Hatfield Home and School…Soaring Above and Beyond

Tuesday October 8th, 2013

Home and School Minutes

Welcome and Introduction

Alicia Hayes welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming. Aji George and Jihan Fakhouri approved the minutes from the previous meeting.



-Walk to school day went well that morning.

-Unity Day on 10/23 wear orange

-Book Fair and Ice cream social

-Students could “get caught” reading tickets and a chance to win a gift certificate.

-Promote Hatfield’s 25 book expectation by purchasing good books.

-Facilities Update

-In addition to Hatfield police visiting, North Penn security will be visiting the


-Rennovation plans continue…..Hatfield H & S has space.

-PA changes to report testing.

-Important Information

-Spirit Week 10/21-10/25

-No school 10/14

-Early dismissal 10/16

Reading Specialist:

-RIF Day 11/1 for first grade (Clifford) ……it is also slipper day

-Barnes and Noble principals and teachers read to the students

-Parents will receive RTII letters week of 10/21

-Common core standards will be put on the website

Treasurer’s Report

-Reviewed budget and it was approved by Diane Kortz and Dr Waters


-Wendy’s night 10/15 from 4-8. Fall fundraiser ended on 10/7 but we are still accepting them. No pigs yet. Will continue until 10/15 and delivery is 11/12. Sign up sheet went around. Please register your Giant bonus card if you haven’t already. Last year we made $1700. Also, register your target credit card. Possible future idea is Chipotle fundraiser.

Past Activities

-Volunteer/Parent dessert was tonight and went well. Thanks to all who came.

-Back to School Night. There were no students and it went well. Just need a bit more notice for next year.

-Back to school social was not as well received as we’d like. This will be the last.

-School pictures went really well and very smooth. Re-takes are 10/24.

Upcoming Events

-Book Fair 10/11 6:30-8:30. Lisa Correale is chairing. There will be ice cream sundaes and pumpkins to decorate.

-Dinner and Game Night is 11/15. Dinner is at 6 and bingo is at 7. Must RSVP and send in money in advance to attend the dinner.

_Frosty Fest is 12/13 Lisa Neal is chairing and beginning to meet with her committee. Little shopper shop will be held at night due to district rule change.

Other Business

-Event Chairperson needed for Hawk Walk!!!!!Possibly 1 person or a couple of people together. If anyone would like to do science night, Mrs Milano would be happy to assist.

Committee News

-Lisa Neal submitted over $1000 for funwear orders. Hatfield magnets will possibly be sold.

-6th Grade. Activity Night is 4/5/14 at HighPoint. Carwash is 10/12 and Kid Stuff books are being sold.

-School Store is on Tuesdays and being run by Kim Spence

-Boxtops ends 10/15 and classes are competing.

-Website is being done by Mary Nardone. Please give her event flyers and she will put on the website.

-Npage. Diane Kortz said back to school night was 10/10 at the ESC and Dr Santoro will speak. Coordinating Council on 10/16 the Director of school nutrition, Peggy Gallagher, will speak at the ESC.

-Yearbook-Jeanne Brennecke-Plese post pictures on the facebook page so Jeanne can use for yearbook or just send them into Jeanne or a yearbook committee member.

Next Meeting is November 12 at 7PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Beth D’Ambrosio

Recording Secretary