973-948-6866 June 2005 Volume 1, Issue 18
In this Issue:
- President's Message
- Meeting Reminder
- Area Advisors Meeting
- Website
- Recreation News
- Fishing Club Update
- LOCA Waters
- Archives
- Rules Enforcement
- Classifieds
Spring has been cool and green and now the lake is awakening to a new summer of beauty and excitement. Once again, Judy Roman has put together a terrific recreation program. Ray Earle has been diligently working on the fishing program including the Fishing Derby and the Sunfish Contest. Dan Higgins and Dick Bell will lead the canoe trip, and Ted Roman and Hap Rowan will be the commodores of the sailing club. Cathy Giugliano will again host arts and crafts. Mike and Lisa Fiorentine are planning another spectacular picnic on July 16. Volunteers are needed for the picnic to help Mike and Lisa with the tremendous amount of work before, during, and after this event. Also, Judy Roman urgently needs volunteers to head up the swim races scheduled for July 3.
Judy Roman and Cathy Doremus have planned a community garage sale with both shores participating on the same day. This event will take place on Saturday, June 11 from 9:00AM until 3:00PM. LOCA will advertise this garage sale in local newspapers and will place posters at the entrance roads on the day of the sale. There will not be a central location of the sale, so members should display items for sale at their own homes or team up with neighbors. The sale will be held rain or shine. Hopefully, this day will give members an easy way to sell those unwanted items.
Special thanks are due to Chris Giugliano for the remarkable job he did at the helm of the Fishing Club. During his leadership, Chris revitalized the club with innovative and successful programs including the Fishing Derby and the Sunfish Contest. Chris is stepping down from that post but will remain on the committee. Ray Earle has agreed to be the chairperson of the club. Thank you Chris for a job well done, and thank you, Ray. Please note that the request for Fishing Club dues and donations will be sent with the boat stickers mailed to each member.
Hap Rowan and Ted Roman have continued to diligently monitor the beaver dams at the outlet of the lake and have seen evidence that beavers have returned to those dams. The dams seem to be in good shape. The level of the lake has been good during the spring.
John Rights has collected and preserved an amazing amount of memorabilia of Lake Owassa. John is assembling the archives, and the Board is continuing to search for a secure location in which to house them.
Bob Hope continues to improve the website, which now contains a “hot button” by which members can read urgent messages from LOCA. Information about individual memberships has been removed from the website, and we are planning to initiate password protection to make the website accessible only to LOCA members.
Thank you to David Mintz and the many other members who have spent countless hours in an effort to protect the environment of the lake.
I am sad to report that Sam Wiener has died. Sam was a long time member of LOCA and an author of its constitution and by-laws. He was forever vigilant in protecting the integrity of LOCA and in preserving the lake. Sam served as LOCA attorney for many decades, and even this past winter he continued to actively defend LOCA. He was a friend and adviser to many and will be deeply missed. The Wiener family has invited LOCA members to a gathering in his memory on Saturday, June 4 at 4:00 p.m. at the North Haledon Fire House #`1, 811 Belmont Avenue, North Haledon. Please contact either Wendy Klein at (315) 479-5105 or Harris Wilder at if you plan to attend. We send condolences to the Wiener family. Sam will be long remembered for all he did for Lake Owassa.
Steven Weissman, Esq., (A 25) has agreed to temporarily assume the duties of LOCA attorney. Any LOCA member who is licensed to practice law in New Jersey and is willing to serve as LOCA attorney should please contact me.
The LOCA database is complete and functioning well thanks to the continuing efforts of Diane Ritchie and Jill Schafer. The annual dues and boat registration forms are now computer generated. Printing the new membership cards by computer will reduce our expense each year. The boat registration form now contains a mandatory reporting of the serial number of any boat motor larger than 35 horsepower. Jill Schafer is in the process of notifying members who have such engines but failed to report the serial numbers on the forms they returned. No 2005 boat stickers can be sent to these members until the serial numbers are reported, and boats without current stickers will not be permitted on the lake.
