Drawing Graphics Seminar
1. General
It is first important to stress the ultimate goal, clear and concise drawings. Every visible line, number, word or symbol contained within a drawing should and does provide some type of information to the user. Contractors have the opinion that each morsel of graphic information on a drawing means something, and there is also a cost attached to it. That should be our approach when producing documents. We must constantly ask ourselves what each bit of graphic information on a drawing tells the user and does it say what it is intended.
A. At the beginning of each project establish a Project Graphic Standard in hard copy form and convene a team meeting to distribute and discuss it.
- As graphic issues come up during the course of a project keep the standard updated and the team informed.
- Specific line types should appear the same on each different scale drawing in which it appears. A good example would be column centerlines.
- The goal for each project is to make each drawing, each sheet of drawings and each project look as close as possible the same.
A.Text should:
1)always read from bottom or the right side of the sheet
2)always sit on top of the dimension or extension line
3)always be the same size regardless of the drawing scale, on each drawing and each sheet of drawings throughout the set
4)Always be the same lineweight regardless of the drawing scale
B.Extension lines should:
1)closely relate with the proper offset to the object or point being dimensioned
2)turn off the extension line where it is coincidental with lighter or different line types such as centerlines, dashed lines and wall or object lines
3)override the standard offset any time the end of the extension line is coincidental with another line or in some other way may create confusion.
4)always be the same lineweight regardless of the drawing scale
C.Dimension lines should:
1)Never occupy the same location as another line and should be sufficiently gapped from other lines
2)Always be the same lineweight regardless of the drawing scale
D.It is the HKS office standard to stack all fractions within dimension strings.
E.It is a good idea to add dimensions before notes and references or go back and coordinate these elements after the dimensions are placed.
- Notes should be clear, concise and use as few words as possible to get the job done.
- Avoid repeating or stating obvious information indicated on plans or sections.
- Text size – the note text should always be the same size and pen weight on every drawing regardless of scale.
- All notes should be left justified.
- Coordinate the material and product language contained in the specifications with all notes.
- Anytime you abbreviate use only abbreviations from the list contained in the specifications.
- Extension lines should:
1)terminate with appropriately scaled arrowheads – just like the text, arrowheads should be the same size on each drawing and sheet of drawings throughout the set.
2)begin at the first line (note origin) when extending to the left of the note
3)begin at the end of the last line (note terminus) when extending to the right of the note
4)wherever possible avoid using acute angles
- Wall section references:
1)Should appear on either the floor plans or the elevations whichever is appropriate but not both unless special circumstances exist.
2)As much as possible limit references to the primary floor plans or elevations rather than the blow-ups.
3)The extension or cut line should closely mirror the extent of the wall section drawn wherever possible.
4)The extension or cut line should be precisely located on plan where the section is actually cut.
5)Wall sections should be constructed with the exterior of the building on the left side of the drawing.
6)The arrow or pointer of the section cut reference should point in the correct direction and along with the reference, the text should be a consistent size throughout the project.
7)In the days of manual drafting, the wall sections were developed and numbered beginning at or near the main entry and proceeding around the exterior of the building clockwise. This method is only a suggestion however, it is very helpful to the user if the section cuts are in some clear order.
8)The reference number should appear on the opposite side of the cut line from the arrow or pointer and immediately adjacent to the cut line. It should be read from the bottom or the right side of the sheet.
9)Be careful with the use of similar references. If a similar reference is used the similar condition should be clearly described on the section. Using opposite hand is acceptable as long as it is truly opposite hand. Avoid the use of opposite hand-similar. Just use similar and the rules of using a similar reference still apply.
B.Detail references:
1)Section cuts for details should follow rules of wall section cuts.
2)QM prefers that the bubble portion of the reference to be a dashed linestyle and the leader or extension line be solid.
3)Area or blow-up bubbles as with wall sections should closely emulate the extent indicated on the detail drawing.
4)Care should be taken when placing bubbles to insure they don’t obscure other drawing information. This may require bubbles to be broken or gapped where they interfere with other information.
5)Area or blow-up bubble reference numbers should always be read from the bottom of the sheet.
5.Drawing Numbers and Titles
A.Establish in the Project Graphic Standard the size, pen weights, and philosophy for drawing numbers and titles. All drawing numbers, titles and drawing scale text should be the same on every drawing and sheet of drawings.
B.The new title block sheet has the recommended size for drawing numbers, scales and titles. The size is reduced from the previous standard, to allow more area for drawings.
C.Everyone has a preferred method or pattern of numbering drawings on a sheet. The one QM prefers is starting in the lower right hand corner and proceeding vertically in columns from bottom to top and from right to left. This will concentrate the drawings adjacent to the title block and away from the binding edge.
D.Once a numbering pattern has been established it should be consistent throughout the set of drawings.
E.Make every effort to keep the numbering regimen intact on each sheet of the set.
F.Drawing titles should be as specific and descriptive as possible. Any information that can be provided beyond Detail, Wall Section etc. will help the user and enhance coordination by those producing the drawings.
- Crosshatching is a very effective tool for providing the user a clear indication of the extent of a particular material. Contractors think in terms of quantities. Any thing that can be done to clearly define the extent or scope of materials is helpful.
- Establish in the Project Graphic Standard what will be crosshatched, which pattern will be used and what the pattern attributes will be.
- Each crosshatched material should be crosshatched the same on all sheets on which it appears.
- Be sure that all hatching area polygons are created on a non-display level.
- It is acceptable for the crosshatching to terminate without a cut line at the open side of a drawing or detail.
- The placement, legibility and consistency of interior partition-fire protection tape (rated walls) is a critical issue for the documents to work properly.
- QM prefers that fire protection tape appear on both the floor plans and RCP’s.
- Each project should set up a symbol with a common insertion point for the door typeindication placed on the floor plans.
- Verify that all issued documents have the proper copyright.
- Elevation or Floor targets should also be the same scale on each drawing regardless of the scale.
- Column grid bubbles should be the same size on each drawing. Column grids are the backbone of the documents and should appear on all details, wall sections, plans and elevations where they occur.
- The standard sheets are not a finished product. They must be customized for each project.