Sport4Peace – Ne-waza (Groundwork) Festival
Sunday 6th March 2011
“Bringing Communities together to promote Peace in our country”
Your son/daughter is invited to attend our Sport4peace Ne-waza (Groundwork only) Festival. It is an opportunity for your child to practice groundwork skills in a fun, positive & secure environment. In order to improve the running of our events we have introduced an Online Entry. As a parent you can register & pay for your child online or alternatively return the form below with the entry fee to your child’s coach and they will enter for you.
Venue:Ulidia Integrated College, 112 Victoria Road, Carrickfergus BT38 7JL
Entry Method/ Fee: Online Only - £3.00
Players: 5-16yrs (Red to Blue belts Only)
Format: All contests last 2 minutes, willend in a draw and all participants will receive an award.
Aim: To encourage players to attempt new techniques with the absence of fear of failure, to develop players conditioning for repeated full length contests and to allow parents & students the opportunity to act as an official in an informal setting.
See link for online entry:
Entries will close at 12midnight on Thursday the 3rd of March 2011
Due to the high demand for attendance at these events there will be a maximum entry of 100 participants. Therefore, enter early to secure your child’s place. There will be No entry on the day. Onceparticipants have registeredtheir entry and paidthe appropriate fee online, all they will have to do is present their licenceat the control tableon arrival to do the following:
- Prove that it is still valid andto
- Register their presence.
It’s the same system as to when getting a flight with your passport. For insurance purposes similar strict policies will have to be adhered to.No Licence – No Judo
Running Order
5-16yrs EventWhat / When / Where
Registration / 10.00 -10.15am / Entrance to main Hall
Warm up & Intro / 10.15 -10.30am / Main Hall
Contests begin / 10.35am / Main Hall
Presentation of Awards / 1.00pm Approx / Main Hall
Please return the following slip to inform your child’s coach of your preferred entry method & whether your son/daughter will be participating.
I have entered my son /daughter for this event online
I wish for the coach to enter my son / daughter for this event & I have attached the £3 entry fee
My son/daughter will NOT be participating in this event
Signed Parent Date:
We look forward to seeing you on the day. Yours in Sport, Chris Donnelly (Kasei Judo Club Coach)
You will need the following details to complete the online registration
- Name of participant
- Age of participant (on day of event)
- Grade (Mon/Colour of Belt)
- Time Doing Judo (Months/Years)
- Weight (kg) If parent registering child – Please weigh son/daughter in Judo bottoms
- Email address (Parents and child’s) – Re-enter parents email if child does not have one
- Credit or debit Card details
An email receipt will be forwarded to confirm payment & registration