognise what they like and dislike, what is fair and unfair, and what is right and wrong;1c: to recognise, name and deal with their feelings in a positive way; 2c: to recognise choices they can make; 2d: to understand how rules help them;
4a: to recognise how their behaviour affects other people
RE 1a: explore a range of religious stories and sacred writings and talk about their meanings;1b: name and explore a range of celebrations, worship and rituals in religion, noting similarities where appropriate;
3g: how and why celebrations are important in religion
Sc4 Physical processes; Light and sound: 3a: to identify different light sources, including the Sun; 3b: that darkness is the absence of light
PE9a, b, d: swimming activities and water safety; 1a: explore basic skills / The Transporters DVD episodes 6-10; Key emotions: disgusted, surprised, tired, unfriendly, kind).
Emotions quiz; Word/picture matching – emotional expressions; Writing sentences using emotion words; Writing about experiences and related emotions; circle time games related to emotions.
Using books and the internet to find out information about common celebrations (birthdays, weddings, baptisms); powerpoint stories showing different celebrations in different cultures; identifying similarities and differences between celebrations; matching pictures and words; writing about different celebrations; making special food items associated with particular festivals; designing and creating cards/posters to represent images of different cultures and celebrations.
Investigating light sources in the classroom; finding dark places in the classroom/school; testing different light sources; identifying natural and man-made sources of light; testing the brightness of different light sources.
(Continue to Week 3)
Swimming at Hindley Baths; Soft Play; Sticky Kids; Wrestling (as per provider’s planning) / Music: M1a & b: performing; M2a & b: composing; M3a: appraising – making Spanish castanets; joining in with songs.
Art and Design: A2b, 2c: Investigating and making art, craft and design – making light and dark pictures using different shades/tones of paint;DT2f: follow safe procedures for food safety and hygiene – making a party cake.
Exploring the colour, texture, smell and taste of different raw and cooked food items.
Sand/glitter tray for mark making.
Numbers and letters ‘hidden’ in different places: feely bag, sand tray, lentil tray, foam, etc.
Trays of different textured materials for sorting and exploring. / Adult support for all children: using signs, symbols, objects and speech as appropriate.
Model and encourage appropriate behaviour and vocabulary.
Communication group with SaLT team (Melanie and Jackie).
ICT: ICT1a, b, c: finding things out – using the internet and CD roms to find information; 2a: developing ideas and making things happen – using different software to input data, create text and pictures; 3a: exchanging and sharing information - saving and printing work.
Week 3: 17th November 2008
PE / PSHE 1a: to recognise what they like and dislike, what is fair and unfair, and what is right and wrong;1c: to recognise, name and deal with their feelings in a positive way; 2c: to recognise choices they can make; 2d: to understand how rules help them;
4a: to recognise how their behaviour affects other people
RE 1a: explore a range of religious stories and sacred writings and talk about their meanings;1b: name and explore a range of celebrations, worship and rituals in religion, noting similarities where appropriate;
3g: how and why celebrations are important in religion
Sc4 Physical processes; Light and sound: 3a: to identify different light sources, including the Sun; 3b: that darkness is the absence of light
PE9a, b, d: swimming activities and water safety; 1a: explore basic skills / The Transporters DVD episodes 11-15; Key emotions: sorry, proud, jealous, joking, ashamed.
Emotions quiz; Word/picture matching – emotional expressions; Writing sentences using emotion words; Writing about experiences and related emotions; circle time games related to emotions.
Exploring celebrations associated with different cultures: Chinese New Year and Holi. Using books and the internet to find out information about these; identifying similarities and differences between celebrations; matching pictures and words; writing about different celebrations; making special food items associated with particular festivals; designing and creating cards/posters to represent images of different cultures and celebrations.
Investigating light sources in the classroom; finding dark places in the classroom/school; testing different light sources; identifying natural and man-made sources of light; testing the brightness of different light sources.
(Continued from Week 2)
Swimming at Hindley Baths; Soft Play; Sticky Kids; Wrestling (as per provider’s planning) / Music: M1a & b: performing; M2a & b: composing; M3a: appraising – selecting and playing a range of tuned and untuned instruments; joining in with songs.
