GCSE D & T: Product Design – an Overview Page 3
Course planner Page 4
Rules and expectations Page 8
Resources Page 9
Unit 1: Written examination Page 10
Unit 2: Controlled assessment – Design & Make Task
GCSE Design & Technology: Product Design – An Overview
Examining body: AQA (Syllabus number 4555)
Course overview:
You will learn about the following in your GCSE Design & Technology: Product Design course:
· Design and make products with creativity and originality using a range of materials and techniques.
· Understand the properties of materials and manufacturing processes within schools and industry
· The relationship between the client, designer and manufacturer.
· Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM)
· How products are packaged, distributed and marketed.
Unit 1: Written Paper to be taken at the end of Year 11
2 hours
120 marks
Section A: Design question based on a given theme
Section B: variety of questions from any section of the syllabus
40% of the total marks
Unit 2: Design and Making Practice – Controlled Assessment to be carried out from January of Year 10 to October of Year 11
approximately 45 hours
90 marks
20 pages portfolio of work along with practical modelling and of making of final product
60% of the total marks
Autumn Term (one is studied in year 9 and the other in year 10)Topics / Design Ventura: Design Museum competition
In this first unit you will respond the theme of ‘Journeys’ and come up with a product that could be sold in the Design Museum for £10 or under. The product will be supported with a marketing pitch, costing and making plan and be produced in groups of no more than 6 students. There will be a museum visit, interactive workshops in schools and a judging panel in school to select a winner to pitch overall.
· Target Audience/Client
· Initial Designs and Development
· Manufacturing constraints and limitations
· Working in teams (responsibilities of different roles)
· Budgeting, marketing and advertising
Context: Develop a concept for a product to be sold at the Design museum / OR / Inspired By…Designer Clocks
In this unit you will learn about design movements and the evolution of products. You will use the design movements to help inspire your designing. You will focus in on the key features of the design movement and use both tradition and new technologies to manufacture your product. You will consider packaging for your product. This project is a pre-CATs taster unit prior to beginning your CATs.
The unit focuses on
· Design Movements
· Properties of thermosetting plastics
· Joinery Techniques
· Using Standard Components
· Advantages and Disadvantages of CAD/CAM
· The functions of packaging and nets
Context: Designer inspired product and packaging design
Assessment / Initial Design Ideas, development and presentation / Initial Ideas, modelling, final design and make product, evaluation
Spring Term
Topics / Investigating and Experimenting –A box and more…
During this term you will learn about different joining methods and create a basic wooden box. High quality finishes are key part of this project. Furthermore you will investigate a designer or design movement and use their inspiration to transform the box into a different functioning product. Creativity is key to this part of the project.
This unit focuses on teaching the theory of
· Product evolution, Design influences,
· Product Analysis
· Design Specification
· Manufacturing flowchart
Context: Functional Box
Assessment / Design and Make skills, manufacturing flowchart
Summer Term
Topics / Flat Pack Furniture
In this DMT you will design a product that can be flat packed. You will carry out a case study on IKEA furniture and use the key finding of this investigation to help design and create your flat pack product. You will follow the design process to create a prototype of your product. The unit focuses on:
· Case study: IKEA-what makes the company so successful
· Product deconstruction
· Writing a set of instructions
The importance of standard components
Assessment / Design and Make Skills, Modeling, CAD Drawings
Autumn Term (one is studied in year 9 and the other in year 10)Topics / Design Ventura: Design Museum competition
In this first unit you will respond the theme of ‘Journeys’ and come up with a product that could be sold in the Design Museum for £10 or under. The product will be supported with a marketing pitch, costing and making plan and be produced in groups of no more than 6 students. There will be a museum visit, interactive workshops in schools and a judging panel in school to select a winner to pitch overall.
· Target Audience/Client
· Initial Designs and Development
· Manufacturing constraints and limitations
· Working in teams (responsibilities of different roles)
· Budgeting, marketing and advertising
Context: Develop a concept for a product to be sold at e Design museum / OR / Inspired By…Designer Clocks
In this unit you will learn about design movements and the evolution of products. You will use the design movements to help inspire your designing. You will focus in on the key features of the design movement and use both tradition and new technologies to manufacture your product. You will consider packaging for your product. This project is a pre-CATs taster unit prior to beginning your CATs.
The unit focuses on
· Design Movements
· Properties of thermosetting plastics
· Joinery Techniques
· Using Standard Components
· Advantages and Disadvantages of CAD/CAM
· The functions of packaging and nets
Context: Designer inspired product and packaging design
Assessment / Design Brief, Analysis, Customer Profile, Product Analysis / Initial Ideas, modelling, final design and make product, evaluation
Spring Half-term 1 and 2
Topics / Start controlled assessment – Investigate opportunities
Start Controlled Assessment Task
Short-term deadlines will be set for each stage of the Controlled Assessment Task so that you and your teacher can track your progress.
You will start by analysing a given brief and deciding what type of product to design and make / Design Ideas Modeling, Testing & Evaluating
The development stage will involve experimenting using drawings, models and research to help the development of your final product. You are expected to create a ‘diary of making’ with photographic evidence to show your progress and explain your decision you have made.
