Essential Dispositions for Educators
Advanced Programs
Stage 1:PREASSESSMENT (Candidate Self-Evaluates)
Each advanced program identifies an early core course where TowsonUniversity’s Essential Dispositions for Educators are introduced and explained. Candidates are introduced to:
- the TU Conceptual Framework’s concept of professional conscience and
- to the definition of dispositions (the values, commitments, and professional ethics that influence behaviors toward students, families, colleagues and communities and affect student learning, as well as professional growth),
- TowsonUniversity’s Essential Dispositions for Educators
- The Essential Dispositions Scoring Guide.
Instruction in the dispositions is a part of the course and documented in its syllabus as a topic. Eachprogram requires its candidates to self-evaluate their mastery of TowsonUniversity’s Essential Dispositions for Educators, using the Essential Dispositions Scoring Guide, along with a written reflection on how the identified dispositions can contribute to student learning. Candidates are informed that dispositions are a part of all professional coursework, and their progress in understanding and demonstrating the Essential Dispositions will be expected throughout their program. Candidates are informed that they will be expected to score at the target level by the completion of their programs. Individual conferences are scheduled with students whose reflections do not demonstrate a clear understanding of the identified dispositions.
Stage 2:FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT(University Faculty Assesses Candidate Mastery)
In a course identified as a mid-point course in each program, candidates are assessed by university faculty on their mastery of the Essential Dispositions for Educators, using the Essential Dispositions Scoring Guide.Candidates who fail to demonstrate understanding of the essential dispositions are required to develop a written improvement plan with the course instructor. The improvement plan is shared with the Program Director who ensures that it is shared with appropriate faculty to monitor its implementation.
Formative assessment data is aggregated and submittedelectronically by each advanced program director to the Center for Professional Practice, to be compiled as part of the Unit Assessment Plan. Data from all advanced programs is compiled by the unit and analyzed for purposes of program improvement at both the unit and program levels.
Stage 3: SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT (University Faculty Evaluates Candidate Mastery)
All candidates are required to demonstrate their mastery of dispositions during the identified capstone course in an assignment created and graded by the program director. Performance at the Target Level is included in the exit criteria for all advanced programs.
The assignment must be evaluated using the Dispositions Scoring Guide, and data is aggregated by the program director and submitted electronically to the Center for Professional Practice to be compiled as part of the Unit Assessment System. Data from all advanced programs is compiled by the unit and used for purposes of program improvement at both the unit and program levels.