Ravenscote Junior School

Old Bisley Road Frimley Camberley Surrey GU16 9RE

email www.ravenscote.surrey.sch.uk

Telephone : (01276) 709007 Facsimile : (01276) 709333

July 2015

Dear Parents

The Hire Hut

At Ravenscote we run a Hire Hut scheme during lunchtimes with regard to playground equipment.

Pupils are issues with a “Hire Hut” card, which can be exchanged for a piece of equipment e.g. a skipping rope, football etc. When the equipment is safely returned to the Hire Hut, the card is returned to its owner.

Cards have the pupil’s name and identification number to ensure its safe return should it be mislaid. A small charge of £3:00 is made for each card the money raised will be used to purchase more equipment for use during lunch break.

We hope you will see this as a very inventive way of ensuring that valuable equipment is kept safe and not simply left lying on the field after use, and as a way of adding to our stock of equipment.

If your child would like to participate in the scheme, please complete the form and return it to your child’s class teacher in an envelope clearly marked ‘Hire Hut’ with your child’s name and class. Payment is made through our online system via wise pay. Children will be issued with a Hire Hut card which will be valid until the end of the summer term.

Should a ‘Hire Hut’ card be damaged or lost, a replacement will be issued to ensure continued membership. However should the replacement also be lost then a further charge will be incurred.

The Hire Hut scheme will commence on Monday 21st September 2015.

We look forward to your support of this pupil run initiative and to even more enjoyable lunch break activities.

School Office


The Hire Hut

¨ I have made a payment of £3.00 online. (please do not return slip before making payment)

Pupil’ Name (please print) ……………………………………………….. Class ……………………..

Parent’s Name ……………………………………………. Signature ………………………………….

Engage Enrich Excel Academies

T/A Ravenscote Junior School

Registered Office: Old Bisley Road, Frimley, Surrey, GU16 9RE

Company Registration Number 9279884 (England and Wales)