The Waterford Recreation and Parks Commission held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 28, 2017 in the Community Center. Chairman Erricson presided.
MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Cs. Erricson, Whelan, Kanabis, Scheiber, Murphy, Hall, Santos, Guarnieri.
STAFF: Director Flaherty, Assistant Director McNamara and Program Coordinator Sullivan
Mrs. Cordette Grimsey thanked the Commission for honoring her husband in naming the property at 47 Oswegatchie Road the “Grimsey Beach”.
MOTION #1: Made by C. Kanabis, seconded by C. Scheiber to approve the minutes of the October meeting as received. So voted 8-0.
~ E-Mail – Matt Davis, re: Jordan Park House parking
~ Thank you note from Mrs. Loeser
~ Thank you note from Waterford Lions Club
~ Thank you letter from Mrs. O’Pasek
~ Copy of the proposed Capital Improvement Plan for Fiscal Year 2019
~ Thank you note from Youth Services Bureau
MOTION #2: Made by C. Whelan, seconded by C. Murphy to send a letter to the Fist Selectman and the Town Attorney regarding private parking on town property. A discussion was held. Motion carried 8-0.
STAFF REPORTS: All reports were accepted as received and placed on file. In addition, the Director reported that some trees have been removed from different parks and that a plan for replacement of them has started. He also reported that the 2019 Budget is due in the Selectman’s office on December 15, 2017. Some of our electrical projects have been contracted out and some have been completed by the BOE maintenance. All on-going projects are continuing.
The Assistant Director reported on maintenance work continuing with leaf removal, wood program and other seasonal projects. They are also helping with the holiday projects for Youth Services Bureau. Some new equipment has been purchased and is on line.
The Program Coordinator reported that the Summer Program Booklet is being worked on as it needs to get to the printers for summer program planning. She reported that gym space is at a premium at this time. She spoke of the up-coming programs for the month of December and hoped that the members would attend.
Page 2 – November 28, 2019
~ Long Range Program: A meeting will be scheduled in the New Year.
~ Mago Point: It was reported that sod has been planted adjacent our property near the new fishing pier.
Having no further business to conduct, the Chairman called for a motion to adjourn.
MOTION #3: Made by C. Whelan, seconded by C. Murphy to adjourn. So voted 8-0.
Meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Nolan, Secretary
Recreation and Parks Commission