How Much Do You Know About BBYO?

Materials: three teams, scoreboard, 3 chairs on stage, 3 clickers or whistles

Goal: To review both AZA and BBG information and meeting the people on your team while doing the challenges. HAVE FUN!

Materials: three teams, 4 chairs on stage, 4 clickers or whistles (they could just raise there hand), slips of paper with 5 and 10 on them to keep score, cheesy game host costume for me, Crackers, saran wrap.


No arguing with judges

Only the 2 speakers from the team can give an answer after round 1

Be respectful

Supporting your team=bonus points rude to other team=losing points

Instructions: (5 Min) The first 5 minutes of the game is for each team to pick a name and speaker. Game begins by moderator calling down one member from each team (picked at random) in the manner of “The Price Is Right” (“Joe Schmoe, COME ON DOWN!”)

Each contestant picks a number (1-4) in order to decide who goes first.

Round 1: (15 Min)

Each team will send one representative and who ever is going first picks a category. The question is read and whoever dings in first gets a chance to answer. If they get it right they get 5 points. If they don’t, then the next person to ding in gets a turn and so on.

*Don’t forget to read the correct answer to each question after the contestants try.

After the answer is given, the 4 sit down and 4 new contestants are called up in the same manner. Game continues. Continues for 12 questions so each team representative will have a chance to pick a category 3 times.

CHALLENGE: Pick 5 members from each team. Give each person 2 packs of crackers. First team to eat and swallow all 10 packs wins 10 points

Round 2: (20 min) Each team will be given a 10 point question. Without talking anyone who feels they know the answer will stand up. Another team will pick one of the standing participants to see if they know the right answer. If they are correct they receive 10 points plus however many people are standing. If they get it wrong the opposing team will receive the points of how many members were standing.

CHALLENGE: First team to build 2 human pyramids gets 15 points

Round 3: (25 min) (Relate to BBYO)

1. 2 members from each team will volunteer. We will then explain to them the challenge and relationship to BBYO. They will be wrapped around together in Saran wrap and the last team standing wins. (20 points)

2. Inch Worm Race. They get in lines by team, then bend over and hold onto each other’s ankles then you try and get to the finish line. If one person lets go of someone’s ankles they have to start over. (20 points)

3. One member from each team will sit on the ground holding a pitcher over their head. Then the rest of team will dip a sponge in water and fill the pitcher with water in the given time. (20 minutes)

Team with most points WIN!!!!!!!!!!


WHO (5 point questions)

Who founded AZA (Sam Beber)

Who organized BBG (Anita Perlman)

Who is the Advisor of this chapter (fill in chapter and chapter advisor)

Who is the President of this chapter (fill in chapter and chapter president)

Who is responsible for chapter programs (Vice President)

Who is responsible for teaching New Members about BBYO (Morah/Moreh)

Who is current regional president (fill in…Alex/Janice)

Who is the past president of this chapter (fill in chapter and name)

WHO (10 point questions)

Who is the Regional Director (fill in…Amy Dicker)

Who is the past Regional Director (fill in…Michal Rubin/Mendelson)

Who holds position of Madricha or Kohen Godol (fill in…Lauren/Billy)

Who is the one person who must sign all chapter checks (advisor)

Who is the Regional Convention coordinator (fill in…Brendon/Rachel)

Who are KIO BBYO’s other Field Staff (fill in…Justin/Meryl)

Who is Regional Executive Board made up of (fill in…all elected officers)

WHO (25 point questions)

Who is the BBYO International Director (fill in…Matt Grossman)

Who is in charge of B-linked (fill in…Ian Kandel)

Who is Regional Director’s supervisor (fill in…Rich Kessler)

Name three famous BBYO alumni (Amy knows)

Who do you go to when have a chapter issue (any: advisor, staff, RBd)

Who is the Regional office Administrative Assistant (fill in…Ari Wasserstrom)

WHO (50 point questions)

Who is the Chairman of BBYO’s Youth Commision (fill in..Howard Wohl)

Who is the Executive VP (Director) of B’nai B’rith International (Joel Kaplan)

Who is “Wild Wing” (Duck: KIO’s mascot)

WHAT (5 point question)

What is the meaning of this chapter’s name (fill in chapter and meaning)

What is the Hebrew meaning of AZA (Aleph Zadik Aleph)

What does BBG stand for (B’nai B’rith Girls)

What does I$F mean (International Service Fund)

What is the cost of an extra membership pin ($1.00)

What is the Shofar (international BBYO newspaper)

What is an AIT (aleph in training)

What is an Aleph (a member of AZA)

WHAT (10 point question)

What is the name of the Regional newsletter (Quack)

What is the number of this region (27)

What is the English translation of B’nai B’rith (Sons of the covenant)

What happens when caught with drugs at a convention (sent home)

What is the chapter’s I$F quota ($5 per member)

WHAT (25 point questions)

What is the meaning of KIO’s regional number (district 2, region 7)

What is the BBYO Board of Directors (local fund-raising body for BBYO

composed of youth and adults)

What are the three levels of BBYO (chapter, region, international)

What is ILSI (Israel Summer Leadership Institute –

BBYO’s flagship p2I program)

What is ILTC and Kallah (International Leadership Training

Conference and BBYO’s international

summer Judaism program)

What is the $100 club (for chps who contribute $100 to I$F)

WHAT (50 point questions)

What is Noar L’Noar – meaning and actual (“youth to youth” – formerly Israeli BBYO)

What,and where was KIO’s first chapter (B’yachad BBG #43, Indy)

WHERE (5 point questions)

Where is the local BBYO office (1125 College Avenue, Columbus, 43209)

Where was the first AZA chapter started (Omaha, NE)

Where was the first BBG chapter started (San Fransisco, CA)

What and where is GJHRR? (Greater Jersey Hudson River Region…NJ)

WHERE (10 point questions)

Where is the BBYO international office? (Washington, D.C.)

Where can I find “guaranteed to work” programs? (the Shofar, regional office)

Where is Regionals held (switches yearly, Indy this year)

Where is Red River Region (Canada)

WHERE (25 point questions)

Where is District 15 of BBYO (Great Britain/Ireland)

Where is District 14 of BBYO (Israel)

Where did the regions vote that I$F money goes this year (Project AMEN)

Where is B’nai B’rith Perlman Camp (Starlight/Lake Como, PA)

Where is B’nai B’rith Beber Camp (Mukwanago, WI)

Where is IC held? (switches, Dallas, TX this year)

WHERE (50 point questions)

International Headquarters are located in the B’nai B’rith International Building in

Washington, D.C. On what floor is the BBYO office? (7th)

What is the street address of the BBYO International office? (2020 K St., NW)

Where is the memorial statue of an AZA and BBG member who were never found after

sneaking out of an International Convention at B’nai B’rith Perlman Camp?

(there isn’t one you fool!)