During the making stage you should keep photographic records of their work.
Testing and evaluating should be carried out throughout the development and making stages and not left until the end of the task.
Assessment / CATs, annotated photographic evidence of models, design ideas, research
Summer Term
Topics / Modeling, Making Product, Testing & Evaluating
You will continue developing and making your product following your design specification. This will involve further experimenting using models and research to help your final product. Your ‘diary of making’ will be used to document your progress and any changes/ development you make.
During the making stage you should keep photographic records of your work.
Assessment / Diary of make, models, testing and evaluations
Autumn Half-term 1 / Autumn Half-term 2Topics / Design Ideas and Modeling, Making, Testing & Evaluating
You will continue developing and making your product following your design specification. This will involve further experimenting using models and research to help your final product. Your ‘diary of making’ will be used to document your progress and any changes/ development you make.
During the making stage you should keep photographic records of your work. / Final testing & evaluation
Finally…you will test and evaluate your product and suggest any improvements.
The final portfolio will be 20 A3 pages created on power point which tells the story of your product development. You will have written this as you go through the project but the final deadline for it to be complete is December.
Assessment / Power point, Final Make and Evaluation
Spring Term
Topics / Exam Preparation
You will begin to prepare for Unit 1. You will look at a range of topics including:
· Materials and components (Paper/card, wood and plastic, new and smart material, composite materials)
· Design and Market influences
· Design in Practice
· Processes and Manufacture
Revision strategies will be discussed
Assessment / Exam type questions
Summer Term
Topics / Exam Preparation for question 1
On March 1st AQA (the exam board) will publish a preparation sheet which gives the context for the design question in Unit 1. The lessons during this term will be about analysing the information and getting you ready to take the exam.
Assessment / Exam type questions
1. You will ALWAYS wear correct workshop uniform when using the machines.
2. You will tie long hair back during practical lessons and wear not jewellery.
3. You will always ask permission before using any tools or equipment.
4. You will work hard in lessons to always improve your work and remain focused.
5. You will work with anyone in the class without argument. We are all in this together and will help each other when we can.
6. Only one person on machinery at a time. You will remain behind the yellow and black hazard line when others are using the machinery.
7. You will wear safety goggle when using the machinery.
8. You will tidy up after yourself throughout the lesson.
9. You should attend as many extra-curricular classes and workshops.
10. Complete your IL fully. If you find something difficult, speak to your teacher before the deadline.
11. If you are below target, ensure that you know exactly what to do to get back on track.
Resources & Useful Links
Independent Learning
IL tasks will be given to you on a weekly basis. This may include a written piece, research, drawings or skill development. You are expected to complete all IL task and failing to do will result in a teacher detention where you will complete all work necessary. If IL is not of standard, expect to redo the work.
Text books
AQA GCSE Product Design by Brian Russell, Nicola Deacon, Andrea Bennett, Jeff Draisey & Krysia Balance
This course handbook!
This handbook gives you an outline of the key topics and skills you will be learning about.
Revision guide
During the course, you will be issued with a revision guide, which includes useful tips and strategies to help revise for exams or prepare for controlled assessments.
Past papers
A wide range of past exam papers are available to download for free on the AQA website. Mark schemes are also available.
Useful Websites
Unit 1 – Written Examination - 40% of the marks
Candidates will have a knowledge and understanding of a range of topics including:
· Materials and components: classification and working properties, types of materials-woods, metals, plastics, new materials and smart materials.
· Design and Market Influences: Evolution of Product Design, Communication and representation of ideas, Design Methodology, Design in Practice, Packaging and Marketing.
· Design in Human Context: Human Factors, Ethical, Environmental and Sustainability issues, Safety, Consumer Issues.
· Processes and manufacture: Product Manufacture, Manufacturing Systems, Industrial and Commercial Practice, Use of Information and Communication Technology in Design
The exam paper is set out in two sections. Section A is about designing a product and Section B is about course content mentioned above.
Criteria for assessment – unit 1 will test the following skills as well as the subject knowledge
· Recall, select and communicate knowledge and understanding in design and technology including its wider effects.
· Apply knowledge, understanding and skills in a variety of contexts and in designing and making products.
· Analyse and evaluate products, including their design and production.
· Quality of written communication
o ensure that text is legible and that spelling, punctuation and grammar are accurate so that meaning is clear;
o select and use a form and style of writing appropriate to purpose and to complex subject matter;
o organise information clearly and coherently, using specialist vocabulary when appropriate
Unit 2 – Controlled assessment task - 60% of the marks
Candidates will apply their theoretical knowledge to their design and make task. The examining board sets the task and students are required to submit a 3-dimensional outcome and a concise folder approximately 20 A3 pages. It is expected that candidates should spend approximately 45 hours on this activity. Your concise folder will include photographic evidence at various stages of making; drawings and key information explain your design process and evaluations throughout.
Assessment Criteria / Maximum Mark Allocation / Pages in portfolioInvestigating the design opportunity / 8 / 2
Development of design proposals / 32 / 8
Making / 32 / 7
Testing and Evaluation / 12 / 3
Communication / 6 / throughout
Total / 90 / 20 pages