Hampshire & IOW
Primary PE and School Sport
Premium Funding Survey
October 2013
1. / Introduction / Page 22. / Sport Hampshire & IOW’s Role / Page 3
3. / Survey Method / Page 3
4. / Survey Findings / Page 4
4.1Return rate / Page 4
4.2PE & School Sport Co-ordinator / Page 4
4.3Self Assessment & Review / Page 4
4.4Private Coaches / Page 5
4.5Hampshire County Council Approved Provider Database / Page 5
4.6School Competitions / Page 6
4.7Use of Primary School PE and Sport Premium Funding / Page 7
4.8Communication / Page 9
4.9Support / Page 9
5. / Recommendations / Page 11
1. Introduction
In May 2013 thegovernment announced it would be providing additional funding to schools, £150 million per annum for academic years 2013 to 2014 and 2014 to 2015, to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. This funding - provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport - will be allocated to primary school head teachers.
Additionally in the Chancellor of the Exchequer's Autumn statement it was revealed that the Sport Premium will now be extended into the academic year 2015/2016.
This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools.
Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this.
Possible uses for the funding might include:
- hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work with primary teachers when teaching PE
- supporting and engaging the least active children through new or additional Change4Life clubs
- paying for professional development opportunities for teachers in PE and sport
- providing cover to release primary teachers for professional development in PE and sport
- running sport competitions, or increasing pupils’ participation in the School Games
- buying quality assured professional development modules or materials for PE and sport
- providing places for pupils on after school sports clubs and holiday clubs
- pooling the additional funding with that of other local schools.
From September 2013, schools will be held to account over how they spend their additional, ring-fenced funding. Ofsted will strengthen the coverage of PE and sport within the 'Inspectors’ handbook' and supporting guidance so that both schools and inspectors know how sport and PE will be assessed in future as part of the school’s overall provision.
One year on, Ofsted will carry out a survey reporting on the first year’s expenditure of additional funding and its impact.
Schools will also be required to include details of their provision of PE and sport on their website, alongside details of their broader curriculum, so that parents can compare sports provision between schools, both within and beyond the school day.
2. Sport Hampshire IOW’s Role
In collaboration with Sport England, the Youth Sport Trust and Association for Physical Education (afPE) the County Sports Partnership Network (CSP) are combining efforts to help schools and sports make the most of the new Government £150m pa Primary School Sport Premium.
As the CSP for Hampshire and Isle of Wight, Sport Hampshire& IOW (SHIOW) have been funded by Sport England to create a simple picture at a County level of how primary schools plan to deploy their share of the premium. This intelligence will enable us to target support and help to those who want and need it. The help is being made freely available but there will be no compulsion or any requirement to take up this offer.
The County Sport Partnership will make sure the primary schools in their area know what’s available. Then County Sport Partnership and the Youth Sport Trust will work together to support any schools which want and require help in maximizing the investment or accessing services to help them improve the quality and quantity of physical education and school sport.
As part of our required support from Sport England, SHIOW committed to collect intelligence from every school that is in receipt of Primary School PE and Sport Premium Funding. This information will then be used in three ways;
- To inform Sport England of how schools plan to use their funding.
- To provide insight into the support schools need to invest their funding most effectively.
- To identify the best method of communication with the schools in all geographic areas.
3. Survey Method
The schools were surveyed during September and October 2013 via the School Games Organiser (SGO) network, SHIOW provided extra capacity to the SGO’s by funding extra hours to collect this information.
Hampshire and Isle of Wight has 598 schools that this affects, data was collected from 357 of these schools, and equates to a 60% return rate across Hampshire and Isle of Wight.
A copy of the survey can be found in appendix 1.
4. Survey Findings
4.1 Return rate of survey across all areas
4.2 PE & School Sport Co-ordinator
We asked schools if they had a PE & School Sport Co-ordinator,6% of schools who completed the survey stated they did not have a Coordinator to lead PE and sport in their school.
4.3 Self Assessment & Review
OFSTED will expect schools to have carried out a Self Assessment / Review, to identify development needs and to know where they would best put this additional ring fenced resource. We asked every school if they had carried out a self assessment / review.
Number of schools that have completed a Self Assessment / Review by %
4.4 Private Coaches
Anecdotally we are aware that many schools plan to use their funding to hire external support from private coaches / companies. We asked the schools if they already employ coaches and if so in what capacity.
Of the 357 schools that completed the survey, 292 (82%) already employ coaches to deliver PE & Sport. There are 3 main ways in which these coaches are deployed; to provide cover for teachers Planning, Preparation & Assessment (PPA) time, to work alongside a teacher or to run after school clubs/activities.
4.5 Hampshire County Council Approved Provider Database
To help maintain quality and assist schools in ensuring safety management and safeguarding requirements are in place, Hampshire County Council, Outdoor Education, PE and DofE Service provides schools with an ‘Approved Provider Database’, which enables schools to find appropriately trained and qualified coaches to work in their school.
