Nurturing Nature Through the Foods We Eat
Please fill in completely. All applications due to:
Action for Children, c/o Betsy Loeb,
78 Jefferson Ave., Columbus, OH 43215 or
Please return no later thanFebruary 25, 2011.
Thank you!
Reasons why I want to participate:
1. Tell us why you would like to participate in this program.
2. Rate parent involvement at your program. ____high____medium____low
3. State specifics about what changes you might think would occur for you &/or your program…including children, parents &/or yourself as a result of your participation in this program.
A committee will review each application. All applicants will be notified of acceptanceno later than3/11/11.
Applicants will be selected based upon a combination of date registration received, reasons for participating, and strong commitment of 2 persons applying (preferred).
***********************Continue Application on Back *********************
Name: ______
*OPDN - 8 digit OPIN -
*All participants must have an account on the Ohio Professional Development Network. If you do not have an account/Registry Profile, go to ( and click blue box to “Sign Up for OPDN.” Follow prompts to set up account. A unique 8 digit OPIN will be assigned to you. Enter in boxes above. OPDN help desk phone (877)547-6978
Name of Program:______
Street Address:______City:______State:____ Zip:______
Bus. Phone:______Home Phone:______Cell Phone:______
Email: ______ Fax: ______
Please check the best way you can be reached:
_____Postal mail _____Email_____Business phone_____Home phone_____Cell phone
I work with: ______K______Grades 1-3______Grades 4 & 5 ______Mixed school-age group
My program is (check all that apply): ______21st Century ______For-profit ______Non-profit
______School-based ______Childcare Center-based ______Community-based _____Faith-based
Enclose individual checks made payable to Action for Children:
(please write program name in memo – Nurturing Nature Through the Foods We Eat)
$20 deposit ______(Check will be deposited if applicant is approved for participation.)
I understand that my participation in this new Nurturing Nature Through the Foods We Eat requires that I fully participate in all program phases from March through November 2011. This requirement includes:
*attend all 10 hour-curriculum (2.5 hrs monthly: Mar 25, Apr 29, Sept 16 & Oct 21—10:00am-12:30pm)
*apply lessons from each session into my work by completing suggested homework assignments
*connect with an AfC Technical Advisor at least twice during the project year for on-site support
*recruit at least one parent & student to participate inone field trip programto a designated farm (dates TBD)
*attend two (2) field trips – 1 with educators only; other, with parents & students from above - at a designated farm (TBD)
*participate in all phases of evaluation process of Nurturing Nature Through the Foods We Eat(Begins early March)
Print Name: ______
Signature:______Date: ______
As the administrator (if applicable) of the above named person, I approve of his/her participation in the entire Nurturing Nature Through the Foods We Eat.
Signature: ______Date:______