Mixed Age Planning for KS2
In September 2002, the NLS published pilot medium term planning units for single age classes (Y1 - Y6). The Lancashire Literacy Team has worked on these plans, adapting them to meet the needs of some of the mixed age classes in our schools.
Who is likely to use these plans?
Class teachers in schools where there are one or two classes at KS2, e.g. 2 classes: – Y3/4 and Y5/6, 1 class: - Y3/4/5/6 or a teacher with a Y4/5/6 class will be able to use these plans.
What about other mixed age groups?
Schools with three classes at KS2 (e.g. Y3/4, Y4/5, Y5/6) often have a difficult task deciding how to select and cover the range of genres outlined in the NLS framework. Schools will have organized ways to overcome this and as such it is difficult to devise a generic model to suit all settings. However, there will be some guidance available soon on combining sentence level objectives from two year groups into an annual programme and also the same for word level objectives. Schools will still need to determine how to manage the coverage of the text level objectives.
The Planning Units
How do the planning units work?
Each term has a grid giving an overview of the term and the coverage of objectives clustered into units of work based around a specific genre.
Mixed Age Planning Year 5 & 6 Term 1 Year BUnit / Text level / Sentence level / Word level / Weeks / Text(s) / Outcome
Poetry / Y6 - 3, 4, 5, 10 / Grammatical Awareness
Y6 - 1 (GfW 44) / Spelling Strategies
Y5 - 1, 2, 3 Y6 – 1, 2, 3
Y5 – 9 Y6 – 7
Synonyms Y5 - 7 / 2 / Work of two poets / -Poems
Narrative writing / Y6 – 7 / Grammatical Awareness Y6 - 5
Direct/Reported Speech
Y5 – 5, 7(GfW 36) / Spelling Strategies
Y5 - 1, 2, 3 Y6 – 1, 2, 3
Spelling PatternsY6 – 4
Word Roots/Prefixes
Y6 - 5 (SB p.58)
AdverbsY5 - 10 / 2 / Class novel and extracts / -Narrative
Media /plays / Y6 - 1, 2, 6, 9 / Punctuation
Y5 –3, 6(GfW 34)
Y6 - 6 (GfW 47)
Standard English
Y5 – 2 (GfW 33) / New Words Y6 – 9
Word Roots/Prefixes
Y5 – 6, 8 / 2 / Class novel and video version / -Narrative Scene
Text Level Objectives
The text level objectives for both year groups are covered in a two year cycle. Year A takes text level objectives from the younger age range and Year B from the older age range. This will mean that on alternate years some children will be taught the text objectives ‘in the wrong order’. This does not present too many difficulties as teachers’ can use the information provided on theSkills Progression Chart (see section entitled Skills Progression Chart).
Word Level and Sentence Level Objectives
In these mixed age plans, word and sentence level objectives cover both year groups and are covered in an annual programme. They are clustered into areas of focus e.g. word roots, direct and reported speech. This means that every year all children will spend approximately half the time studying age appropriate year group objectives. They will also be introduced to the objectives from another year group and have the opportunity of revisiting both sets of objectives again in the next year.
Each unit is then outlined in further detail giving a breakdown of the text, word and sentence objectives covered in that unit.
Year 5 & 6 Term 1 Year B
Unit: Media/plays
Duration: 2 weeks / Text(s): Class novel and video versionOutcomes: Narrative; scene
Text level objectivesAll text level objectives are from year 6 for year B of the cycle. / Sentence level objectives
Sentence level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives / Word level objectives
Word level objectives cover all of years 5 & 6 objectives
Y6 T1 to compare and evaluate a novel or play in print and the film/TV version, e.g. treatment of the plot and characters, the differences in the two forms, e.g. in seeing the setting, in losing the narrator;
Y6 T2 to take account of viewpoint in a novel through, e.g.:
-identifying the narrator;
-explaining how this influences the reader's view of events;
-explaining how events might look from a different point of view;
Y6 T6 to manipulate narrative perspective by:
-writing in the voice and style of a text;
-producing a modern retelling;
-writing a story with two different narrators;
Y6 T9 to prepare a short section of story as a script, e.g. using stage directions, location/setting. / Grammatical Awareness: Punctuation
Y5 S3 to discuss, proof-read and edit their own writing for clarity and correctness, e.g. by creating more complex sentences, using a range of connectives, simplifying clumsy constructions;
Y5 S6 to understand the need for punctuation as an aid to the reader, e.g. commas to mark grammatical boundaries; a colon to signal, e.g. a list. (Grammar for writing Unit 34)
Y6 S6 to secure knowledge and understanding of more sophisticated punctuation marks:
-parenthetic commas, dashes, brackets.
(Grammar for writing Unit 47)
Standard English
Y5 S2 to understand the basic conventions of standard English and consider when and why standard English is used:
-agreement between nouns and verbs;
-consistency of tense and subject;
-avoidance of double negatives;
-avoidance of non-standard dialect words (Grammar for writing Unit 33) / Word roots, prefixes and suffixes
Y5 W6 to collect, and investigate the meanings and spellings of words using the following prefixes: auto, bi, trans, tele, circum; (Spelling bank p.43)
Y5 W8 to identify word roots, derivations and spelling patterns, e.g. sign, signature, signal; bomb, bombastic, bombard; remit, permit, permission, in order to extend vocabulary and provide support for spelling. (Spelling bank p.44)
New Words
Y6 W9 to understand how new words have been added to the language, e.g. trainers, wheelie.
Skills Progression Chart
What are the Skills Progression Charts?
The Skills Progression Charts outline text level objectives related to the genre covered in earlier year groups and also later year groups.
How can the Skills Progression Charts be used?
The Skills Progression Charts can be used to help teachers cover the wide range of abilities in the mixed age class. Earlier objectives can be used as a support for less able pupils and help teachers differentiate when planning children’s work. Similarly later objectives can be used to extend children’s learning, helping teachers extend and challenge more able pupils. In Year B of the Y5/6 mixed age plan there are no later objectives as the range covers Y6. Rather than dipping into Y7 objectives (as these focus mostly on revising and consolidating Y6 objectives) teachers can challenge more able pupils by encouraging the children to use and apply their skills in different contexts.
Skills Progression Chart
Mixed Age Planning Years 5 & 6 Term 1 Year A – Related Text Level Objectives
Unit: Note-taking and Recount
/ Reading Comprehension /Writing Composition
Earlier Text Level Objectives / Y4 T1 / T24 Write newspaper style reports, e.g. about school events, including headlines, editing, paragraphing, ICT layout.Later Text Level Objectives / Y5 T2 / T20 notemaking: to discuss what is meant by ‘in your own words’ and when it is appropriate to copy, quote and adapt / T21 to convert personal notes into notes for others to read, paying attention to appropriateness of style, vocabulary and presentation
Y5 T3 / T16 notemaking: to filet passages for relevant information and present ideas which are effectively grouped and linked
Y6 T1 / T12 to comment critically on the language, style, success of egs of non-fiction such as periodicals, reviews, reports, leaflets etc.
Further Advice
If you wish to seek further advice or clarification regarding mixed age planning, please do not hesitate to contact the team at the Literacy Centre (tel: 01257 516160) or e-mail:
Let us know what you think!
If you have any comments or suggestions about these mixed age plans we would welcome your feedback.
Mixed Age PlanningLancashire Literacy Team 2002