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OCSDRS Foster parent(s) shall enter into a contractual agreement that releases the Society from all legal responsibility. The Okanagan Small Dog Rescue Society is a registered charitable organization registered under the Society Act of British Columbia.

The Okanagan Small Dog Rescue Society has a Foster Program that is designed to foster the well being of the dogs in our care. We are dedicated to providing the best possible physical, medical and emotional care to these dogs. We expect that those who enter our program will be as committed as we are.

All information in this application will be held in strict confidence and will not be passed on or made available without the applicants consent.



Province______Postal code______

Phone(home) ______Cell______


Are you 19 years of age or over? Yes______No______

Do you own or rent your home? Own______Rent______

If you rent we need your landlord's consent to keep/foster a dog in your home

Landlord's name and contact #______

Do you have children living in your home? Yes______No______

If yes ages______

Children must be 16 years of age or over to interact with our dogs.

Do you have a fenced yard? Yes_____ No______

Do you have any other animals in your home Yes_____ No______

If yes please discribe______

If you have a dog is it spayed/neutered? Yes______No______If no, explain why ______


How many hours would the dog be left alone each day?______

Are you willing to foster a dog with special needs ? ( ie medications, socialization, training, special diet, physio ect). Yes______No______.

You understand that you are responsible for keeping the dog groomed, bathed and toe nails trimmed.(or notify OSDRS on need of grooming) Yes______No______

Is there a time limit how long you can keep the dog in your home? Yes______No______

If yes how long?______

Are you interested in possible adoption? Yes______No______

Are you willing to transport the dog to the Rescue Representative so that they can take the dog to visit it's potential new home? Yes______No______

Are you willing to take the dog to Adoption Days? Yes______No______

Are you willing to take the dog to the rescue Vet if necessary? Yes______No______

Are you willing to phone or email the Rescue weekly basis to provide an update on the dogs condition and progress? Yes______No______

Are you willing to provide the new owner with a written report (pet record) describing the dogs behaviour, special needs and daily requirements ? Yes______No______

The Okanagan Small Dog Rescue Society will provide food, grooming and medical care. If the dog has any health issues a Rescue Representative must be notified and foster must arrangements made for Veterinarian care.

OSDRS requires that all the dogs needs be met, including grooming, exercise, socializing and training.

No dog shall be introduced to any one for the purposes of adoption without consent or presence of a Rescue Representative. Dogs are to be handled by people 16 years of age or older.

All dogs will be on leash when not contained in a secure area. No dog is to be taken to an off leash park.

By reading and signing this agreement, you indicate that you understand and accept the risks, requirements and nature of fostering a rescue dog from the Okanagan Small Dog Rescue Society.


Print name in full ______