Wet Mount Proficiency Test 2006B
Site: / City:Participant / Date
Use this score sheet to document your evaluation of the wet mount challenge found at the following web site: http://www.michigan.gov/mdch/0,1607,7-132-2945_5103_7168-74548--,00.html
Evaluate each set of micrographs as if they were different fields from the same sample (i.e., Micrographs 1-a,b,c are from patient 1, micrographs 2-a,b,c are from patient #2, and micrographs 3-a,b,c are from patient #3).
Identify each numbered item, placing an X in the appropriate box [ ]
Patient 1, Micrographs 1a, 1b, 1c
Item # Item #
1 2 3 1 2 3
[ ] [ ] [ ] Squamous epithelial cell(s) - a clue cell [ ] [ ] [ ] Trichomonas(s)
[ ] [ ] [ ] Squamous epithelial cell(s) - not a clue cell [ ] [ ] [ ] Yeast cell(s)
[ ] [ ] [ ] Squamous epithelial cell nucleus [ ] [ ] [ ] Pseudohyphae
[ ] [ ] [ ] Red Blood cell(s) [ ] [ ] [ ] Sperm cell(s)
[ ] [ ] [ ] Bacteria [ ] [ ] [ ] White blood cell(s)
[ ] [ ] [ ] Artifact
Patient 2, Micrographs 2a, 2b, 2c
Item # Item #
4 5 6 4 5 6
[ ] [ ] [ ] Squamous epithelial cell(s) - a clue cell [ ] [ ] [ ] Trichomonas(s)
[ ] [ ] [ ] Squamous epithelial cell(s) - not a clue cell [ ] [ ] [ ] Yeast cell(s)
[ ] [ ] [ ] Squamous epithelial cell nucleus [ ] [ ] [ ] Pseudohyphae
[ ] [ ] [ ] Red Blood cell(s) [ ] [ ] [ ] Sperm cell(s)
[ ] [ ] [ ] Bacteria [ ] [ ] [ ] White blood cells
[ ] [ ] [ ] Artifact
Patient 3, Micrographs 3a, 3b, 3c
Item # Item #
7 8 9 7 8 9
[ ] [ ] [ ] Squamous epithelial cell(s) - a clue cell [ ] [ ] [ ] Trichomonas(s)
[ ] [ ] [ ] Squamous epithelial cell(s) - not a clue cell [ ] [ ] [ ] Yeast cell(s)
[ ] [ ] [ ] Squamous epithelial cell nucleus [ ] [ ] [ ] Pseudohyphae
[ ] [ ] [ ] Red Blood cell(s) [ ] [ ] [ ] Sperm cell(s)
[ ] [ ] [ ] Bacteria [ ] [ ] [ ] White blood cell(s)
[ ] [ ] [ ] Artifact
Wet Mount Proficiency Test 2006B – page 2
Attestation Statement:
I, the undersigned, have analyzed these micrographs using the same criteria used in the analysis of regular patient specimens. I acknowledge that I have not collaborated with other staff members from my clinic or any other clinic in the analysis of these micrographs. I recognize that the use of micrographs does not accurately reflect the manner in which wet mount analysis is routinely performed.
Testing Person: ______Date: ______
Supervisor Review
I, the undersigned, acknowledge that these micrographs were evaluated by this testing person in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Regional Laboratory system. The results reported here are the findings of this individual and were not obtained in collaboration with other staff members at this clinic or any other clinic.
Site Coordinator: ______Date: ______
Educational Purposes Only – Not For Grading
Oil droplets and Jells
• Tend to have a light yellow appearance
• Appear to have a thick wall
• Often appear to have internal structure that are small spheres
• Often see variation in size
• Tend to be larger than squamous epithelial cells, but different types of pollen vary in size depending on the plant source
• Rough to spiney surface structure
• May have some degree of color ranging from shades of brown or yellow. The color is dependent on the plant source.
Hopefully these tips will help. Remember that if you have questions or problems with samples, we are always will to help.