Art and Design: DT2a, b, d: work with tools and materials to make a product - Making a Chinese dragon toy.
Exploring the colour, texture, smell and taste of different raw and cooked food items.
Sand/glitter tray for mark making.
Numbers and letters ‘hidden’ in different places: feely bag, sand tray, lentil tray, foam, etc.
Trays of different textured materials for sorting and exploring. / Adult support for all children: using signs, symbols, objects and speech as appropriate.
Model and encourage appropriate behaviour and vocabulary.
Communication group with SaLT team (Melanie and Jackie).
ICT: ICT1a, b, c: finding things out – using the internet and CD roms to find information; 2a: developing ideas and making things happen – using different software to input data, create text and pictures; 3a: exchanging and sharing information - saving and printing work.
Week 4: 24th November 2008
PE / PSHE 1a: to recognise what they like and dislike, what is fair and unfair, and what is right and wrong;1c: to recognise, name and deal with their feelings in a positive way; 2c: to recognise choices they can make; 2d: to understand how rules help them;
4a: to recognise how their behaviour affects other people
RE 1a: explore a range of religious stories and sacred writings and talk about their meanings;1b: name and explore a range of celebrations, worship and rituals in religion, noting similarities where appropriate;
3g: how and why celebrations are important in religion
Sc4 Physical processes; Light and sound: 3a: that light travels from a source; 3b: that light cannot pass through some materials, and how this leads to the formation of shadows
PE9a, b, d: swimming activities and water safety; 1a: explore basic skills / The Transporters DVD episodes 1-5; Key emotions: happy, sad, angry, afraid, excited.
Emotions quiz; Word/picture matching – emotional expressions; Writing sentences using emotion words; Writing about experiences and related emotions; circle time games related to emotions.
Exploring celebrations associated with different cultures: Esala Perahera and Eid-ul-Fitr. Using books and the internet to find out information about these; identifying similarities and differences between celebrations; matching pictures and words; writing about different celebrations; making special food items associated with particular festivals; designing and creating cards/posters to represent images of different cultures and celebrations.
Exploring and investigating shadows; drawing around shadows; creating shadows; measuring and recording shadows.
Swimming at Hindley Baths; Soft Play; Sticky Kids; Wrestling (as per provider’s planning) / Music: M1a & b: performing; M2a & b: composing; M3a: appraising – making a hand drum; joining in with songs.
Art and Design: A2c: design and make images and artefacts – making an Eid card.
Exploring the colour, texture, smell and taste of different raw and cooked food items.
Sand/glitter tray for mark making.
Numbers and letters ‘hidden’ in different places: feely bag, sand tray, lentil tray, foam, etc.
Trays of different textured materials for sorting and exploring. / Adult support for all children: using signs, symbols, objects and speech as appropriate.
Model and encourage appropriate behaviour and vocabulary.
Communication group with SaLT team (Melanie and Jackie).
ICT: ICT1a, b, c: finding things out – using the internet and CD roms to find information; 2a: developing ideas and making things happen – using different software to input data, create text and pictures; 3a: exchanging and sharing information - saving and printing work.
Week 5: 1st December 2008
PE / PSHE 1a: to recognise what they like and dislike, what is fair and unfair, and what is right and wrong;1c: to recognise, name and deal with their feelings in a positive way; 2c: to recognise choices they can make; 2d: to understand how rules help them;
4a: to recognise how their behaviour affects other people
RE 1a: explore a range of religious stories and sacred writings and talk about their meanings;1b: name and explore a range of celebrations, worship and rituals in religion, noting similarities where appropriate;
3g: how and why celebrations are important in religion
Sc4 Physical processes; Light and sound: 3c: that there are many kinds of sound and sources of sound
PE9a, b, d: swimming activities and water safety; 1a: explore basic skills / The Transporters DVD episodes 6-10; Key emotions: disgusted, surprised, tired, unfriendly, kind.
Emotions quiz; Word/picture matching – emotional expressions; Writing sentences using emotion words; Writing about experiences and related emotions; circle time games related to emotions.