Reactor Training
- Combinatorial enumeration
- Generate an acylation reaction library in sequential mode using the predefined „nucleophile acylation with acid halide” generic reaction from theUSERHOME>/nucleophile_acylation_with_acid_halide.mrv file. Please use the the USERHOME>/nucleophiles.smiles and the <USERHOME>/acidhalides.smiles files as input. Save the resulting reaction library to <USERHOME>/result1.smiles file. Pay attention to the mapping of the output reactions
- Repeat the above process , but this time, enumerate a combinatoral molecule library. Save the resulting library to <USERHOME>/result2.smiles file. Do not generate hydrogen halides to the output!
- Reaction Design
- Design a Baeyer-Villiger oxidation reaction, which converts ketons to esters, and aldehides to carboxylic acids.
- Beta diketones able to enolize do not react.
- The examples below illustrate the reaction and its selectivity.
- Exclude reagents containing BH, NH, OH, SiH, PH, SH groups or aromatic N, S or sulfide, disulfide, sulfoxyde, sulfimide, thiocarbonyl, carboxyl or carboxylate groups.
The first reactant contains BH, SiH, PH or SH group / match(reactant(0), "[H][B,Si,P,S]")The first reactant contains thiocarbonyl group / match(reactant(0), "C=S")
The first reactant contains carboxyl or carboxylate group / match(reactant(0), "[H]OC=O") || match(reactant(0), "[O-]C=O")
Reactant atom having map number 2 is a CH carbon between to carbonyl groups (beta diketon) / match(ratom(2), "[H][C:1](C=O)C=O", 1)
Reactant atom having map number 2 is NOT a CH carbon between to carbonyl groups (not beta diketon) / !match(ratom(2), "[H][C:1](C=O)C=O", 1)
Number of hydrogens on product atom with map number 2 / hcount(patom(2))
Partial charge on reactant atom with map number 2 / charge(ratom(2))
The sigma component of the partial charge on reactant atom with map number 2 / charge(ratom(2), "sigma")
The sum of partial charges in the aromatric system of reactant atom 1 is below -0.2 / charge(ratom(1), "aromaticsystem") < -0.2
Electrophilic localizaion energy on reactant atom 1 / -energyE(ratom(1))
- Add the examples below to your generic reaction and save it to the <USERHOME>/result3.mrv file in Marvin format.
- Test your reaction with the added examples both in the Reaction Editor and in the Reaction Wizard. Do you get the expected products?
- Take your reaction and convert the molecules from the <USERHOME>/carbonyls.sdf file and save the products in SDfile format to the <USERHOME>/result4.sdf file.