/ DATE: June 26th, 2016
13thSunday in Ordinary Time (YEAR C)
Today’s liturgy presents two shining examples of faithful commitment: it is only by God’s grace that we too can remain faithful to our Christian calling.
FIRST READING: 1 Kings 19:16, 19-21
Response: You are my inheritance, O Lord.
Preserve me, God, I take refuge in you.
I say to the Lord: ‘You are my God.’
O Lord, it is you who are my portion and cup;
it is you yourself who are my prize.
I will bless the Lord who gives me counsel,
who even at night directs my heart.
I keep the Lord ever in my sight:
since he is at my right hand, I shall stand firm.
And so my heart rejoices, my soul is glad;
even my body shall rest in safety.
For you will not leave my soul among the dead,
nor let your beloved know decay.
You will show me the path of life,
the fullness of joy in your presence,
at your right hand happiness for ever.
Response: You are my inheritance, O Lord.
SECOND READING: Galatians 5:1, 13-18

Alleluia, alleluia!
Speak, O Lord, your servant is listening;
you have the words of everlasting life.
GOSPEL: Luke 9:51-62
Today’s gospel marks a turning… Jesus sets out on his journey to Jerusalem, but … not only to Jerusalem … (but also) so that he might return to his Father. There is one further word which needs to be noticed: ‘resolutely’. Jesus responds without hesitation to the design of God, cost him what it may.
... The rejection of the messengers of Jesus has nothing to do with the conflict between Jew and Samaritan. The Samaritan villagers reject the messengers because they are not prepared to accept this man who is resolutely setting out for the paschal mystery of his Jerusalem experience. But the Samaritans must not be forced to accept… that is not the way of Jesus. He leads the way to Jerusalem and back to the Father, but the only disciples he wants are those who follow him willingly.
In order to make this point clearly, Luke gathers a series of short episodes which deal with ‘following’, and places them immediately after the solemn beginning of Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem…
Jesus does not respond to the design of God alone. While there is no hesitation in his preparedness to go down the strange road which God is opening up before him, others are called to follow. The Gospel is never only about Jesus. It is also about all who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ. We too have set out on a journey, through all the events of our lives, back to the God who made us and who called us to be the followers of his son through our Baptism.
There is a program for the ‘follower’. The priority is always the Gospel and the kingdom of God. … There are many other ‘loves’… (which) can only be held together if we gather them in subordination to our love of God and our service of that God in spreading his kingdom, however modestly. This is our way of ‘following’ Jesus along the road to Jerusalem, and eventually joining him there in the celebration of Easter.
Francis J Moloney sdb, This is the Word of the Lord.
In what ways is your own life a journey back to the God who made you? / Due to strict privacy laws, names of the sick can only be put in the Bulletin with the permission of the immediate family. Thank you.
Names for the sick or anniversary list can be added by emailing details to or by ringing 4997 1822.
The sick and deceased members of our families and our parishespeciallyKevin Boland,recently deceased.
Sick List: Matthew Carter, John Jones, Carmel Bentley, Belinda Cale, David Houlahan, Marlene Goodall, Paul Buesel, Judi Coates, Kevin Weir, Frank Lantry, TJ Welsh, Annette Rhodes, Marion Cooper, Tony Knight, Frank Screpis, Pam Skewes, Noelene Casey, Quade Watson, Shirley Moran, Betty Dudley, Luke Spalding, Sophie Jordan, Mollie Collins, Monica and Peter Buckley, Gloria Beale, Nigel Tristram, Margaret Germon, Geoff True, Maxine Munro, Dave Jordan and Amber Wallis.
Monday: 27 June, Matthew 8:18-22
Bulahdelah - 9.30 am Mass with parishioners and school children.
Tuesday: 28 June, Matthew 8:23-27
Tea Gardens –Rosary at 4.30.Mass at 5pm
Wednesday: 29 June, Matthew 16:13-19
Tea Gardens – 9am Mass
Thursday: 30 June, Matthew 9:1-8
Tea Gardens – 9am Mass
Friday: 1 July, Matthew 9:9-13
Karuah–9am Mass
NEXT WEEKEND TIMETABLE FirstSunday of the Month
Saturday:2 July, Karuah 5.15pm Mass
Bulahdelah 7.00pm Mass
Sunday: 3 July, Tea Gardens 8.30am Mass
Reconciliation 8.00 to 8.20am
TAX RECEIPTS 2015 – 2016
It is nearly tax return time and those requiring a receipt for their envelope contributions in the financial year 2015 – 16 should contact Paul Dewar (49970984) by the 27th June so that the percentage claimable can be advised by the Diocese & receipts issued.
Church Cleaning: Emmie Griffis, Irene Dorney & Maria Mason;Readings: Terry Griffis; Prayers of the Faithful: Rosie Newton; Presentation of the Gifts: Margaret Pile & Phil Harvey; Altar Server: Brendan; Eucharist Minister: Ian & Terry.
Church Cleaning: Group 4; Welcome:Mary Leafe; Readers:John Beatty & Florence Beatty; Ministers of Communion:Daryl Martin, Barry Jones & Pauline D;AV:Lidia; Organist:Michael Harvey; Flowers: Cecily.
Church Cleaning: Marcia & Yvonne; Greeters: Julie-Gai & Trent;Reader: Lyn; Presentation of the Gifts: Marcia & Tammy; Minister of Communion: John.
Saturday 25thArrival of Fr Richard Shortall SJ, Missionary of Mercy, Tea Gardens mass and dinner.
Sunday 26th –Monday 27thMoM at Bulahdelah.
Tuesday 28th – Thursday 30thMoM Tea Gardens
Friday 1st JulyMoM at Karuah
See bulletin insert for further details
Wednesday 29 Wrap with Love at 1pm
Donations to St Vinnies Winter appeal will still be accepted this weekend and next.
Last Friday evening St Joseph’s held a Bush Dance at the Bulahdelah School of Arts.
A wonderful night was had by all with proceeds going to a little girl from Bulahdelah called Sophie Grills. Sophie was two and a half when she was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Pineoblastoma. Sophie has endured numerous surgeries in order to survive. Her ongoing treatments are not listed on the pharmaceutical benefits scheme so the family have to fund all of Sophie’s treatments themselves. It was a wonderful night with $420.00 being raised for Sophie.
The Grills family was very grateful and thanked the staff, parents and students for their wonderful support. Good Luck Sophie you are in our prayers. Joanne Trotter Principal
A warm welcome to our parish for Mission of Mercy Fr Richard Shortall SJ. He brings the opportunity for Rich Renewal of mind, body and soul to all parishioners. We hope you enjoy your stay with us, Father Richard.
There are several opportunities to have a talk with Fr Richard individually and to attend the celebration of Eucharist each day.
A detailed program is available in each church. / Readings for next week:
14h Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)
1st Reading:Isaiah 66:10-14
2nd Reading:Galatians 6:14-18
Gospel:Luke 10:1-12,17-20
Tuesday 5 Anointing Mass at the Manor10am
Monday 11 Sharing the Journey at 9.30am
Tuesday 12 Women’s Shed at Karuah 9.30am
Wednesday 13 Catholic Church Service at Peter Sinclair Gardens at 10am
Wednesday 13 Wrap with Love at 1pm
Tuesday 19 St Stephens morning Tea at 10.30am
Wednesday 20 Y4M at 9am
Wednesday 20 Men’s Discussion Group Tea Gardens 4pm
Wednesday 27 Wrap with Love at 1pm
Wednesday 27 St Vincent de Paul at 3pm
Tuesday 2 Anointing Mass at the Manor at 10am
Wednesday 3 Y4M at 9am
Wednesday 3 Men’s Discussion Group Tea Gardens 4pm
Monday 8 Sharing the Journey at 9.30am
Tuesday 9 Women’s Shed at Karuah 9.30am
Wednesday 10 Catholic Church Service at Peter Sinclair Gardens at 10am
First Prize:Ann Browning
Second Prize: Ronelle McKay.
After some stock-taking, it appears we are low
on washers and tennis balls.More of these would be appreciated if you still wish to donate.
Any families who prefer to pack individual boxes can pick one up in each Mass centre.
Thank you, Rose Smith.
CUPPA Next weekend at
Tea Gardens