The Board reminds everyone that fireworks are illegal in the State of New Jersey and represent substantial danger. LOCA prohibits the discharge of fireworks from LOCA property or onto LOCA property including the lake itself, the docks, floats, rafts, and boats on the lake and including our island. The Board advises members to stay off the lake if fireworks are being discharged anywhere near the lake and asks all members to cooperate in preventing the discharge of fireworks and to notify their family, guests, and renters of LOCA’s advice and policy regarding fireworks.
Please attend the General Membership Meeting on Sunday, June 26. If you are unable to attend, please complete the attached proxy form and send it to Jill Schafer or have another member bring it to the meeting.
My cell phone number remains (516) 241-0831 and is the fastest and easiest way to contact me. Cess and I look forward to seeing you at the great events of the summer. A safe and enjoyable season to all.
Joel Weintraub
Return to ContentsMEETING REMINDER
The LOCA General Membership Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 26 at 10:00 a.m. at the Branchville Hose Co. (corner of Railroad Ave. and Broad St.) in Branchville. Please be sure to attend. A proxy for the meeting is included in this newsletter.
There will be an AreaAdvisors Meeting-Saturday, June 18-10:30A.M. All advisors will shortly receive a letter informing them of the meeting at Cathy Doremus’s home, 249 East Shore Lake Owassa Road. Please, call Cathy (948-3542) or Judy Roman (948-7171) if you cannot attend.
Return to ContentsWEBSITE
The website now contains a “hot button” by which members can read urgent messages from LOCA. Information about individual memberships has been removed from the website. Please visit our website often. Beginning July 1, the website will be accessible only to LOCA members and only with a password. The password will be announced at the General Membership Meeting on June 26 and will also be sent by email to all members for whom we have email addresses.
Return to ContentsRECREATION NEWS
We hope everyone is looking forward to a wonderful summer with great weather and lots of fun activities!! Our calendar is a “work in progress” with the following dates already in place! Mark your date book so you can join in the following:
June 11, Saturday - LOCA Garage Sale
July 2, Saturday - Swim Races
July3, Sunday - Sailboat Races - Sunfish Contest
July 4, Monday - Boat Parade
July 8, Friday – Canoe Trip
July 16, Saturday - LOCA Picnic (Rain date, July 17)
Arts & Crafts – Fridays, starting after the 4 of July
LOCA GARAGE SALE- Saturday-June 11-Both East & West Shores will be joining in this event. We will advertise in the paper and put signs at the beginning of roads. Just put out all your “treasures” and good luck selling them!! Members can display items at their own homes or team up with neighbors. You may want to place a sign at your home as well. Time: 900 AM to 3:00 PM.
SWIM RACES- Saturday-July2-This is a tradition at Lake Owassa-BUT we need some one to run the races this year!! Hopefully, someone will step forward and provide the kids with the fun of this long time annual event. Assistance will be given and events will be fully explained. Patrolman Dan is there to assist! If you can do this-call Judy at 973-948-7171. Thank you in advance!
SAILBOAT RACES-The winners of the sailboat races on September 4, 2004 were Leonard Tandul (H-9) and Stephanie Weintraub (B-35). Hap Rowen & Ted Roman will again be running these races. Meet 10:30 AM-on Sunday-July 3-in the middle of the lake. Good Luck and wishing you lots of strong winds!
SUNFISH CONTEST-Sunday-July 3-Kids 15 & under can fish from morning till 3:00PM. Fish limit is 25 per child. Bring all caught fish to the Island at 3:00 to be counted and weighed. Prizes will be given. (See Fishing Club Update Below.)
BOAT PARADE-Monday-July 4-11:00AM. Again we are asking ALL participants to meet in the Cove at 11:00 AM. Fall in behind Patrolman Dan. He will lead the line of procession near the community float for pictures, around the cove for all to see, then up the West Shore, and around to the East Shore. Looking forward to seeing our long time entrants and encouraging new members to join in this great July 4 tradition at Lake Owassa. Any questions about this call Judy-973-948-7171.