Of the 292 schools that stated they employed coaches only 159 (54%) actually referred to the database when finding and employing their coaches. When asked later in the survey what support schools would like 43 stated that they would like the support of an approved provider list or finding coaches, this would suggest more work needs to be done to promote and spread awareness of the service that Hampshire County Council already provides.
How many schools currently employ coaches and in what capacity
4.6 School Competitions
As part of the School Games programme1there is already significant work being carried out in each area to provide competition at all levels (intra, inter and countywide2). We asked schools if they were engaged in competition and if not their reasons.
1Intra Competition – Competition within a school, between its own pupils (Level 1)
Inter Competition – Competition between schools within a local area (Level 2)
County Competition – Competition between schools from across the county who have won a Level 2 event
(Level 3)
Percentage number of schools currently taking part in competition
27% of schools not currently engaged in competition are infant schools. Most stated that there was little opportunity for them to offer or enter competitions.
Other reasons given were lack of access to transport, time, available staff, and general lack of knowledge about what is happening in their area.
4.7 Use of Primary School PE and Sport Premium Funding
Below is a graph displaying how schools plan to use their funding, it is wide ranging and varies across schools and areas.
- 76% of school are looking to up skill their teachers through CPD opportunities, 45% of these schools will be using less than 25% of their funding to do so.
- 50% of schools will use some funding for resources and equipment
- 45% will utilise funding to buy in professional coaches or coaching companies to deliver PE & Sport, 17% of these school are using more than 75% of their funding to do this.
- 10% of schools plan to use some of their funding for swimming provision, ranging from 5% - 55% of their total spend; a majority of these school are using 10-20% of their funding.
- 3% of schools stated they had not yet made any plans for using this funding.
How schools plan to use their Primary School PE and Sport Premium Funding– by number of schools
2 Partnership – refers to packages that have been put together within an area for example by an old school sport partnership, which schools have bought into, varying across the county but include CPD, coach time, networking, PE specialist support. 3 Staffing – refers to funding of other staff to subject release time and sport and PE activity.
4.8 Communication
Schools were asked how they would prefer to be communicated with in relation to Primary School PE and Sport Premium Fundingin the future, see graph below;
4.9 Support
The support schools would like was varied and again differs from school to school and across areas, some schools stated that they didn’t require any help but this tended to be in areas where there is still a historically strong school sport partnership in operation e.g. Test Valley.
Key areas where schools would like assistance are;
- 15% of schools would like more support in accessing CPD, which included; whole school training, accessing tutors and support around differentiation. Additionally, 19 schools mentioned they required support around training to deliver swimming and/or gymnastics.
- 12% of schools would value assistance in finding appropriate coaches or coach providers, for example the ‘Approved Providers Database’.
- 19% of schools would value the opportunity to work alongside other schools, sharing best practice, ways others have spent or are planning to spend their funding and the impact achieved/expected. Also gaining a better understanding of what OFSTED will be looking for during inspections.
Areas where schools would like support
5. Recommendations
Using the intelligence we have gathered from the schools there are some initial key points to consider, a Task and finish group will be established in January 2014 to explore the following areas;
- Work with schools to help identify a PE coordinator
- Self Assessment Support
- Approved Provider database
- Private coaches in schools
- Schools competition in weaker areas
- Equipment advice
- Swimming and Gymnastics support
- Sharing Good Practice
- Communication
Appendix 1.
Primary School PE & Sport Premium - Schools Questionnaire
SchoolSchool Sport Partnership Area
Head teacher / Email
PE Coordinator / Email
- How many pupils do you have on your school role (as per the January 2013 enrolment census)?
- What is the number of young people currently participating in at least one after school sport session per week at your school, over an academic year?
- Has your school used a self assessment tool to ascertain where you need to put your resources to improve your provision of PE and sport?
Yes / No
- How does your school plan to use your Primary Premium for PE & Sport Funding 2013/14 –
If using in various ways please put % split – ie 50% CPD, 25% Private Coaching Company, 25% Equipment etc. Please also provide details on what outcomes you feel this will achieve.
Use of Funding / % / Intended Outcomes- Do you currently employ Coaches to deliver PE & sport in your school?
Yes / No
If yes in what capacity do you use these coaches?
PPAAfterschool Clubs
Working alongside teachers
If yes do you refer to the Hampshire County Council, Childrens services Approved Provider database?
Yes / No- What support would you need to use your funding more effectively, this year and/or next?
- Is your school currently engaged in Level 1 and 2 School Games Competitions, if no why not?
Yes / No
- What do you feel is the best method of communicating with your school in the future around the Primary Premium PE & School Sport Funding?
Hampshire County Council – Outdoor Education, PE & Sport Service Website
Sport Hampshire & IOW Website
Other independent Website set up solely for Primary Premium Funding in Hampshire & IOW
Direct mail
Hampshire County Council School Comms
Other – Please suggest