SEA SUNDAY – 10th JULY, 2016

An appeal will be taken up on Sunday 10th July for Sea Sunday so that Stella Maris Catholic Mission for Seafarers can continue to care for all seafarers and their families. All funds raised are spent only for the support of seafarers throughout Australia. All work is on a voluntary basis. This year’s theme emulates the Holy Father’s focus - thePAPAL JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY.


Professor Richard Lennan, Professor of Systematic Theology, Professor Ordinarius, Boston College, MA is holding a seminar on Friday 29 July 10am to 2pm (lunch included), at The Broken Bay Institute, Caroline Chisholm Centre, 423 Pennant Hills Rd, Pennant Hills. Topics include church mission, ministry and ecumenism under the care and guidance of Pope Francis. Cost:$429.00 for course credit through BBI.


Associate Professor Massimo Faggioli, Associate Professor of Theology, University of St Thomas, St Paul MN, USA with Professor Richard Lennan is holding a seminar on Saturday 30 July, 10am to 4pm. Two 45 mins lectures, followed by a panel discussion with Q&A. They will be joined by Sr Annette Cunliffe RSC and Dr Anne Wenham in a panel discussion. Cost $44.00. For more in depth details of both events see SrLibbey.


Ignite Conference is a national Catholic youth conference held in Brisbane for adults, students, kids, ministry leaders, teachers, priests and religious.The conference is being held from 22-25 September 2016 at the Mueller Performing Arts Centre, Redcliffe, Qld. The conference aims to draw young people from across Australia and beyond to encounter Jesus and be drawn into a positive experience of the Church, equipping them to live out their faith and empowering them to impact their world. The theme for 2016 is “Revelation”. For more information and costs please speak to Sr Libbey.

JOKE: Children being asked questions about the Old & New Testaments – their answers untouched.

1.In the first book of the Bible, Guinessis, God got tired of creating the world so he took the sabbath off.

2. Adam & Eve were created from an apple tree. Noah’s wife was Joan of Ark. Noah built an ark and the

animals came on in pears.

3. Lots wife was a pillar of salt during the day, but a ball of fire during the night.

4. The Jews were a proud people and throughout history they had trouble with unsympathetic Genitiles.

5. Samson slayed the Philistines with the axe of the Apostles.