ARTS & CRAFTS- will be held on Fridays-starting after the 4 th. We will meet at Cathy Giugliano’s house-137 E. Shore Rd. Time is 10:00 till noon. Adults must accompany children under 10!
CANOE TRIP- Friday, July 8: All interested in joining this great day should call Dan Higgins (973-948-5154) or Dick Bell (973-948-7550). You do not have to own a canoe to attend. Yes, you may use a kayak if you would like.
LOCA PICNIC will be held on Saturday, July 16 (Rain date: Sunday, July 17) from noon to 6 PM. This is a fabulous day to spend with friends, old and new, lots of delicious food, fun games and activities for all ages! Our Chef, Mike Fiorentine, and his wife, Lisa, always surprise us with wonderful treats that must be sampled by all our LOCA members. The theme of the picnic this year will be “ Southwest Barbeque.” Horseshoe contest will begin at 1:30. Activities for youngsters will include spin art, face painting, sack races, and a large inflated “moon walk.” The pie contest will again this year cap off the picnic. Judging of the pies will be at 4:30. Contestants should submit two pies, one for judging and one for eating. There will be refrigeration available to keep the pies fresh. Tickets are $7.00 prior to July 16 and $9.00 at the door. Guests of members are welcome. Children under 7 years of age will be admitted without charge. Tickets may be purchased at the General Membership Meeting on June 26 and from area advisers. Please sign up to volunteer to help Mike and Lisa before, during, and after the picnic. Many, many volunteers are needed. As in the past, if you wish to contribute a dish to the picnic, feel free to do so. Last names starting with A to M may bring salads, and N to Z bring desserts.
SALE ITEMS-we are continuing to take orders on hats, t-shirts, sweatshirts, golf shirts, and butt pants. Call Judy for information, prices, and placing orders-973-948-7171.
At the General Membership Meeting in August the following received prizes for fish caught in the regular 2004 LOCA Fishing Contest:
ADULTName / Fish / Weight
Dan Higgins / Black Crappie / 2lbs 7ozs
Mark Meijee / Channel Catfish / 5lbs 5ozs
Dennis Glennon / Hybrid Striped Bass / 7lbs 2ozs
Al DiMattia Jr. / Large Mouth Bass / 5lbs 8ozs
Brad Batastini / Pickerel / 4lbs 2ozs
Dan Higgins / Yellow Perch / 14ozs
Name / Fish / Weight
Joseph DiMattia / Black Crappie / 1lb 5 ozs
Brandon Potucek / Bullhead Catfish / 2lbs 12ozs
Michael Flood / Channel Catfish / 1lb 15 ozs
Nick Brewer / Channel Catfish / 2lbs
Bobby Doherty / Channel Catfish / 2lbs 8ozs
Dean Rizzi / Channel Catfish / 3lbs 1oz
Luke Adduchio / Channel Catfish / 3lbs 2ozs
Eric Steed / Channel Catfish / 3lbs 4ozs
Zach Earle / Channel Catfish / 3lbs 9ozs
Andrew Sotasky / Hybrid Striped Bass / 4lbs 5ozs
Jeremy Sotasky / Hybrid Striped Bass / 5lbs 2ozs
Jason Sotasky / Hybrid Striped Bass / 5lbs 3ozs
Sarah Keating / Hybrid Striped Bass / 5lbs 9ozs
Nicolle Post / Large Mouth Bass / 1lb
Mike Wasserman / Large Mouth Bass / 1lb
Kevin Flood / Large Mouth Bass / 1lb 10 ozs
David Buzdygon / Large Mouth Bass / 1lb 10 ozs
Kelly Eckert / Large Mouth Bass / 1lb 14 ozs
Helena Cudicilla / Large Mouth Bass / 1lb 5 ozs
Ben Giugliano / Large Mouth Bass / 2lbs 11ozs
Luke Giugliano / Large Mouth Bass / 2lbs 8ozs
Brad Bonnell / Pickerel / 1lb 12ozs
Max Wasserman / Sunfish / 5ozs
Stocking: The following fish were placed in the lake on May 25, 2005: 100 Trout (13-14 inches); 1000 Bass (3-4 inches); 60 Bass (10-13 inches); and 5000 F.H. Minnows. A State Marine Biologist will be scheduled to give a talk to all interested LOCA members and consult about further stocking. Please send in your Fishing Club dues and contributions.
