Pursuant to Article 18, paragraph 2 of the Law on Official Statistics (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No 104/09) and Article 42, paragraph 1 of the Law on Government Administration (“Official Gazette of the RS” No 55/05, 71/05-corrigendum, 101/07, 65/08 and 16/11),
The Government has adopted
Article 1
This Regulation establishes the Plan of Official Statistics for 2012.
Article 2
The Plan of Official Statistics for 2012 is annexed to this Regulation and is its integral part.
Article 3
This Regulation shall enter into force eight days following its publication in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”.
05 Number: 110-9897/2011
In Belgrade, 29 December 2011
Ordinal number / Responsible producer of official statistics / Name of the survey and other activities and designation of the questionnaire / Summary of the survey and other activities / Surveying period and reference period / Methods and sources for data collection / Reporting units and response deadline / Obligation to provide data / Territorial level[1] / Deadline for preliminary results /1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 /
1) Census of population, households and dwellings, 2011
1. / Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia / Census of population, household and dwellings 2011 (P-1, P-2 and P-3) / Census provides data on the total number, territorial distribution and main characteristics of units of enumeration (individuals, households and dwellings), as well as data on derived units of enumeration (families and buildings).
The following activities are planned: data entry, processing and control, coding (educational attainment, occupation and activity), logical control, tabulation and dissemination of final census results / Ten-year / Traditional interview-based census – questionnaires P-1, P-2 and P-3 / Individuals and households / Law on the Census of Population, Households and Dwellings, 2011 (“Official Gazette of the RS ”, No 104/09 and 24/11) and Law on Official Statistics (“Official Gazette of the RS ”, No 104/09) / Locality, municipality, area, region and Republic of Serbia / Census results dissemina-tion: successive-ly throughout the year
2. / Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia / Quality control of the Census 2011 (КО, КP-1 and КP-2) / Control of the coverage of individuals, households and dwellings, whereas selected questions from census questionnaires P-1 and P-2 are to be subject to response quality control / Ten-year / Reporting method – questionnaires КО, КP-1 and КP-2 / Households and individuals from selected enumeration areas for quality control / Laws on the Census of Population, Households and Dwellings, 2011 and on Official Statistics / Area, region and Republic of Serbia / Census results dissemina-tion: successive-ly, throughout the year
2) Vital statistics
1. / Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia / Births statistics (DЕМ-1) / Place and date of birth registration; health institution; citizenship; vitality (live-born or still-born); sex; date of birth and personal identification number (hereinafter: ЈМBG) for the child born, etc. / Monthly; previous month / Reporting method – questionnaire DEM-1 / Bodies in charge of register management; 3rd in the month / Law on Official Statistics / Locality, municipality, town, city of Belgrade, area, region and Republic of Serbia / 31/12
2. / Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia / Deaths statistics (DЕМ-2) / Place and date of death registration; health institution; sex of the deceased; date and hour of heath; date of birth (age), ЈМBG, etc. / Monthly; previous month / Reporting method – questionnaire DEM-2 / Bodies in charge of register management; 3rd in the month / Law on Official Statistics / Locality, municipality, town, city of Belgrade, area, region and Republic of Serbia / 31/12
3. / Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia / Marriage statistics (DEM-3) / Date of marriage conclusion, place and date of marriage registration; data on the groom and bride: previous marital status, order of the marriage, data of birth (age), JMBG, etc. / Monthly; previous month / Reporting method – questionnaire DEM-3 / Bodies in charge of register management; 3rd in the month / Law on Official Statistics / Municipality, town, city of Belgrade, area, region and Republic of Serbia / 31/12
4. / Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia / Divorce statistics (RB-1) / Seat of the competent court; data for the husband and wife: date of birth (age), JMBG, marital status prior to the marriage being dissolved, order of the marriage, etc. / Monthly; previous month / Reporting method – questionnaire RB-1 / Competent courts;
3rd in the month / Law on Official Statistics / Municipality, area, region and the Republic of Serbia / 31.12.
5. / Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia / Мonthly survey on vital statistics (DЕМ-5) / Number of registered persons in birth registers; in death registers (dead infants, deaths due to violent death), in marriage registers, as well as number of divorces / Мonthly; previous month / Law on Official Statistics DЕМ-5 / Bodies in charge of register management; 3rd in the month / Law on Official Statistics / Locality, municipality, town, city of Belgrade, area, region and Republic of Serbia / 31/12
6. / Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia / Population migration statistics – internal migrations / Place and municipality of residence statement (arrival/departure), date of arrival/departure statement, JMBG, etc. / Мonthly; previous month / Reporting method / Ministry of the Interior; 5th in the month / Law on Official Statistics / Municipality, area, region and Republic of Serbia / 31/12
7. / Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia / Population estimates based on natural increase and migrations / Total population by sex and age / Annual / Documentation of statistical bodies / Municipality, town, city of Belgrade, Republic of Serbia / 31/12
8. / Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia / Abridged approximate mortality tables / Life expectancy and average life / Annual / Documentation of statistical bodies / Municipality, town, city of Belgrade, area, Republic of Serbia / 31/12
9. / Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia / Demographic indicators / General rates of all vital events; specific fertility and mortality rates, by age, and other specific rates / Annual / Documentation of statistical bodies / Municipality, town, city of Belgrade, area, Republic of Serbia / 31/12
10. / Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia / Demographic indicators for international organisations / Size, territorial distribution, structures and other characteristics of population, households and families / Annual / Documentation of statistical bodies / Republic of Serbia / 31/12
11. / Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia / Preparation activities for the implementation of the survey on external migrations / Defining methodological and organizational tools / Annual / Мinistry of the Interior and Refugee Agency / 31/12
2. Labour market
1) Employment and unemployment
1. / Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia / Labour Force Survey (LFS) / Demographic characteristics for persons aged 15 and over: for employees – employment situation, characteristics of the main job and characteristics of the additional job; for persons not working – previous professional experience and employment seeking; main status, situation a year ago, status in the National Employment Service, education or training and financial situation in the household / Semi-annual; previous semester; April 2012 October 2012 / Survey method – LFS questionnaire / Interviewed are persons from selected households; sample size – about 9. 000 households; sending complete material: 1/7 and
1/12 / Law on Official Statistics / Region and Republic of Serbia / 31/1 and 31/7
2. / Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia / Survey on occupied work posts / Data on legal entities, ownership forms, activity, number of employees, total number of vacant work posts, measures taken to fill in vacant work posts, seeking employment, etc. / Annual; previous year / Interviewing reporting units from the sample / Legal entities (companies, public and other enterprises, institutions, cooperatives and other organisations); 1/7 / Law on Official Statistics / Region and Republic of Serbia / 31/12
3. / Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia / Survey on private incorporated enterprises – persons performing independently an activity and on their employees (RAD-15), March and September / Number of incorporated enterprises – persons performing independently an activity-occupation, and number of their employees, by municipalities of work in which records of the Institute of Health Insurance of the Republic of Serbia / Semi-annual; previous semester; March 2012 September 2012 / Reporting method – questionnaire RAD-15; administrative source:
records of the Institute of Health Insurance of the Republic of Serbia / Institute of Health Insurance of the Republic of Serbia;
15/4 and 15/10
/ Law on Official Statistics / Municipality, area, region and Republic of Serbia / 28/1 and 29/7
4. / Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia / Survey for complementing the semi-annual survey on employees and employees’ wages and salaries (АRАD-1/P), March and September / Paid gross wages and salaries – total, taxes and contributions and paid net wages and salaries - total; number of employees to whom wages and salaries relate to - total; number of employees at the end of the reporting month; number of employed women; number of employees who received minimal wages; number of employees by the level of average gross wages and salaries; gross wages and salaries and number of employees according human resources records, educational level - total and women; employees according to human resources records, by level of paid gross wages; data on wages and salaries and hours of work for the month / Semi-annual; previous semester; March 2012 September 2012 / Reporting method – questionnaire RAD -1/P; administrative source:
human resources records and accounting records of reporting units. / Legal entities (companies, public and other enterprises, institutions, cooperatives and other organisations); 20/4 and 20/10 / Law on Official Statistics / Municipality, area, region and the Republic of Serbia / 28/1 and 29/7
5. / National Employment service / Unemployed according to administrative sources / Characteristics of persons registered in the National Employment Service, by sex, age, field of work, municipality of residence and employment duration / Мonthly; previous month / Аdministrative source:
records of the unemployed registered in the National Employment Service / National Employment Service (services and branches); 1st in the month for the previous month / Law on Employment and Insurance in Case of Unemployment (“Official Gazette of the RS, No 36/09) and Rulebook on more detailed content of data and records management as to employment (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No 15/10) / Municipality, area, region and the Republic of Serbia / 31st in the month
2) Wages and salaries and labour costs
1. / Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia / Survey on Employees and Employees Wages and Salaries (RAD-1) / Paid wages and salaries; taxes and contributions and number of employees to whom the payments refer - total; number of employees at the end of the reporting month, according to human resources records and number of employees who have received minimal wages and salaries; data on wages and salaries and hours of work for the month / Monthly; previous month / For legal entities: reporting method - questionnaire –RAD-1 based on human resources and accounting records of the reporting units; For unincorporated enterprises: data are taken from the records of the Ministry of Finance – Tax Administration / Selected legal entities (companies, public and other enterprises, institutions, cooperatives and other organisations); up to the 7th in the month; for wages and salaries of employees in unincorporated enterprises: Ministry of Finance – Tax Administration; up to the 12th in the month / Law on Official Statistics / Municipality, area, region and Republic of Serbia / 25th in the month
2. / Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia / Survey on Employees and Employees Wages and Salaries (RAD-1/P), March and September / Paid gross wages and salaries – total, taxes and contributions and paid net wages and salaries – total; number of employees to whom payments refer - total; number of employees at the end of the reporting month, according to human resources records; number of employed women; number of employees who have received minimal wages and salaries; number of employees according to average level of gross wages and salaries; gross wages and salaries and number of employees, according to human resources records, educational level – total and of which the number of women; employees according to human resources records, by level of paid wages and salaries; data on wages and salaries for the month / Semi-annual; previous semester
/ Reporting method – questionnaire RAD -1/P; administrative source:
human resources and accounting records of reporting units / Legal entities (companies, public and other enterprises, institutions, cooperatives and other organisations); 20/4 and 20/10 / Law on Official Statistics / Municipality, area, region and Republic of Serbia / 20/1 and 20/7