Annual Fishing Contest: Prizes will again be given out at the August General Membership Meeting to winners in the various categories.
Fishing Derby for Tagged Fish: There are still some tagged fish in the lake from the stocking of 2004. No additional tagged fish were added this year. However, prizes will still be given out for turning in tags this year. Prizes are as follows: a $25 Gift Certificate for each tagged Monster Brown caught and a $25 Gift Certificate for handing in one of the four "lucky tags." Lucky tag numbers were as follows: 3838 (brown trout), 3848 (rainbow trout), 4040 (channel catfish), 4141 (largemouth bass). Also, smaller prizes will be given for any other tag turned in this year.
Fishing Derby Q&A:
What do I do if I catch a tagged fish?
If you catch one of these fish, remove the tag and hand in the tag at one of
the weigh stations listed below. If you catch a tagged monster trout (20 inches or longer) bring the fish for weighing.
Can I keep the tagged fish to eat?
If you catch a trout, you should definitely keep it, as it will most likely
not survive in the lake through the summer. If you catch a tagged bass or
catfish, it's up to you whether or not you release it.
How do I remove the tag if I want to return the fish to the lake?
The tags are very easily removed with pliers or surgical tweezers.
Where is the tag located?
All the tags were placed in the corner of the mouth.
Weigh-in Stations: The following membership locations are official weigh-in stations with
approved scales: Patrolman Dan Higgins (E-9), Roman (B-23), Batastini (C-20), Earle (E-21), Evelyn Putera (H-31) and Bob Hope (G-22).
Kids Sunny Catching Contest: On Sunday, July 3, the Fishing Club will host a Kids Sunny Catching Contest for all children on the lake 15 years old and younger. Limit is 25 fish. First, second, and third prizes will be given out based on the number of fish caught. In the event that more than one youngster catches the limit of 25, prizes will be based among them on total weight. All participating children will receive a prize. The time for fishing in the event is morning to 3 p.m. on July 3. Fish will be counted and weighed on the island at 3 p.m. by Fishing Club members.
Return to ContentsLOCA WATERS
Tests continue to indicate that the water of our lake is clean and safe. Members are reminded to keep our water safe and healthy by using “septic-safe” products, keeping septic systems in good operating order and pumping them regularly, using phosphate-free or low phosphate laundry, lawn, and garden products, and promptly disposing of trash and garbage.
Return to ContentsARCHIVES
John Rights (G-26) has done a wonderful job collecting photographs, articles and other historical items for our LOCA archives. He has been preserving newspaper articles, etc. for posterity....and a history. If you have any photos, articles or artifacts that you would be willing to share, please call Cathy Doremus 973-948-3542 and she will come to collect anything you may have. Items that can be copied will be returned.
Fireworks: The Board of Governors wishes to remind members that the discharge of fireworks is illegal in the State of New Jersey and is prohibited on any property belonging to LOCA.
Boat motors of greater than 35 HP: This year, members must provide serial numbers of any boat motor of greater than 35 HP. No yearly boat stickers will be issued to a member until this information is provided. The serial numbers will be used to determine the manufacturers’ designation of the horsepower of the engine. The rules committee will also ask to inspect the serial number of each motor of over 35 HP with the purposes of collecting information and of identifying any motor of greater than the 50 HP limit set by our constitution and by-laws. The information collected will help determine if an enforcement issue exists and if so its magnitude. No motor of greater than 50 HP will be allowed on Lake Owassa after this summer unless the members choose to amend the by-laws to increase the permitted horsepower limit. The Board of Governors has been reviewing the current horsepower limit, whether there is a need to change the limit, and the effects of any such change on the lake.